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Is there any way to get either a video, a photo, or some other documentation of the commercial? I haven't seen the commercial and I don't know if it airs in CA but I don't watch much TV anyway. If I had some documentation, or if I or some of us in L.A. could see it, NCFM LA could demonstrate one day outside their local office. But I'd feel uncomfortable doing it without documentation or at least one of us having seen the ad. Otherwise people will ask, "have you seen it?" and we wouldn't be able to answer yes.
Maybe that shouldn't matter.
And maybe some people could introduce the stickers to those at the local Progressive office?
I've seen it on Discovery, the History Channel, FX, and others. It's not limited to local areas. We've got a dish, so we get the national feed of whatever.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 16, @02:57PM EST (#7)
Is there any particular time of day you have seen it? I watch The History Channel and Discovery consistently (via satellite), but I haven't seen it yet.
I saw it on one of the cable channels here in L.A. last night. A bumper sticker from FVPF says: "THERES NO EXCUSE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE." It's on every police car bumper in L.A. Why doesn't a female just file a complaint with the police dept. and tell them she feels threatened. There is a term in law called fighting words (inciting violence). You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. Just words, but dangerous words that could get somebody trampled to death. I saw recently where a white man was convicted of assault for calling a black man the N word. Just a word, but hateful and injurious. In my opinion this company is doing the same. It is engaging in hate speech/hate communication (as bad as it gets) through words and images. There are a lot of unstable people in L.A. You see them almost every day, and it scares me to think what kind of violence this kind of irresponsible advertising might incite in some poor unstable wretch who could not take this kind of battering abuse! I was in the supermarket this last Sunday after church, just getting lunch, and I saw an angry woman verbally threaten another woman at the deli-counter with the words, "I'll slap the sh-- out of you." I called 911 and reported the situation from a safe distance away in the store, and gave a description, but when they said they where going to transfer me to LAPD and asked for my name, I hung up. As a man your better off taking your chances with the criminals than with those prejudice incompetents. You never know what a psycho female might say, and her word is always gold to law enforcement.
FOR BATTERED MEN THE BATTERING NEVER ENDS! The playing field for men today is about as level as was the deck of the Titanic, where those chivalrous suckers hung on for dear life, while the women and children they gave their seats to sailed safely away.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 18, @09:52AM EST (#30)
I called 911 and reported the situation from a safe distance away in the store, and gave a description, but when they said they where going to transfer me to LAPD and asked for my name, I hung up. As a man your better off taking your chances with the criminals than with those prejudice incompetents. You never know what a psycho female might say, and her word is always gold to law enforcement.
I think most 911 systems these days ask for the caller's identity. I reported a car accident a few weeks ago (a woman who had looked down to get her drink and looked back at the road only to see she was no longer on the road flipped her car over on its side after driving off the bluff). After I told them exactly wh ere the accident was, and exactly what I saw, they asked for my name, address, and telephone number.
I entered into my browser, and found that there really is such a voodoo website. It mentions that the voodoo doll can be, among other things, used to get revenge on a "cheatin' boyfriend," as well as bosses, coworkers, roomies etc. What a wonderful concept.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 20, @04:28AM EST (#52)
"THE VOODOO DOLL CAN BE USED FOR REVENGE ON A CHEATIN' BOYFRIEND". Man..., How SEXIST can you GET?!? What is PROGRESSIVE'S beef with MEN? I assume there is no indication that stupid voodoo doll can be used for revenge on a cheatin' GIRLfriend? Once more PROGGRESSIVE shows how bigoted they are by reinforceing yet ANOTHER anti-man stereotype by implying 'only MEN cheat'. Apearantly, PROGRESSIVE doesn't pay attention to statistical data. The fact is, WOMEN cheat as often, if not MORE than MEN do, and the number of Women doing so is INCREASEING steadily. In fact nearly EVERY relation ship I've ever had ended BECAUSE my girlfreind (and fiance, in one case) cheated on me!! Hmmm..., Maybe in MY case it's a good thing PROGRESSIVE doesn"t have a Voodoo doll to get back at "cheatin'" girlfriends. THUNDERCLOUD.
Progressive does, indeed, seem to be showing contempt. They probably get quite a kick out of it. Enjoying the suffering of others is the very nature of evil.
