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by Luek on 04:39 AM April 7th, 2006 EST (#1)
Yet another vengeful female crying rape is not the real point here.
The real story is that there are no laws against false rape accusations. She may get charged with falsely reporting a crime and get at most unsupervised probation for 3 months or so but no real crimnal record.
Too many men have been ruined by some bimbo crying rape for a varity of selfish reasons.
It is past time to make false rape accusations a crime within itself.
by Tumescent on 07:35 AM April 7th, 2006 EST (#2)
She was charged with "third-degree falsely reporting an incident". I had no idea there were degrees to making a false report. I wonder what the first two degrees are. I agree with you though...false rape allegations should have its own category of "false reporting of an incident". The consequences to the alleged rape perpetrator being falsely accused are too great to merely let the liar go without even so much as a slap on the wrist.
by A.J. on 01:22 PM April 8th, 2006 EST (#6)
There is no indication in the story that she accused anyone in particular. I don’t know what make a phony accusation a “third-degree falsely reporting an incident” versus another charge but this one is much less threatening than when an individual is actually accused of the crime.
A phony accusation that involves an alleged perp being named deserves the same penalty that the accused perp would have gotten had he been convicted. But unfortunately that creates a disincentive to come clean. The accuser would be more likely to stick to her story if she could do time for admitting it’s phony.
by Davidadelong on 09:44 AM April 7th, 2006 EST (#3)
First there is the attention that a false accuser gets from the many organizations that exist to help victimized Women. Second, and this is only a possibility, she lost her hymen and felt guilty; third if a Woman cries rape and it is false if she is successful she stands to reap a monetary reward. Or, maybe she was just bored and a drama queen that wanted some attention. But, the bottom line is that our system encourages this kind of thing.........
by oregon dad on 11:47 AM April 7th, 2006 EST (#4)
from their website: 6,962 undergraduate and 1,780 graduate students, with 10 percent of members of underrepresented minority groups. (~8000 students)
>Three sexual offenses were reported at SUNY Brockport in 2004, the last year for which federal crime statistics are available.
Lets say offenses are under-reported by 10X
30/8000 = 0.3% incidence.
This is far far less than what N.O.W. and other organizations indicate the female rape victim incidence is on campuses in the US.
Maybe this chick was trying to pad the statistics??!!
by A.J. on 01:44 PM April 8th, 2006 EST (#7)
Under our legal system (supposedly) the accused is innocent until proven guilty. I.e. he is presumed to be the victim of an unfounded accusation.
But we drag the accused through the mud and preserve the privacy of the accuser because we don’t want to re-victimize the victim. If we know she’s the victim why have a trial? And if it turns out that she's the victimizer, we've added to the victimization of the real victim.
It makes sense only if you know the outcome before the trial takes place. Feminist sensitivity and principles of fairness at their best.
by Thundercloud on 11:20 AM April 11th, 2006 EST (#8)
As you all may have heard by now the DNA test has come back in the case of the Duke Lacrosse team rape allegation. At this point it seems that NONE of the lacrosse player's DNA came back from on the "victim" or IN the "victim".
Which, of course, means that the girl who brought the allegation of rape on the Lacrosse team most likely WASN'T raped or beaten by the boys.
I know it is still too early to say for certain, but it sure looks like it.
So I wonder, if it turns out this girl was crying "Wolf", as seems to be happening more and more, these days, if the guys can claim she targeted them because of THEIR "race and gender". Then sue the heck out of her.
If it is, indeed, the case that she lied, a lot of people (including the media) may have to eat some crow. Many were saying things like "They're a bunch of privileged white males" and other such junk. And they said it DRIPPING with hate and resentment. Hmmm, AGAIN targeted for their "race and gender". ...Interesting...,
"Hoka hey!"
by Ragtime on 06:13 PM April 11th, 2006 EST (#9)
A good friend of mine is a police officer (detective). We were talking about false accusations over dinner the other night, and I mentioned to him that I'd read where a British police officer had said, off the record, that he felt as many as 75% of rape accusations were false.
He laughed and said, "That number is low. It's more like 85-90 percent."
Apparently (and we knew this), women most often do it to avoid the consequences of something they've done. Had an affair, stayed out too late, got pregnant...
What's so mind-boggling is the sheer callousness they show towards the men they falsely accuse. They are utterly remorsless, and simply DO NOT CARE that they are destroying a man's entire life to avoid an inconvenience in theirs.
The Uppity Wallet
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but you're welcome to adopt them.
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