It hasn't been easy to find a place to host this site, as it requires a very customized setup of the operating system and web server software, so I would have required a "dedicated" or "colocated" server to run the site. Prices for these dedicated services started at about $150/month, and it was very hard going to find a way to keep this site up and running. Fortunately, I have been resourceful and found a solution that costs much less.
I've registered the domain name www.mensactivism.org, and the DNS change is propagating its way around the internet (it's already working at my ISP's DNS servers, and should be everywhere by Friday at the latest). Give it a try: www.mensactivism.org should redirect to the corn.unh.edu address, and in the future will redirect to any address I keep the site hosted on.
I'll give more details about the move as it gets closer. In the meantime, keep checking out the site, and prepare for a big fanfare once the site is permanently located and tested...
Scott Garman
MANNW Administrator