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UK: Ensure consent for sex, men told
posted by Matt on 01:51 PM March 7th, 2006
Inequality robrob writes "This is the latest attempt in the UK to "increase" conviction rates for rape. In short, if a woman is drunk and has sex with you, the onus will be on you to prove she consented. This is another example of the "Adult-Baby" defence. A woman can be adult enough to drink alcohol, own a house, and invite men back. However, if she wants sex and even consents to it, but can't remember doing so the next day, she can claim rape and the responsibility will be on the male to prove she ever gave consent. It's amazing how Rape Laws are continuously tweaked compared to any other legislation, isn't it?"

Yanni Arrested in Alleged Domestic Dispute | Desperate Feminist Wives: Liberation = Miserable?  >

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That law has been on the books in Canada since '92 (Score:1)
by RandomMan on 03:25 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#1)
That very same law has been on the books in Canada since 1992. I highly recommend a pocket tape/voice recorder if you're going to have sex these days. Around here, it's rape if the Adult-Baby changes her mind the next week.
Re:That law has been on the books in Canada since (Score:1)
by TomP on 05:48 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#2)
Voice record may not be of much use in a court of law in many states in the US - check to see if your state is an all-party consent state, first. If it is, all parties must consent, ON THE TAPE, to being recorded. I work as a PI in Washington state, and that's the rule for recorded evidence here.
Re: Will a Signed "Pre-Screw" Consent Form Hold Up (Score:2)
by Roy on 07:02 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#3)
The law in most states provides a woman with up to thirty days after any sexual encounter to decide (retro-actively) whether the act was consensual. (Including marital rape laws...)

This is a perfect example of how radical feminism has now gone well beyond criminalizing masculinity to also criminalize femininity, to outlaw the ancient dance of seduction, to ban subtlety and ambiguity, to legislate every glance, utterance, and gesture.

It’s all terrible, dehumanizing, infantalizing crap.

Consider this heretical female scholar’s view –

"And unfortunately what's happening today, with this kind of very sanctimonious and sermonizing talk about sex that's coming out of the rape counselors and so on, people do not realize, with all their good intentions, how oppressive this is to sex, what a disaster this is to the mind, what a disaster this is to the spirit, to allow the rape counselors to take over the cultural stage. Now the work that they do is good, and it's wonderful that they're there.

But we cannot have this scenario being projected of male rapaciousness and brutality and female victimage. We have got to make women realize they are responsible, that sexuality is something that belongs to them. They have an enormous power in their sexuality. It's up to them to use it correctly and to be wise about where they go and what they do. And I'm accused of being "anti-woman" because of this attitude? Because I'm bringing common sense back to the rape discourse? ...

... this sort of thing is disastrous. We cannot have this, these white middle-class girls coming out of pampered homes, expecting to do whatever they want. They don't understand what's going on, that there's a sexual content to their behavior, that maybe there's a subliminal sexuality, a provocativeness in their behavior. "Don't say 'provocative'! Because then you're blaming the victim!" Well, women will never be taken seriously until they accept full responsibility for their sexuality. ...

The idea that feminism is the first group that ever denounced rape is a gross libel to men. Throughout history, rape has been condemned by honorable men. Honorable men do not murder; honorable men do not steal; honorable men do not rape. It goes all the way back through history. ...

You do not have this endless series of atrocities through history. Men have also protected women. Men have given women sustenance. Men have provided for women. Men have died to defend the country for women. We must look back and acknowledge what men have done for women."

(Camille Paglia, 1991)


Re: Will a Signed "Pre-Screw" Consent Form Hold Up (Score:1)
by Radioactive on 07:16 AM March 8th, 2006 EST (#10)

A few years ago it was common for University campuses to have their students sign consent agreements if they were going to have sexual intercourse. At the time I thought this was a sad sign of the times and was a bit bitter about it. But after a while I could see how this could protect a man, and it would be in his best interests to have a document like this.

One rich guy that owned the football team in Seattle had his female secretary sign a document releasing the owner of any damages if sexual remarks are made in her presence, True.

I volunteered for the "crisis line" in town here. When they were teaching the volunteers about rape they gave the following scenario. A young college female states to her boyfriend that she does not want to have sex. A week later in the throws of passion between the two they "do it." The next day the girl regrets having sex and talks to her counselor. the crisis line people gave this as an example of rape because the girl said "no" last week.

I quit volunteering for the agency right after that. Now our community "crisis line" is devoted solely to rape, whereas before it helped everyone in need.

Pre coitus contract (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 07:22 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#4)
At one point I had considered drawing up a contract for any Woman to sign before I had sex with them. One that it was conscensual, two that they would abort any pregnancy unless I agreed to have it as well. Instead I quit dating, less hassle. I still find myself drooling at the occassional Female, but what the heck. Any lawyers out there want to draw up a contract and put it on here for those Guys still chasing? It would, and could start something.....
And the Guys ? (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 09:35 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#5)
(User #1714 Info)
And will men be able to state they were too drunk to halt sexual advances they had not foreseen or sought ?
Re:And the Guys ? Here's a Model Pre-F@#k Form (Score:2)
by Roy on 10:11 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#6)
A couple minutes of Googling produced dozens of sites selling/promoting pre-coitus contracts.

