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by Davidadelong on 09:03 PM April 8th, 2006 EST (#1)
She has a tumor of the brain, she was obviously demented. Perhaps the cry here should be compassion for anyone regardless of gender. I cannot in good conscience cry for this Womans death, when in fact there is "hard" evidence of dementia. Yes, if it were a Man he would more than likely hang, are Men not worthy of understanding or compassion? Or have we as a People been programmed to lash out at Men when they happen to show any sign of Human frailty? I myself have been demonized because of ranting, nothing more; but the "system" has continued to punish me out of fear. Having had my Constitutional Rights ignored, and even removed I still cannot ask for anything less than I myself would want if I had a valid reason behind any actions regardless of the Persons gender.
by Luek on 11:25 AM April 9th, 2006 EST (#2)
She may not be going to prison but she is and will be for some time in the Texas state maximum security facility for the criminally insane.
It doesn't sound like such an easy deal to me.
Remember the movie "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest?"
Doing time in a typical women's prison with French cooking classes, macramé art, "getting in touch with one's inner feelings" group sessions and field trips to the beach would be better.
by Davidadelong on 08:32 PM April 9th, 2006 EST (#3)
The current paradigm in almost all Cuckoo's Nests is a cocktail of halodal and thorizine, as well as a fairly new drug called respiridal. I am sure that the Woman will pass her days in a drug induced stupor so that she will no doubt drool on her self and need help eating. The muscle spasms that these drugs induce over time are irreversable, so she will also have to end up taking another drug to control her spasms. Ken Keeseys book was exellent, and also was very good at describing the condition of the psychiatric community in Oregon. The nest was supposed to be the state hospital in Salem, OR. Never been there my self thank goodness!
by Thundercloud on 03:02 PM April 10th, 2006 EST (#4)
A woman found 'NOT GUILTY' of murdering a child, in America? How can THAT be? (sarcasm, of course)
Had she murdered a BOY she'd probably not even end up at a mental ward. She'd probably just get probation or community service or something...,
"Hoka hey!"
by TachyonMale on 03:50 PM April 12th, 2006 EST (#5)
Then, while doing her community service, she'd blame the boy for provoking her.
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