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by MR on 04:08 AM January 20th, 2006 EST (#1)
The fact the sex of the cheaters is not divulged makes me wonder about the integrity of this report and perhaps the integrity of this study. The sex of the cheater could very well be a determining factor in the reaction of the responders.
by Daoistfire on 09:16 AM January 20th, 2006 EST (#2)
Male tend to joke about bad tragics, is that the reason people think they like to see people suffer??
Actually Male act in this way because they don't want to show that they are weak and pussie. Doesn't mean they are happy about it in their mind.
Compare to the female, can you see how they enjoy seeing male suffer? Accusing them into the court for no reason? Can you see how fake their "sad" emotion is.
by Davidadelong on 09:58 AM January 20th, 2006 EST (#3)
I wonder who financed this study, or should I say which major drug company? They have much to gain from a study that refutes most major studies in this area. The current paradigm is against Men, the current paradigm says drugs are the answer, and doping Men is the "way". I would also like to know how the study was carried out as to its' validity. Smells kind of like a barn yard to me! Just my opinion Folks.........
It would be useful if some men's group, or Blog site, ensured it obtained full details of the methodology of any and every survey conducted that affects men's demonisation.
by Thundercloud on 12:26 PM January 20th, 2006 EST (#4)
Okay. Everyone be honest. (Siriously)
Who here likes to see others suffer?
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 09:16 PM January 20th, 2006 EST (#6)
That would depend on who, and how they were to suffer! There are some people that I wouldn't cross the street to piss on them if they were on fire, but then again I wouldn't mind pissing on their grave..........Yes, I hold a grudge, but it takes a lot to get me there! (Seriously)! "It is a good day to die!"
by Thundercloud on 11:14 AM January 21st, 2006 EST (#7)
Oops! Yeah, I did misspell that, didn't I?
"Siriously"(????) What was I smoking...?
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 01:05 PM January 21st, 2006 EST (#8)
Must of been good, whatever it was! But seriously! I don't have my spell check hooked up for this site, and I "KNOW" I give the old English a tarnishing from time to time! But, what the hey, hey? Have a good weekend Thundercloud!
by Thundercloud on 02:51 PM January 21st, 2006 EST (#9)
Thanks, david. You, too.
"Hoka hey!"
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