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Yep. If you are a divorced father and lose your job no longer are you just a deadbeat, you are now a tax-cheat-deadbeat. If you are one of these slaves and has heard rumors of layoffs where you work, you might want to remember this link.
Checked out the site and got nothing. Perhaps the document is dated? Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I think that the guy who thought of the web site never found momentum.
Amen, Brutha DAN! Your posts inspire me to no end, and I think a few of us here have exactly the momentum we need to get things going again. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
I am in slightly better circumstances than you, but I have had the life scared out of me by this system as it promotes the radical feminist's agenda. I am a part of, and support every cause I can find (the enemy of my enemy is my friend) that counters their evil agenda. I have never seen such pure evil. The next dollar I give I will be thinking of you (your circumstances). The next hundred (you/your circumstances)... The next thousand (you/your circumstances), etc... Minuses your oppression you sound like just any other ordinary guy. They can take away a man's dignity, his heart, and in time even his decency, but they can never take away his knowledge or hatred of evil, and anybody in this corner already knows what and who is evil.
There's something about bullies that just challenges justice to step up and put a legal hurtin on them. It's everything that's American that I've ever been taught. Are you with me brother? I'm only one guy, one vote, one voice, one letter, but there should be more than enough of us to make a difference. If not now then real soon.
Your Friend, Ray
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 16, @08:03PM EST (#2)
Mein Furher(My Leader):
You have given us the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA} and now this. We are still trying to figure out what constitutional rights of men you are going to trample now, but we've already had some experience with the VAWA.
The Violence Against Women Act is an unconstitutional hate crime against men, based on gender. The modus operandi of its sexist initiators and advocates, has been to put forth a front of righteous indignation steeped in inflammatory rhetoric, that upon investigation is found to be constructed, in large part, on half truths and out right lies. It is staggering that your sexist constituencey, with the credibility, and integrity of “chicken little” can accomplish such a holocaust of injustice against an innocent group (innocent battered men). Domestic violence law is nothing less than American Nazism.
Law makers, judges and police departments are the pimps of domestic violence law, taking the money (and thereby promoting the agenda) of special interests, and justice sold, instead of fairly given is their dirty prostitute.
Due to the many successful procecutions of the numerous false allegations that have been filed under VAWA I & II, domestic violence law is truly one of the biggest scams in America today! Huge numbers of innocent battered men have had their lives irreparably destroyed. They now have no other future but to endlessly pay and pay for the terror and injustice heaped on them by a legal system that has reduced the substance of their lives to nothing more than a common slave.
For this group of men there is no equal justice under the law. They have no representation for the taxes they pay. For these innocent battered men the battering never ends.
However, the truth of these ongoing atrocities will not be lost in the damnable deceptions of a radical feminist holy war that has become one of the greatest “hate crime” holocausts of this era.
Actung! All you men, march to the showers! Barbara is calling.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 19, @01:10AM EST (#38)
Why are you even TRYING to reason with the likes of BARBIE BOXER? It is BECAUSE what you say is TRUE, INSIGHTFUL, and ELEQUENT, that BOXER will not understand. She, and her like, know only lies and deception. TRUTH has no place in her "reality". I guess what I,m trying to say, is; It is pointless to show light to the blind. So don't waste your time. Remember..., a WASTE is a terrible thing to MIND. And there is no one where this is more true than BARBIE BOXER. THUNDERCLOUD.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 19, @08:57AM EST (#40)
Metaphorically speaking:
In time water will wear away rock, especially those that are porous and lacking in substance to begin with.
The greater the volume and force, the more quickley the erosion will take place.
This can only be described as The Male Hatred Child Support Enforcement Act. What we are witnessing is an all out war being declared against men. Men are open season for their wallets where there is a child involved. It is all done in the best interest of the child. If killing men by starvation is in the best interest of the child our legislators will rush legislation to kill men.
The unfairness of the act is obvious. They complain of a crisis in child support collections. Yet that crisis has been created by the police state and their excessive child support orders. Damn. If things get much worse for men in this country I’m leaving. It’s stupid to remain here when we have this highest criminalization rate of men in the free world. We already have a crisis in CA where they cannot build prisons for men fast enough. Now they want to pass a tax law that will further criminalize men.
Further, men who pay child support usually do not get any tax benefits. Now they want to add an extra tax burden when a man innocently becomes unemployed. It’s like they are actually dumb enough to believe that men want to become unemployed and have the ability to foresee unemployment. The level of American male hate knows no bounds. What is beyond belief is that there are so many male supporters of this act.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"What we are witnessing is an all out war being declared against men..."