I wonder if they are showing contempt. Has the ad been shortened? It's a common tactic in the advertising world to start an ad campaign with a one-minute "story" ad that covers the entire narrative of the message they want to send. After some time with the full "story" ad, often a month or two, the ad firm will run an edited 30-second ad with only the highlights. The edited ad often makes less sense than the full "story" version, but then it's intended to remind you of the story ad. They're counting on the fact that you've seen the full version several times already and have it memorized. If the ad campaign is long enough, the firm will later resurrect the full minute ad, because they figure you've forgotten the full story and need a refresher.
If this nasty ad has been on for over a month, and the new "edited" version is half-length, then this is probably what you're seeing. If this is the case, it isn't a response to complaints at all. It may have been planned this way from the very beginning. If you see the full-length ad make a comeback a few months from now, you'll know that they're just running a normal campaignthat is, if ad an featuring a woman torturing her love can be considered "normal."
I might add that companies will change advertisements in midstream if they encounter resistance or if they think that the message is weak and could use improvement. For example, a recent Visa ad featuring a woman trying to break into her car to retrieve her keys was edited to highlight the damage she did to the car, since in the original commercial you knew she had damaged the car but the dramatic impact wasn't there.
Tim Horton's (Canada's donut meisters) changed an ad the opposite way we'd like to see it. The ad featured a couple in the donut shop with the guy winning a contest and making a bit of a fool of himself. The original ad ended with the two of them having a laugh at the silly situation. The revised ad had him winning only a donut, and strutting up to the counter like a moron while his girlfriend tried to pretent she didn't know him. The ads were the same length, so it was definitely an alternate ending. This then spawned a whole series of ads with this couple: the girl is pretty and intelligent; her boyfriend is a fool and always looks a mess. Obviously there was a changing of the guard in the ad department.
My point is that there are many reasons why ads change, and they don't always change for the better.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 16, @01:54PM EST (#3)
Are they for ending abuse for all? If not document that too!
| |
Looking in their "celebrity watch" section, there are some entries in the "Hall of Shame" for female celebrities who beat up / killed their boyfriends / husbands, but very few.
Although it's somewhat encouraging that there are any such entries at all, it still bugs me when I read these sites that bang on and on about how awful men are and then add, "Oh, yeah, women can do this too," as an afterthought.
However, at least they're one step above the "all males are evil" crowd. They have the sense to recognize that women can be violent. Let's hope that that recognition grows.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 18, @11:34PM EST (#40)
Yes, but there really sexist hypocrites. One female celebrity was in their hall of fame for about four months after being convicted of child abuse. I protested this hypocrasy to elected representatives and her name disappeared, but her name never made it into the hall of shame where it belongs, according to their (FVPF's) own guidelines. I have good doucumentation supporting these facts. I guess if you consider that the FVPF's bumper sticker appeared on all LAPD police cars (THERES NO EXCUSE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE), during this same time period, you could truthfully conclude that our police were actually, publically, supporting an organization that honored a convicted child abuser. Is the system really that hypocritical and biased? Yes, the documentation says yes.
P.S. I and all facts are available if I know who you are and you're interested.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 20, @07:05AM EST (#56)
Of course they mean, violence against boys and men is fine and should be encouraged. All one need do is look at "popular culture" i.e. TV, women's magazines, movies and so on. All you ever see is violence against men! Men beating up men, Kids beating up men, And of course the never ending women beating up men. It's nothing BUT encouraged. .....thundercloud....
Who is Mark Thunderclowd? That's a new name here, no?
Boy would like a local activist with a name like that.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 17, @02:57AM EST (#18)
The name is thunderCLOUD, not thunderCLOWD. Iam actualy a native american rights activeist. but the way MEN have been treated lately I am pulling double-duty. I guess you could say I'm a native american\men,s activeist.
Or we could just say you're someone who doesn't like people being treated like crap. Me? I call myself an Equalist.
Justice for All.
Women aren't better than men.
Men aren't better than women.
We're just different. Deal.
" <i> I guess you could say I'm a native american\men,s activeist.</i>"
There is no racial bigotry here; we are all equally worthless.
Dan Lynch
That is a cool name, Thundercloud.
I was going to save this comment for a private email exchange but I think maybe its a good time I said it anyways. Forgive me if it sounds strange and as Marc and a few others have pointed out Im not always right, which is okay.
