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Dating Violence - Just Blame Men
posted by Matt on 02:59 PM May 8th, 2006
Domestic Violence RandomMan writes "More of the usual "men bad, women good" here. No mention of the fact that women in dating relationships are equally likely to be violent, just the usual misandry and fear-mongering."

Men, Suicide, Divorce, and Cuba | NYTimes.com: "One Thing They Aren't: Maternal"  >

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Domestic Abuse law... (Score:1)
by MR on 06:30 PM May 8th, 2006 EST (#1)
Gee, what truths can we can we say that haven't already been said before.

Domestic Abuse Law Batters Innocent Men

Domestic Abuse Law Excuses Abusive Women

Domestic Abuse Law Is Biased Against Men

Domestic Abuse Law Batters Innocent Men

Domestic Abuse Law Is Sexist & Hateful Against Men

Domestic Abuse Law Batters Innocent Men

Man-Hating Domestic Abuse Laws Harm Us All

Domestic Abuse Law Is Feminist Fraud

Domestic Abuse Law Is Deadbeat Government

Men Are the Hate Target of Domestic Abuse Law

Feminist Trained Cops & Judges Batter Men

Stop Denying Domestic Abuse Batters Men

It bears repeating,

Domestic Abuse Law Is Sexist & Hateful Against Men

It is obvious to any fool (that excludes politicians),

Feminist Lies Make Bad Laws

Lastly, how about some...

Equal Justice For Men

One of these days we have to get a lot more public about this information.

Re:Domestic Abuse law... (Score:1)
by MR on 06:34 PM May 8th, 2006 EST (#2)
Opps, here's the link that didn't work,

Domestic Abuse Law Batters Innocent Men
TODAY Is "One of These Days" (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 03:25 PM May 9th, 2006 EST (#10)
Don't just share your information with people who already agree with you. Write a letter to the paper! I have!

Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
Scripted "Duluth Model" Feminist Excrement (Score:2)
by Roy on 07:09 PM May 8th, 2006 EST (#3)
From the Scandehoovian state that really belongs in Canada, we get this screed straight out of the Duluth Model feminazi DV manual.

(Google "Duluth Model" and you'll get the entire ideological script behind this fake news article.)

Note that all the statistics quoted are deceptively gender-neutral.

Know why?

Because HS BOYS report GREATER frequency of being slapped, kicked, punched, and assaulted by their girlfriends than do the "fairer sex."

Intriguing quotes ---

"He controlled everything, even my earrings -- he didn't like hoops," she said, displaying hoop earrings hanging from her ears ...

* Note to the clueless victim of the Evil Patriarchy --- you cannot be controlled unless you play into the drama. And you likely started the drama ... re:

"Christopher Cummings, 22, said he started hitting his former girlfriend after she hit him once about six years ago."

* Translation – she likely initiated the provocative violence, probably to test if he "really loved her after he glanced at another ho’..."

"Cummings said he speaks to student groups and suggests: 'Don't be afraid to lose the person. That's why you become controlling.' "

* Now dude, take it to the next level! Shun these predatory bitches! Interrogate your addiction to pussy-power! Grow an actual pair and let that added testosterone flow into your bigger brain!

Then, explore your newfound masculine logic!

Re:Scripted "Duluth Model" Feminist Excrement (Score:2)
by AFG (afg2112@yahoo.ca) on 08:14 PM May 8th, 2006 EST (#4)
Listen, I'm no fan of the feminist inspired courts in Canada, but let's all remember that the birthplace of modern Feminism was the US, not Canada. The US gave us that disease!
Re:Scripted "Duluth Model" Feminist Excrement (Score:2)
by Roy on 09:01 PM May 8th, 2006 EST (#5)
(AFG) -- Yes, but your feminazi cult government is leading the way to showcase how to exterminate men and their families, right?

It matters not who started the whole charade of gender wars.

Canada, Australia, and New Zealand now lead the pack towards extermination of male's legal rights.

What explains this?

Re:Scripted "Duluth Model" Feminist Excrement (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on 11:50 PM May 8th, 2006 EST (#6)
"It matters not who started the whole charade of gender wars.

Canada, Australia, and New Zealand now lead the pack towards extermination of male's legal rights."