All the more reason for us to GET FRIGGIN' SERIOUS about a national walk-out. Sure, it may take a year of organizing, and of working around different gropupleaders that want to drag it around thier agendas, but we can still emphasize a grass roots based movement towards that. I've already put up a website that is going to have a way for people to respond, as well as mirror sites in case feminazifreaks have it pulled in one place. But it's time, it's BEEN time, and I really can't imagine what good reason any of us would have for saying no to this. Any thoughts guys?
Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
I don’t think there is enough momentum to pull something like a walkout off. Before any politician will listen to anything we have to say we would have to recruit a whole lot more people. BTW emails to politicians are rather ineffectual (too easy to filter and ignore…if you do get a response it is always the response you want to hear) and lawsuits are expensive and almost always get bounced on frivolous grounds. I also think there are already too many men’s news web pages (I think this fragments the men’s movement). To compete with all those other sights one would have to differentiate or offer value added benefits like free email (Other tools to help parents keep in touch with their children say like private forums and picture slideshows may attract visitors too. Maybe divorce tools for building a ‘Parental Agreement’ proposal may work too.) My thinking is that if things stay sort of the same, things will move sort of the same: little incremental change here, little incremental change there, big setback, little incremental change here…big setback. Also, I believe that in the end the system will collapse on its own but more for economic reasons than anything else (However, I don’t think that millions of disenfranchised men and children is necessarily wise economic policy.) But make no mistake about it, the system is not just going to lie down and die. It’s going to put up a mean bloody fight and it has technology to its advantage.
"I also think there are already too many men’s news web pages (I think this fragments the men’s movement). To compete with all those other sights one would have to differentiate or offer value added benefits like free email..."
EXACTLY! which is a sign that something grassroots is happening already and if they ALL had something on there, a banner linking to a site that just collected the sign-ups, the word of mouth itself would gather momentum. I didn't say it would happen next week. You may be too pessimistic for this project, as a lot probably will be, and quite a few may think it's a bad idea because it would mess with thier own agenda. I respect your opinion, and you're certainly free to not be involved in it. IT will most definitely attract the most fed-up, most damaged first, and those that realize there's not much to loose. How could there be? We're at the fucking bottom of the barrell. After some momentum gathers, we'll certainly be getting watched by those that have plenty to lose, like the benifit of our achin' backs under thier slave-driver whips, and the lost money, and thier Lexus getting repoed. Hell with it. I'm doing it anyway. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
I wasn’t trying to be pessimistic or discourage anyone from being involved. Father’s rights groups have NO visibility and no one at the top has shown ability to organize the grassroots. Do you remember the overweight lady who couldn’t teach aerobic classes? Well, she was on the news for like a month. Yet the government kidnaps thousands of children each year and not a single word of this goes on the news. One overweight lady has more visibility than all father’s groups combined! We need to storm a news broadcast, or block the traffic to court house, or throw pie in Boxer’s get the media to start paying attention. Once the media starts paying attention, someone at the top will emerge and people will be signing in by the bucket loads. And yes, AT MINIMUN, we should have some kind of centralized registry and all members in this registry should try to vote in block.
There ya go, man! Now you're thinkin'. It will take some outlandish over the top kind of thing to make us visible. How does PETA do this kind of stuff? Or the Greens? Hanging a huge banner from a bridge, or parachuting from tall buildings in clownsuits (what the hell, we're viewed as clowns anyway, and taken about as seriously!) There is something out there that can work, that our dead-broke asses can afford, or get us fired from our job at McDonalds because the wimyn have all the hightech jobs that we got a degree for, or whatever. Right now, I just want to finish this little website thing, then on to another project to promote the issues. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
by Anonymous User on Friday July 19, @01:26AM EST (#39)
(we need to storm a news broadcast) Does anyone out there know about the "SEIGE AT WOUNDED KNEE"? If not, find and read something about it. Allthough it may seem like an extreme, storming a news broadcast may be the ONLY way to get this B.S. out in the open. ...The MEDIA sure as heck WON'T do it WILLINGLY!! SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE! THUNDERCLOUD
I'm out. Although I respect your opinion and your methodology I think there are other ways to get attention without the risk involved in that style of confrontation. I for one would never advocate or participate in civil disobedience, but hey that's me. I was in Veitnam when the war protests were going on in America, and I know that those protests cost American G.I's their lives. On the other hand, I have the utmost respect for Ghandi, and am not afraid of the bullies who might beat me over the head with their signs that say stop violence against women. I personally just want to distance myself from even any hint of that.