Oddly I think that this battle of the sexis has been one of the best things to happen to racial harmony. The thing is, the groups are slowly going after all minorites in one way or another. And once they do away successfully with one minority they move onto the next. Which ever that one is. The first target is men, but they had to do it in small sections of men. Until they have enough strength to at another minority to that group. This is the expansion of the feminist agenda. In the end I feel this will unite men more and more. Regardless of race.
Forget the past , learn from its mistakes and move on. I have always felt strongly about racial issues and have always wanted harmony and freedom for all. But we can't continue to fight over land that was never ours or anyone's in the first place. We come into this world and we leave this world and even our bodies are left behind. I think I can speak for everyperson on this board that none of us are racist in anyway, there are always minor missunderstandings ,but thats life.
And once they crush all men they will move on to the next minority group, whether it be by class or by race it will happen. And that minority group will be women, until the next group is targeted and so on. Until there is no one left and we are powerless as individuals as well as communities. They are slowly taking away all of our individual rights one group at a time and it won't stop at men I can promise you that.
But this adversity is forcing us to work together to overcome this bigotry, hatred and dictatorship agenda. Respect yourself as much as you respect eachother and respect eachother as much as you possibly can and then some. That is the way we will become human again. Not a wall will stand because of us; if we tell it to cumble it will crumble, if we tell it to rise it will rise. Believe me, all the power we need and will ever need is inside us. We will use our minds and we will use our hearts. This is not a war agains women or a war against man, this is a war against an ideology, and the more people on our side that know about the wrongs of that ideology the better.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 18, @02:39PM EST (#35)
Very well said, Dan. The fact of the matter is, I added "men's activeist" to my list of aggenda, purely BECAUSE I saw MANY, MANY parralels to the way my people (American Indians) were treated and the way MEN are being treated NOW! Things like GENOCIDE were (and still are) discussed and tried on Indian people. such things are now being considered where MEN, in general are concerned. I've heared such things as SPERM-FARMS being discussed. 'sounds ALOT like the RESERVATION system, doesn't it? only WORSE. American Indians were (and still are) considered sub-human. In today's climate MEN in general are now considered sub-human. These are just a few of the parralels, I could go on for HOURS with more. It just seems to me that this country NEVER seems to learn from it's past mistakes. enen when the exact same pattern shows it,s self again and again!! THUNDERCLOUD. (my actual given Cherokee name)
A number of years back now I was on leave from my duty in Veitnam. I remember riding my Harley West towards K.C. (Missouri) on I-70. In what was a fairly short period of time a huge black cloud appeared directly to the West straght down the Interstate. An occasional flash of lightning warned me you better get out of my way, because I've got all this natural enegy pent up inside of me and I'm no powerful force to be messed with. I kept riding straight into it, because I'm one of those rugid outdoorsy guys (more then than now). In a little bit the rain was stinging my face so hard I had to slow down, and when I saw a truck stop exit, I got off to let the onslaught take it's course without my interference.
I too admire your name, and think it speaks volumes about the nature of the forces that are building inside of all men these days. Our system of government is riding disrespectfully into a storm that is primed, but still building for a righteous downpouring of powerful discontent. May the spirit that drives the Thundercloud be with us all.
Respectfully, Ray
Thundercloud: You talk good, sound sense. It seems to me too that the hatred and oppression of men in our society may help to reduce racism by drawing men together, regardless of our ancestry. It's certainly in the interests of mainstream feminism to maintain racism, in order to keep us divided against ourselves.
I'm wondering if you find that Native American/Indian (whichever you prefer) men are more or less enlightened than other groups of men in the US with respect to the oppression of men. I find most white, middle-class men to still be pretty blind, though many are coming to see the truth more and more each day.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 19, @12:45AM EST (#41)
To; Thomas. I don't personaly beleive that ones ethnic background has much to do with inlightenment. I think it is more cultureal than racial. Also many Indian men and women are raised to consider the feelings of others. We beleive that our actions inveriably have consequenses. And that WORDS have power. Therefore BOTH word and deed must be well thougt out. The reason we may seem more "insightful" when it comes to the ill-treatment of others is because we are also taught to put ourselves in the place of others. And because we as Indian people KNOW ill-treatment intamately, we are very quick to recognize it when we see it directed at others. It is sad that most American WOMEN don't see things this way. If they did they would easily see why things like MALE-BASHING are wrong.
