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Rape rumour sparked attack, teen boy set on fire
posted by Matt on 03:08 AM June 15th, 2006
False Accusations bandersnatch writes "From Nine MSN, A teenager was doused with kerosene and set alight in a "vigilante" attack sparked by false rumours he was a rapist, a Melbourne court was told. Prosecutor Gavin Silbert told the County Court there was an unsubstantiated rumour circulating amongst a group of teens who congregated at Greensborough Plaza that 19-year-old James Merrett had raped a girl and cheated on his girlfriend. The girlfriend then made it known she wanted retribution, telling one man: "He's gotta be bashed. He cheated on me." -- Wow, she sounds like our superhero ex-girlfriend."

Misandry alive and well in Hollywood: "My Super ex-Girlfriend" | Mother made cash demand after alleged sex abuse of daughters  >

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Typical (Score:1)
by bull on 04:52 AM June 15th, 2006 EST (#1)
The girlfriend then made it known she wanted retribution, telling one man: "He's gotta be bashed. He cheated on me."

Not even a mention of consequences for the mastermind (girlfriend) who conspired the attack let alone providing her name?!

Re:Typical (Score:1)
by Demonspawn on 02:16 PM June 15th, 2006 EST (#3)
She masterminded it, she lead him into the attack. That, at least in America, grounds for conspiricy, if not an accomplice. Or to put it this way: The attack never would of happened if she hadn't set it up and lead him to it.

If any of our members havn't moved out of Australia yet, I'd highly suggest writing to the DA of Melbourne and demanding that she is charged in the attack as well. It's protest worthy, in my mind.
Should We Be Surprised? (Score:2)
by Luek on 08:44 AM June 15th, 2006 EST (#2)
Why should we be surprised that these 3 morons would attempt to kill a man on a simple unsubstantiated accusation of being a rapist? Society has imprisoned innocent men on the mere allegations backed up by very little or no forensic evidence of women who claimed to have been sexually assaulted.

It has to be a form of insanity for three males to fall for this false accusation of rape crap the way society often does.

I hope these 3 idiots get significant jail time. And why wasn't the unnamed "girlfriend" not charged with conspiracy to commit a crime? That is an outrage and a crime in itself!

Rad-fem matriarchy. Had enough yet?
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