That doesn't matter either. The assault on men's and boy's rights has been extremely successful over most of the world. Which specific aspects of the assault have been more successful at which period of time in which country is pretty irrelevant. Even if we were to agree that the US has been better about defending men's and boy's rights than those countries, the US is hardly a bastion of freedom for men. So rather than use the movement as an excuse to attack governments you disagree with, why not come together as fighters for a common cause?
Re:Scripted "Duluth Model" Feminist Excrement (Score:1)
by MR on 12:11 AM May 9th, 2006 EST (#7)
Yes, men in the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, New Zeeland, Tasmania, Scotland, Ireland, India, etc., etc., etc. have been going on there merry way while gender feminism has festered and grown immense over the past 40 years. NOW we have a big, big problem and a lot guys (no one on this site) still have their head buried in a deep, dark nether region. That leaves a whole lot of work to very few guys.

Many more men will suffer, while a few men will make an effort where they can.

In states like CA, PA, MA, MI, CO, etc. more and more laws are being passed daily making it harder and harder to even speak out about all the atrocities gender feminists are committing.

Gender feminist and chivalrous men continue to undermine all men as they toady to the gender feminist agenda.

The best of us are an alliance of the walking wounded, struggling for what's left of our rights. Our numbers are growing daily. The struggle for men in this world, who've been disenfranchised by gender feminism, is a global conflict. Yes, we are currently cannon fodder in the trenches of the Gender Feminist World War (GFWW).
Re:Scripted "Duluth Model" Feminist Excrement (Score:2)
by AFG (afg2112@yahoo.ca) on 08:12 AM May 9th, 2006 EST (#8)
I wouldn't describe the Harper government as feminist. Let's hope he delivers on divorce reform and impliments his promise of making joint custody the norm.

As for the Supreme Court of Canada, yes, there are some well known feminist hacks who have sat on the bench -- some still do -- but this is also the same Court that infuriated feminists by striking down the rape shield laws as unconstitutional. Also, it ruled something along the lines that a drunk/drugged man under specific circumstances cannot be held responsible for rape, due to his mindsent. Whatever you think of the latter judgement, it sure did infuriate the women's movement.
Re:Scripted "Duluth Model" Feminist Excrement (Score:1)
by RandomMan on 11:39 AM May 9th, 2006 EST (#9)
Unfortunately, AFG, Harper is a conservative and to quote Michael Moore (whether you approve of his stuff or not, he does make a good case occasionally): "I can't believe Canadians are about to elect a man that could be running for the office of Governor of Utah". As we've seen, chivalry in the form of self-loathing and pandering, anti-male laws is alive and well on the political right, as well as the left.

it ruled something along the lines that a drunk/drugged man under specific circumstances cannot be held responsible for rape, due to his mindsent

The legislature immediately created new laws saying that being wasted wasn't a defense in rape cases, AFG, so it's back to the drawing board on this one. Only women are legally eligible to claim the protections and rights accorded children at the same time they claim the rights of adult men.

The female supremacist "women's movement" won't be happy until women are legally declared children with the rights of men (I can see the writing on the wall for the "Women Need The Same Protection As Children Because Men Exist Act"), and all contact (verbal contact included) between a man and a woman results in a lifetime of support for that woman, and a lifetime in prison for the man. They hate and fear all men, and therefore view all of us as criminals deserving harsh prison sentences for the crime of masculinity. Hence their abuse of the criminal and so-called family legal systems. That is, in fact, the only place I've ever heard a feminist acknowledge the existence of the heterosexual family unit - when it's being ripped apart to favour a woman and marginalize a man into indebted servitude.
Re:Masculine Crime = I Don't Take Women Seriously? (Score:2)
by Roy on 04:58 PM May 9th, 2006 EST (#11)
That's really the heart of the Gender Wars, right?

Women screaming to be taken seriously as adults, just like how two-year olds wail about not getting the third popsicle they want?

It's truly not that deep, right?

Men have accepted that in order to get sex, they need to screw human beings who believe they are morally superior, while demonstrating NONE of the qualities one might expect in an actual adult member of our species.

Is PUSSY really that HYPNOTIC?

If so, men need to study PUSSY much more closely than we have done during the past 6,000 years!

Because it is obviously making men forget who they are....

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