" It's certainly in the interests of mainstream feminism to maintain racism, in order to keep us divided against ourselves. "
Very interesting comment , Thomas. It occured to me that the fembots are working hard very hard to gain racial alignment with the native girls as well as asian and blacks etc... I have yet to see anything that promotes racial integrity among men other than the work I do.
If we are divided by our petty differences it will be enough to destroy us. The Fembots come out with posters slamming men period and they can upsurge it by stating that well all men are racists, and keep that racial tension alive amongst men. Then say shit like "well men are innately racist, and women are innately blah blah blah(pile of shit)". This is wrong unethical and immoral and TACTICAL .
The fembots around here want more money to spread hate pamplets to women on reserves depicting how evil men are etc... along with the rural parts. The UN wants to do this in South Africa etc... Unfortuanately for the UN anywhere else in Africa is going to be hard because the literacy levels are so low, so its harder to indoctrinate masses who can't read.
I for one am making a strong push for racial integrity, harmony , allignment whatever. As far as culture and holding on to it is concerned, well, I can not speak for that. My feelings are "Share them with us" PLEASE! I for one do not rely on culture to define who I am or what manhood is. What defines me as a man is that I am one. And as a devout man I have always had respect for others so I do not think its confined to culture but it is certainly related to influence. And they are not raising our girls to give to damns about others Here is a Definition
Feminacentrism: The bias of looking at all the problems exclusively from women's perspective, orfor the purpose of seeing how women are affected. Feminacentrism is blind to the problems men face.
I have tangled many times with Indians around here and every time I did race was an issue. I was jumped by a few because I was talking to a black guy. So racism isnt confined to one culture or another. Even the Indians were 'racist' against eachother if they were in different tribes. I seen this first hand and I do everyday. But I am happy as I have literally hundreds of Indian friends because they know me and they know what Im about, along with every ethnic group you can think of. My work puts me in harms way many times because of confusion and to be honest because Im a white man. I truly battle both sides and sometimes I feel very alone.
In my heart I know Im not fighing a people or a group Im fighting a way of thinking. Racism is like Feminism they are based on hatred of someones rightful birth identity and it is an ideal or a way of preception. Peoples perceptions can be changed, Which those bigoted feminists are counting on when they spread their hate agenda.
Spreading hatred against whites or blacks indians or jews , chinese whatever is all wrong. Allowing one group despite how small they are isnt going to allow us to grow, its only going to allow the hatred to cultivate and eventuall become a part of that culture. When I look at you I will see a humanbeing and everything else will be secondary but still important to me.
Lets let go of the past lets let go of who enslaved who, or took whose land by ancestery because in the beginning we all came from the very same place the very same origin and every group was at one time or another had either enslaved or and was enslaved one another and believe it or not even the whites.
Im not trying to justify those things Im trying to get us past them.
I hope you stick around Thundercloud, we need to work together, and in order to do that we need to communicate.
I have studied a great deal of Indian culture so hopefully we can continue this. Lets not let the fembots divide us any further.
Dan Lynch
Feminacentrism: The bias of looking at all the problems exclusively from women's perspective, or for the purpose of seeing how women are affected. Feminacentrism is blind to the problems men face.
Very good. I would only change the definition slightly to read:
Feminacentrism: A cultural practice of examining gender related issued from a female only perspective with the assumption that a female perspective is superior to the male perspective and that a male perspective in inherently wrong.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"Feminacentrism: A cultural practice of examining gender related issued from a female only perspective with the assumption that a female perspective is superior to the male perspective and that a male perspective in inherently wrong. "
You can add it Im sure, its not mine by the way, its the guy who compiled "Women make the rules".