Best Wishes, Ray
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 20, @04:49AM EST (#42)
I hear you, Ray. And perhaps you're on to something with the Ghandi idea. When I thought about it, I realized that if we were to 'storm a news room', we would simply be labled as the stereotypical "violent, oppressive MEN". Just as the lakota and other Indian protesters at 'Wounded knee II' were stereotyped as "typical violent savages". Never the less, as I said, SOMETHING has to be DONE. Wether any one likes it or not we ARE for all intent and purpose at "WAR". there fore, saddly, NO opption(s) should be completely ruled out. But I think you are right, Let's try the Ghandi rout first. sincirely, THUNDERCLOUD
You are right, we are at war. One thing that has impressed me about the nature of the enemy in this battle is the level of devious cunny they employ to incite, prod, annoy, harass, and insult men. When the British fought the revolutionaries in America they were appalled at the unprofessional and unscroupulous manner that these weaker opponents fought with. As the world certainly has revealed since then it is not uncommon for the underdogs in a fight to stoop to underhanded and dishonorable methods to accomplish there ends.
We are perceived as the all powerful, evil patriarchy and therein must lie the rationalization for the acrimony that is so venomously spewed at us.
As we recently have heard on the news, "In war it is strategically unwise to confront and enemies strengths unless you can bring overwhelming force to bear (the Powell doctrine)."
Inasmuch, as violence is completely unacceptable, illegal, not an option, counterproductive, etc., etc., etc., and inasmuch as men are today under unprovoked, ruthless attack it appears that we must allow our combative enemies to present their bully's agenda then illuminate it for the prejudiced hate cirme against men that it is in all its facets. I absolutely hate war (it's such a waste of time), but I hate bullies even more. FOR BATTERED MEN THE BATTERING NEVER ENDS.
Getting the IRS into the child support enforcement racket would present the strongest case against becoming a parent ever. Imagine having to be concerned about IRS penalities and interest in addition to struggling to support a family you'll never see again.
What will it take to convince you that fatherhood is no longer protected by the Constitution of the United States? Not even fathers, but the victims of paternity fraud can now add IRS penalties and interest to their troubles.
The spectre of IRS enforcement of child support poses numerous legal, ethical and political questions, among them: will the IRS accept DNA evidence of non-paternity, or will they follow their orders gestapo-like, criminalizing any male in the country who happens to be identified as a father, even if he isn't, all "in the best interests of the children"?
If you aint got boobs don’t even think of marriage! Seriously, russian roulette is much much safer.
Funny how that 'best interest of the child' always coincides with the best interst of the mother.
Its just amazing how that works.
Dan Lynch
My Judge (A. Green from San Diego) explained what ‘best interest of the child’ means. He said, “Men go out to work to contribute to society and women take care of the children.” I’ve got it on transcript. It did not matter that I work from home and could take better care of my children. It did not matter that I asked for sheared custody while she asked for nothing less than sole custody. But my lawyer said I had a I thru away was an expensive lesson.
Amazing. For $50K men's activist groups can do more to change the law then a father can to fight in court. Men must wake up and stop throwing away money. Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I agree - maybe. In the end there really wasn’t much of a choice. I had to try. But that probably is part of the scheme of things: drain them before they even get out of the gate.
"Amazing. For $50K men's activist groups can do more to change the law then a father can to fight in court. Men must wake up and stop throwing away money."
Thank you, cause thats what its all about, bleeding us dry. Learn the law. And start fighting them with their money on the line. Bankrupt the system by not paying into it.
Dan Lynch
My Judge (A. Green from San Diego) explained what ‘best interest of the child’ means. He said, “Men go out to work to contribute to society and women take care of the children.” I’ve got it on transcript.
As everybody knows, NCFM, Los Angeles has filed a suit against Los Angeles County for bigotry against men. This quote is the exact type of information that is required to prove gender bias in the system. Please email information on how you can be contacted for a copy of the transcript. Your help will make a difference.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I sent an email to
I sent an email to
I'll get the information to the right people in the suit.
Warb Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 20, @05:04AM EST (#43)
AHMEN, Dan, AHMEN. You see, folks, It's BECAUSE of the "family" courts and the whole paternity/child support thing, that I will NEVER marry, make love to a woman, or even DATE again, EVER!!! I have a feeling ALOT of other Men are begining to feel very similarly..!
I'm still attracted to 'em, but when I find that happening I chew on my fish hook (metaphorically) till I get the true sensation in my mouth of what it's really all about.
