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New MANN Server and New Wiki Address
posted by Scott on 09:10 PM December 14th, 2005
Announcements Some major changes will be underway at Mensactivism.org in coming months. I've finally decided to buy a dedicated server and have it hosted at a professional internet co-location site. You can see pictures of the old and new server as well as some more background info here. I have just completed migrating the Mensactivism.org Wiki to the new server. As a result, the URL (web address) of the site has changed. It no longer has "3333" in the address and can now be found at http://wiki.mensactivism.org. Enjoy!

High School Female on Male "Domestic" Violence High | More Men Cleared of False Rape Convictions  >

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Server Photos (Score:1)
by Fidelbogen on 09:43 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#1)
Thanks for posting the pics -- it's interesting to have a glimpse into the "belly of the beast", as it were! ;-) I was feeling mighty proud of myself for getting my Mac and my PC networked together, but hey... i reckon there are always loftier heights to ascend....

Looking forward to the new year and the new MANN.


"Feminism has a rap sheet."

Re:Server Photos (Score:1)
by SacredNaCl (tbessR3m0Ve2SendNEIN[SPAM]@R3m0ve.2.sendAt.mail.ru) on 12:22 AM December 15th, 2005 EST (#2)
256MB PII would explain why the site was sometimes very very sluggish with things. That still tells me that I can reuse the 500mhz Celeron for something though. It is roughly similarly equipped. I had (up until a week ago) a dual PII server for internal use, ran my proxy, an IRC bot, web filtering and cache, served up media files, and an internal website which was largely just a very big version of a blackboard with grep.

I just ordered a spiff new Celeron-D system, building from parts. So the Celeron 500 will take over the duties of the dual PII that departed the world. Old hardware still has a lot of uses, though the slower systems strain a lot when you stop serving up static content. Biggest bottle neck is memory in the old hardware, I really do believe if you could find a way to stuff enough in them that they could handle even non-static tasks with a fair amount of ease, but just not worth fixing them anymore when you can buy new hardware for the cost of upgrading the old.

What kind of stuff are you planning to add?

Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
Re:Server Photos (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on 10:22 AM December 15th, 2005 EST (#5)
> 256MB PII would explain why the site was sometimes very very sluggish with things.

I think it's probably more an issue of limited bandwidth than processing power or memory. I run a number of other services on my home systems than MANN, and that tends to eat up a significant chunk of bandwdith at times. Given that the MANN web server only runs this one web site, it hasn't had to strain much.

> What kind of stuff are you planning to add?

I'd like to keep it a surprise at this point, and also to manage expectations - but anyone who attended my breakout session at the July Men's Rights Congress got an idea of what I've been thinking about. It will definitely have something to do with promoting men's issues bloggers.

Re:Server Photos (Score:1)
by MR on 01:33 AM December 15th, 2005 EST (#3)
Fascinating stuff to see. Thanks Scott for all your work. I look forward to the new features of the new Mensactivism as I'm sure you do. It's encouraging to see the Men's movement not only surviving, but gaining momentum.

MR - as in Men's Rights
Re:Server Photos (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 11:37 AM December 15th, 2005 EST (#6)
I have no idea what is going on...

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Server Photos (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 09:18 AM December 16th, 2005 EST (#7)
They are updating the hardware, and software of MANN, in an attempt to keep up with the interest in this website. It is a noble thing they do, and I believe they are attempting to improve our experiences on MANN! "Hoka hey!" Thundercloud
Re:Server Photos (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 11:31 AM December 16th, 2005 EST (#8)
Does this mean we're gonna have to get new passwords, and stuff?

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Server Photos (Score:1)
by Fidelbogen on 11:10 PM December 16th, 2005 EST (#9)
"Oh. Does this mean we're gonna have to get new passwords, and stuff? "

I would doubt that. I'm pretty sure the current database will be ported, intact, into the new system.

(Hee-hee! I just loooooove to hear the sound of my own voice throwing around cool "techy" words like "ported"!)

"Feminism has a rap sheet."

Kudos! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 09:13 AM December 15th, 2005 EST (#4)
I want to thank you for your efforts, it shows what People can do if they want. Actually it started me thinking about the donation thing, that would make a nice holiday season gift! Once again, thank you, it is a fine site, and it has an Honorable cause! May only good Karma come your way, and the blessing of the Universe wash over you and yours.....
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