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 20, @03:26AM EST (#50)
Dan, This is Thundercloud... I hope you didn't think my earlier comments imply that Indian culture is some how supirior to any other. As to men being inherantly racist, To women who beleive this garbage, I can HONESTLY say; I have recived as much prejiduce from WOMEN as from men. In some cases MORE! And not just from WHITE men and women. I have recieved many-a-racial slur from Blacks as well. I have had prejiduce remarks made to me by Asians, too. AND even from other INDIANS!(I am a mixed-blood cherokee.)Any way, When it comes to bigotry, Women are prejudice tward me not ONLY because I'm indian, but a MAN as well!! ...Now that I think about it.., I'm wondering if women are MORE bigoted than men, PIRIOD! Think about it, Women are rarely (if ever) held accountable for ANYTHING. They are allowed to be openly hostile and sexist tward men in this country, (sexism IS bigotry) And when women do exibit raceism, everyone seems to look the other way. ...Yes MEN are condemned for being prejiduce whether they are or not. WOMEN are NEVER condemned for being prejiduce ESPESIALY when they ARE! Good food for thought, Dan. THANX. THUNDERCLOUD.
Thundercloud - I have learned from your posts and appreciate your being here. Thank you.
I agree wholeheartedly that women are simply not held accountable or responsible for their actions in the same way that we hold the men. It becomes factual when you look at the sentencing for similar crimes and see that men's sentences are considerably more harsh.
This commercial is so blatantly sexist and man-hating that it is hard to believe that people view it and don't react with horror. If the victim were anyone other than a man (child? woman?) it would seems "vicious" to these same people. So be it.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 20, @06:46AM EST (#54)
tom- you're welcome and wado. (thank you in cherokee)
" American Indians were (and still are) considered sub-human."
Not by me.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 20, @06:50AM EST (#55)
"not by me." thank you, Dan. thundercloud.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 16, @03:20PM EST (#8)
Contact them again. Spread the boycott. Tell everyone you know.
If someone can send me a MP3 or other video copy of the ad, I'll send it to every male in my address book.
If you get hold of a copy, please email me. I'll pay you for a copy. Thanks.
If someone can send me one, or a place I can download it from, I'll put it on a backpage of one of my commercial sites so others can download it.
Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
This mp3 thing is a good idea, we can really make a difference about exampling those advertisements.
What I think is a good idea is to send commentary on the commercials to as many men and women as we can, to start showing people what the formula of misandry is. Comercials are small, and maybe even clips of shows.
A small email file ran on a media player, with a side note on the cover email. You can discribe the "man is typical boob" scenario etc..
If you want to get detailed and really spread the word, take some time out and read 'Spreading Misandry'. I think there is an archievd radio show on men's news daily. Check it out.
Seriously if anyone knows how to do mp3 stuff should do this.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 16, @06:59PM EST (#11)
Please respond in as professional a manner as possible to these questions.
1. If a certain man is an employee of a certain company, and he feels that he is being sexually harrassed, could he file a sexual discrimination complaint under Title IX with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and would a blatantly sexist and abusive commercial advertisement from this company support a contention that he was working in a hostile work environment?
OR (given similar details)
2. If a certain man applied for a job and was not hired could it be that he didn't get the job because of sexual discrimination from an employer who promotes a work environment that is hostile against men? ...and would a complaint for this second situation still be filed with EEOC?
Please respond in as professional a manner as possible to these questions.
1. If a certain man is an employee of a certain company, and he feels that he is being sexually harrassed, could he file a sexual discrimination complaint under Title IX with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and would a blatantly sexist and abusive commercial advertisement from this company support a contention that he was working in a hostile work environment?
OR (given similar details)
2. If a certain man applied for a job and was not hired could it be that he didn't get the job because of sexual discrimination from an employer who promotes a work environment that is hostile against men? ...and would a complaint for this second situation still be filed with EEOC?
Your questions are for a civil rights attorney.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
In my opinion, yes to both, although #1 was worded a little strange so it's hard to answer. The EEOC I believe can investigate such a claim and it will toll the statute of limitations for a lawsuit to a later date. That's my understanding. Your local or state government might also have a similar agency, such as the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, where the complaint can be filed, and even be filed at the same time as the EEOC.
The above is my opinion and is NOT legal advise.
Regardless, I think you should try. Start making a fuss, and record, I repeat record everything in a journal. Also take time to study law, and that goes for everyone.
I can't tell you how many guys I've heard from that they have been screwed around because they didnt know the law. I know a guy who started in this custody fight thinking it would be over in a month or two, well 4 years later they are still fighting are out of money and options.
Funny how most oppressed groups lack the abbility to read, kind of like the boys now , can't read worth a shit.
Dan Lynch
Here's a link to a realvideo file of the commercial. It is quite compressed but you should be able to get the idea of what is going on. You can see her clicking her mouse and as she does that she basically tortures the guy who is dancing with his new significant other.