One example ----

"Consent to Sex Agreement"

This agreement is a statement of the intent of the parties at the time of signing. You should of course take the advice of your solicitor
before signing any agreement, which might have legal effect.

Date: ___________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
This sexual consent agreement is to set out and limit the activities that we wish to indulge in with each other. By signing this agreement we both warrant that we have attained the age of consent and are making this agreement of our own free will, unencumbered by any external influence such as drugs,alcohol or other people.

We agree that this is a private agreement and shall not be disclosed to anyone else in any form whatsoever, unless required for legal
purposes or unless one of us has the written agreement of the other.


With each other we would like to:

1. Kiss on the lips __
2. Kiss with tongues __
3. Fondle and caress the upper body (including breasts) __
4. Fondle and caress lower body (not including private parts) __
5. Heavy petting of the private parts __
6. Oral sex for him __
7. Oral sex for her __
8. 69 __
9. Sexual intercourse (not anal!) __
10. Other (please specify*) :
* e.g. use of sex toys and role-playing.

We agree that this is a private agreement and shall not be disclosed to anyone else in any form whatsoever, unless required for legal
purposes or unless one of us has the written agreement of theother.

We promote safe sex. You should always wear protection to guard against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.

If one of us wishes to stop for any reason, then by saying the word(insert your own word here) _______________ then we both agree to stop immediately.

Signed: __________________Date: _______________
Signed: __________________Date: _______________

This form is available as a download from http://www.dadcheck.info

(Note: it is ill-advised to allow the female signator to use the words "Oh, god!," "Yes, yes, yes!," "More!," "Harder!," or "Stop, don't stop" as her immediate bail-out phrases.)

Re:And the Guys ? Here's a Model Pre-F@#k Form (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 10:47 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#7)
This doesn't seem to provide for the univited phone call that tells the Guy that she is pregnant. Henceforth the caveate that any sperm that does unfortunately invade an egg are to be aborted. If Men do not have this in their contract they will still be used as slaves by Women. In so far as slavery by the system, well one step at a time..But, one must remember that Women are also being duped, they just are sitting in the driver seat of the slave trade...Just a thought, for those that can think...
Wouldn't Do Any Good (Score:2)
by Dittohd on 11:40 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#8)

What good would this do?

All the woman has to do is say that she changed her mind after signing and was then raped.

The guy wouldn't have a leg to stand on... without a video tape of the encounter. Video - the great equalizer!


Re:Wouldn't Do Any Good... Video is the Answer (Score:2)
by Roy on 12:24 AM March 8th, 2006 EST (#9)
Dittohd makes a good point.

There have been a couple public cases recently where the only thing that saved the guy's (or in the gang-bang scenario ... guys') necks was the videotape.

Now what happens if the woman later states she was coerced into pretending that she consented to the taping, because she was afraid for her life if she declined?

It's still not clear whether any sexual advance by a man if videotaped could not be interpreted by a good clever feminist lawyer as a sexual assault.

It's eventually going to come down to biological "innies and outties..."

That is, why do we define the male's obligatory "penetration" as aggression, while the female's equally assertive "engulfment" is her victimization?

Why is being breeched more violent than being surrounded?

As these military tactical analogies suggest, gender wars are where we live today.

Re:Wouldn't Do Any Good (Score:1)
by Uberganger on 08:35 AM March 8th, 2006 EST (#11)
Just as 'sexual harrassment' is whatever any woman wants it to be, and 'domestic violence' is becoming whatever any woman wants it to be, so 'rape' will come to depend solely on any woman's internal emotional state; entirely divorced from any external physical consideration, such as saying "Yes" or f!cking like a dog. It won't matter if you have videotape of her consenting because she'll be able to say that inside her pretty little head she was saying "No", or that she had 'doubts'. You won't be able to offer any defense, and if you tried to it could be interpreted as 'blaming the victim'. Believe me, there is nowhere for rape laws to go other that into ever more pathological territory. Eventually any man accused of rape will be expected to accept his guilt at once because a woman can't be wrong about such things.
Re:Wouldn't Do Any Good (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 05:55 PM March 8th, 2006 EST (#13)
Unfortunately I would have to agree with you. One would have to video tape the act it self as well as the Female giving consent prior to the act. Fortunately for me the Women that I have had sex with never claimed they were raped, as they weren't. But not all of them were honest either as to the intent of their designs on my life. Since I haven't had sex other than rosey palm for the past five years I really don't worry about false accusations, but I have submitted my DNA a couple of times for paternity testing, henceforth the chance of actually being framed, of which I have actually been threatened with.
Re:Wouldn't Do Any Good (Score:1)
by kavius on 06:52 PM March 9th, 2006 EST (#14)
I'm sorry, but I have to clear this up...

You have not had sex with these individuals in at least 5 years, but have been named as the father of their child? (taking into account a 9 month buffer)

I can see trying to name you as the father (even knowing you weren't) if you had engaged in sex (thereby leaving a doubt in your mind), but just out of the blue?


My ass consent (Score:1)
by Bert on 05:38 PM March 8th, 2006 EST (#12)
The best way to avoid troubles with western women is not fucking them and to leave them on their own. The majority of them is a bunch of lesbians anyway, so why putting your freedom at risk for those stupid dykes.

-------------------- From now on, men's rights first.
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