Best Wishes, Ray
AHMEN, Dan, AHMEN. You see, folks, It's BECAUSE of the "family" courts and the whole paternity/child support thing, that I will NEVER marry, make love to a woman, or even DATE again, EVER!!! I have a feeling ALOT of other Men are begining to feel very similarly..!
I feel the same way. Lately I've had to remind myself about the warrior's code. Preoccupation with women, even in relation to men's issues, is a weakness, a sign of unwarrior-like dependence. Staying out of trouble has much to recommend it.
Chris Cox(R) and Barbra Boxer(D) have effectively delared war on men and me personally.
I've already sent Cox a damning e-mail (won't bother with Boxer, she's a manhater) enforming him that he has crossed the line.
It is clearly obvious who these people work for, Feminists and Lawyers.
These people need to know they are treading on thin ice. If you haven't sent and e-mail to these people, please do so.
I personally would prefer a very visable protest in front of there offices here in California, Sacramento and DC.
We cannot just sit back an allow these people to walk all over our rights and continue to criminalize fathers.
I'm more than willing to take a day off my $5 an hour job and drive to Sacramento myself for this issue.
Dan Curry
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 17, @10:40AM EST (#19)
All men should say no to having kids.
ALL of them.
Maybe that would send a message.
I wish I could get a vasectomy. But of course, I'm too young and no one wants to give me one.
That could also be part of some new sloganeering on our parts, from our various websites, and another idea: Those that have the equipment to make business cards on thier home computers could create cards to leave everywhere in public they go, saying Men are saying NO to having kids, AND being sperm donors for the pheminist gynocracy.
Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 17, @04:40PM EST (#28)
In Canada a census came out showing that the population is aging. The governments solution? Encourage more immigration.
If we stop having kids they'll just import them.
So what? Let them. It's one issue among a lot of issues that are the tools in the toolbox for cutting the chains off with. At least the men that say NO, will have taken one step further away from enslavement. It's kind of a war out there, ya know. Or would we rather just leave this one for our grandkids to fight?
I didn't think so. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
"In Canada a census came out showing that the population is aging. The governments solution? Encourage more immigration. "
And more women to boot, if you know about 'refugee status'. Hypocrates.
The real problem with Canada and this is, they need people to pay into the system. Because they will go bankrupt and it looks good on them, they have been paying into the fembots to give them jobs, and now its turned on them.
Expect propaganda to come out about the need or the "goodness" of getting more immagrants.
Dan Lynch
"I wish I could get a vasectomy. But of course, I'm too young and no one wants to give me one."
Birth control for men, demand it!
Dan Lynch
This was a .gov release and not a commentary so I assume the basic facts are correct. Assume a man makes $50K a year and pays $10K in child support. His taxable income is based on the full $50K since child support is not an allowable deduction. If the man's circumstances change and he can no longer pay the $10K but does pay $6K, does the man then have to add the non-existent $4K to the amount he pays tax on? Why not double or triple it to increase the incentive?
Also, are the stats correct that nearly 60% of parents pay less than the full amount of support due?
This is going to happen to us if we once again sit back and don't educate enough people. There are many ominous issues related to this bill and yes, all those comments about forced labor, debtors prison and man-hating apply. This could be the VAWA of this decade - once enacted the chances of repeal are about nil.
John S
Tax (Score:3, Interesting)
"Child support is not tax deductible in the first place so all of the man's income is already taxed. Are they proposing adding it on again for clear double taxation? I don't get it."
In order to be taxed for an unpaid debt, the debtor should be relieved of the debt (unless the debor already was not taxed for that amount and then didn't pay, which is not what happened here). The debtor here is not being relieved of the debt but is suffering the consequences of failure to pay. Double taxation.
I support demonstrations and civil disobedience where warranted, as I think it is here. But fighting this will take thoughtful refutation, and that will involve more than just the issue of double taxation. There needs to be discussion of an alternative - strongly-enforced "joint custody" (Shared Parenting - Equal Time). This is a great opportunity to raise awareness about that.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 18, @01:41PM EST (#36)
Is it getting to be time for a real revolt yet?
Is it getting to be time for a real revolt yet?
The revolt is in progress. Get on board before it leaves you behind.
Warble Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I think very much will change when all men abused by the system will know who their enemies are. And who is responsible for their suffering.
1) Battered men who get no help.
2) Falsely convicted men.
3) Men forced to pay exhorbitant child support without contact with their children.
Then there will be hundreds of thousands people actively campaigning against misandrist politicians. CONTACT THE MEDIA!
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