View the Progressive commercial.
If you have trouble with this file you can try using:
this one
and that should download the file directly to a temp file on your computer. The file is about 500k so it's not a little fella.
For people with faster connections you can try this one.
I finally was able to see the offensive misandristic Progressive commercial (thanks, Tom) and must say that this is a new low in advertizing. What is so disgusting is that Progressive portrays this sadistic psycopathic woman "Kate" as an intelligent customer. Frankly, I don't see the connection between being a sadist and being an intelligent consumer. If this kind of advertizing really works, then it's a sad commentary on society.
Steve (Equalitarian62)
PS I'll make sure that as many online groups as possible know about Progressive (regressive?).
Yes Steve there doesn't seem to be a connection. Until you listen to their pep talk that says: "Our customers expect a web site that delivers instant results" which is obviously refering to her voodoo doll web site giving her anger instant results in viciously and gleefully abusing this man. The message is that a woman's anger is to be given instant gratification and never questioned. Their web site is just like this! Instant results...especially for angry women. ;>) That's just plain sick. Very lame and clearly misandry.
I put up some windows media versions for anyone who can't view the realaudio files. The broadband file is here and the 56k file is here.
I saw this commercial air tonight on Adelphia Cable on FOX News Channel at 8:45 p.m., Pacific time, in the Los Angeles area. I only caught the last part where a woman was reaching out to a vodoo doll type figure whose legs where spread apart to expose an open groin area. Underneath it said, "cheating boyfriend." At the time the pliers would arrive at the genital area the scene cut away to a man and another woman setting on a couch. The man's face grimaced in pain and I thought I heard a crunch like noise. The man made some kind of distressed sound. Clearly this commercial is still promoting DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST MEN. Could an indecency complaint be filed with the FCC? I know the Concerned Women of America web site has a little information box about this kind of thing. Could a complaint be filed with the Better Business Bureau for promoting criminal behavior and discriminating against men? Are there any anti-defamation leagues that would accept a complaint?
This commerical greatly offends my sense of decency. I think this kind of irresponsible advertising leads to violence against women as well as men, and given the level of violence in our society today, is just plain sick.
If this company makes any money from this commercial they should put it in a special account called the FAMILY VIOLENCE PROMOTION FUND. They could then buy bumper stickers that say, "PLEASE EXCUSE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST MEN." They could donate them to LAPD to put on their bumpers right next to the ones that say, "THERES NO EXCUSE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE."
I got angry when I saw the Progressive ad as mom just laughed and said, "Lighten up, it's just a commercial!". She doesn't get it. I think they should do an equivalent ad with a man getting revenge on a cheating woman...but that wouldn't fly over well, would it? And, yes, I think it was cut for time, and nothing else.
Nothing on TV is really "just" entertainment; it provides commentary on the world and the people who live on it.
-Rivka Learning to Adjust.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 18, @12:25PM EST (#31)
I would wager a guess that if someone did an eqivalent commercial of a woman cheating on a man (with similar consequences depicted) it might possibly wind up in the FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION FUND/Celebrity Watch/Hall of Shame.
Check it out for what appears to me to be a biaaaassssed treatment of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Their internet address is prominently displayed in one of the early postings. Of course, there is Violence Against Women, as well as men, but if you want my opinion not (I think) in the proportions depicted there. If you think you've lost your mind after reading their stuff don't worry it just might possibly be the result of the complete suspension of common sense on their part. It must be contagious as this commerical appears to be displaying that symptom.
I think we should keep this stuff on file when we face the feminists, and call them on their 'feminicentrism'.
Everytime they pull up something we should keep showing the other side. And point out that they actually don't care about equality or they would have done something about it. Keep putting them on the spot. Of course continue our other work.
I wonder if 'spreading misandry's" next volumn is due out soon.
I believe they were going to go into comercial areas.
To tell you the truth that guy should have left. No Excuse For Abuse? geezzzz Women have nothing but excuses.
Dan Lynch
It's time for all men's activists to become public and out spoken, to stop being afraid.
I've been getting more outspoken just to see what kind of public response it would generate. To my utter shock I'm getting remarks like, "its damn well about time somebody got the balls to do something!" Really! It's only a few men that object when I explain the current environment of male hate. The few that object are just male fembots and don't know any better. At best their objections are weak.
So don't be afraid to speak up in public. However, I would not recommend being vocal at work. At work the radical feminist will not hesitate to claim there is a male activist creating a hostile environment and sue.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"At work the radical feminist will not hesitate to claim there is a male activist creating a hostile environment and sue."
This is an area that I want to expore, as in school the fembots have made it completely hostile with their biased and missinformed opinions. Same goes for work. I would like to see men find a way to start sueing for hostile work environments.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 20, @04:00AM EST (#51)
I couldn't agree more with you, Dan! In my expirience, in ANY place I've worked, Women are allowed to say ANY THING about Men, no matter how vile or derogitory! They say such things, from KILLING Men to CASTRATEING them. And make jokes about the LORENA BOBBIT fiasco and how they just wish all men were dead, and on, and on. They say these things with men present, with NO pretense WHAT SO EVER. Yet never ONCE is this sort of thing sighted as causeing a 'hostile work enviroment'. Jeezus, how HOSTILE can ya GET?!? Of course any time I filed a complaint, it was summarily IGNORED! And\or dissmissed as harmless "fun". ...Yet...and you knew this was comeing..., Let a MAN indulge in this "harmless fun" and... well you KNOW what would, and does happen! So yeah, I agree with you, Men SHOULD start fileing law suits when it comes to this and other things women traditionaly get away with. And if ANY one tries to discourage us by saying "It will be an up-hill battle" simply say, "yeah, I know, But going UP-hill just makes one STRONGER!" THUNDERCLOUD
I get the same reaction to my reactions all the time: "It's only a commercial. Lighten up."
This, to me, is one of the slimier aspects of feminism: twenty years ago, the feminist establishment was (and some of them still are) screaming bloody murder about TV ads and the representation of women in the media. When the rest of us catch on and say, "Oh, we can use that tactic too: what about media that make men look bad?" suddenly the tactic is "passé" and out of fashion. In this case, we should "lighten up"... now that most of feminists' issues have been addressed.
The same thing happened with the "victim mentality" of feminism. It went out of fashion when feminists had achieved much of what they wanted with it, and men started to discover that by feminists' definitions, they could be considered victims, too.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 18, @03:00PM EST (#36)
ladyrivka. No, I don't think a MAN abuseing a WOMAN for revenge would fly, But I also don't think it would be RIGHT either. ANYONE sadisticaly hurting another is just WRONG!! As to those who say "lighten up it's only a commercial" If the sex roles were REVERSED in that God-awful ad, you KNOW women would say it was abomnibale (and they'd be right) But NO ONE would DARE tell them "it's just a comercial, lighten up" To do so would bring the usual accusations of insisitiveity, chauvanism, pigism, oppressor, blah blah blah. witch of course illustrates the very double standerds we are addressing. THUNDERCLOUD
As to those who say "lighten up it's only a commercial"
The reason they make those kinds of remarks is that they fail to see how such a commercial is intended to create a conditioned response.
Conditioned responses can be very dangerous. By associating the damage to a mans groin with humor, a woman can be conditioned to involuntarily react to cheeting with a kick to the groin. The result is an involuntary reaction that is an attack to the groin of a man. I cannot wait for the first male that is a victim of such an attack to sue progressive.
In fact I hope it happens to me because I called them and warned them of this danger. Obviously, they think a woman involuntarily attacking a man’s groin is funny! So, please Progressive, make me rich. Keep conditioning my woman to kick me in the groin. Then I can sue for millions!
The fact is that they have a duty of care to see that such a conditioned response isn’t developed in a woman. Further, the proximate cause test, but for a woman being involuntarily conditioned to attack a man’s groin the attack never would have happened holds. They are going loose that suit and I hope its A.S.A.P.!
The question is, who will be the first to hit the financial jackpot by getting kicked in the groin from a conditioned woman having an involuntary reaction? Pick me! Pick me! Oh God pick me! I can use a few million!
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
... I thought I heard a crunch like noise...
You heard the crunch all right. I makes me cringe with sympathy pains.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @06:19PM EST (#57)
I believe there is legal precedent for commercials which contain "hate messages" toward a particular group; if this isn't a message of hate towards men, I don't know what is.
We need to initiate a lawsuit against, since scum like this only thrive on publicity which objections create.
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