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Male Suicide: From the Westchester Psychiatrist
posted by Thomas on 11:57 PM December 12th, 2005
Men's Health The following is an article written by Edward M. Stephens, M.D., Chair, Committee on Men's Issues, The Psychiatric Society of Westchester (a district branch of The American Psychiatric Association [APA]) and President, NCFM, Greater New York Chapter (NCFM, GNY). The article, published in The Westchester Psychiatrist,, was also published in The Male Voice, e-newsletter of NCFM, GNY.

The piece has great value in and of itself, but it's also good to see that this information is being brought forth by The Psychiatric Society of Westchester’s Committee on Men’s Issues, founded by Dr. Stephens and the first-ever such committee (men's issues) within a district branch of the APA.

To view the article, click "Read More"

(with a nod to Paul Simon)
(originally published in The Westchester Psychiatrist and reproduced with permission)
by Edward M. Stephens, M.D.
Chair, Committee on Men's Issues
The Psychiatric Society of Westchester
(a district branch of The American Psychiatric Association)
- and -
President, NCFM, Greater New York Chapter

Why are males killing themselves at an alarming rate? Suicide, in every age group, is higher for males than females with a peak ratio of 8 to 1 in the over 65 category.

In my earlier newsletter message, “The Death of John -- Age 16 -- Suicide,” I paid tribute to an adolescent who simply needed counseling. He didn’t get it. He had some reverses in school and was upset over the fighting between his mother and father. His reported experience, in his suicide note, was that he was “tired of life.”

In the week before he shot himself, he was acting up in class and offered his apologies to his teacher in the suicide note. If only someone had seen his depression instead of seeing him as an obstreperous boy, he would still be alive.

As physicians, we have to ask ourselves about our awareness of depression in males with such alarming rates of suicide and clear categories of risk. Are we routinely screening our male patients for depression? Do we recognize the different ways depression shows up in men and boys as opposed to women and girls? Do we have referral resources for distressed boys and men?

For many years, we have known that there are genetic links to depression that are not gender referenced. If depression occurs in first degree relatives, it can usually be traced back through the family history with other markers such as alcoholism, suicide, antisocial behavior and mental illness. The genetic predisposition for depression is equally divided between the genders.

After a positive history for depression and its equivalents in a patient and other family members, our index of suspicion about the seriousness of the case in front of us should rise appreciably. What we are more than likely looking at is a depression that is potentially life threatening; even if it is only presenting as lowered energy, sleep disturbance, increased use of alcohol or back pain.

We probably all remember the axiom, “You don’t diagnose what you don’t know.” One of my suspicions in regard to the low rate of diagnosis and treatment of depression in men is that we have been brainwashed out of seeing depression as a disorder of men. Every drug ad that comes through my office has a woman prominently displayed on the material, and the commonly held and promoted wisdom is that women become depressed twice as often as men. We don’t diagnose what we don’t know or don’t suspect.

I cornered a drug rep and asked point blank about this preponderance of advertising about depression in women. Her response: “I guess that’s where the manufacturers feel the market share is.” That may be so, but we are not dealing with market share in our offices.

In all fairness, while I was in training, the ideal control patient was an attractive, intelligent young woman with a touch of depression, dependency and awe of her brilliant young male doctor. We certainly didn’t want angry, depressed men with a potential for acting out aggressively as our control case. In effect, we were institutionalizing our prejudice against the recognition of depression in men in our own psychiatric training.

After recalling the death by suicide of 16-year-old John, the son of my patient, I am glad to have intervened effectively in the case of a patient of mine, John, age 54. In the latter situation, realizing that he was suicidally depressed, I was determined not just to continue with antidepressants and a prayer. I called his wife and told her to get his sons, in their late twenties, to descend on him and take him to the hospital until he was on the mend.

Hospitalization worked. Stronger doses of antidepressants, mood stabilizers and some hard-hitting bedtime sedation turned him away from the sure path of suicide. Two years and at least two grandchildren later, his is a happy senior who did not leave the devastating legacy of his own self-inflicted death to his boys.

While my emphasis has been on recognition of depression in men and boys, it is important to keep in mind that, despite popular belief, there is a one third higher cancer rate in men than in women. Boys in school and men in the workplace and life place are having a tougher time than is known without the same sense of sympathy and support that is being extended to girls and women. Any perusal of services for women, across a broad spectrum of difficulties, nets a long list of resources while the same inquiry for services for men may come up with a zero.

The Committee on Men’s Issues of The Westchester Psychiatric Society is on a consciousness-raising mission about boys’ and men’s needs in both the medical and psychiatric realms. The Committee encourages participation of both male and female physicians and leaders from the community. Meetings regularly have general physicians, social workers, psychologists and school personnel who have seen the need first hand and are searching for ways to make a difference.

BiscuitQueen Takes the Helm | Boy was no Victim, but Girl was  >

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The "Root"of the problem! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 09:19 AM December 13th, 2005 EST (#1)
It is good to see someone take the flag of the plight of Men, and start to run with it. But, the reason why so many Men are depressed is beacause we are forced to live unaturally within the confines of our "current society". I would love to hear one of these pill pushers propose a real solution to the problem, like we need to change the system because it isn't healthy for our patients! In other words when a Man reviews his life and finds out he has been duped the natural reaction would be to get depressed, or lash out at whomever they perceive as the culprit. But, as this pill pusher has shown us, all we have to do is sedate the poor slob into submission, and he will still be a good mule! This is a crock of bull feces!
Re:The "Root"of the problem! (Score:2)
by jenk on 10:50 AM December 13th, 2005 EST (#2)
You have to look at this as a many stage process. Yes, depression IS going to occur because there are basic unfairnesses occuring in society-family law, education, false allegations, health, DV service inequities, male bashing in the media, etc.

Yet what can this man do about all that right now, to respond to his patient? Not much. He can, however, make sure that the men who ARE depressed get recognition and help.

The men who are depressed need help now. They cannot wait another 10, 20, 30 years for change, they may commit suicide before then.

Dr. Stephens is doing what he can NOW for his patients, and is also looking long term by presiding over the nCFM ~GNY chapter.

I realize that many distrust 'pill pushers,' and for many it is warrented, but not all of them are nefarious. Dr. Stephens is doing what he can, just like we all should be. Every little thing helps, and if Dr. Stephens can keep a few men alive who may have otherwise committed suicide, then kudos to him.

Re:The "Root"of the problem! Depression is Healing (Score:2)
by Roy on 09:21 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#3)
There is an interesting counter-literature on depression that takes quite a different view than the mainstream psycho-pharmacists who just want to medicate away symptoms while never exploring actual causes.

In this alternative approach, depression is basically seen as a spiritual crossroads and a desperate attempt by the human organism to change one's life path.

Depression is the soul's alarm siren, sounding loud and clear.

One of the better books in this school of thought is The Wisdom of Depression by Dr. Jonathan Zuess.

(Excerpt - "The initial stage of depression is designed to enhance our ability to focus inward and find solutions to difficult emotional challenges; in many ways our bodies and minds are forcing us to create a contemplative environment much like the vision quest of native cultures or the monastic quiet of a retreat.")

(Also -- "Most doctors receive a large proportion of their information about their own profession from drug companies. This occurs either directly - through advertising, seminars, freebies, and so on - or indirectly - by relying on the recommendations of academic specialists, who are frequently in the employ of both drug companies and universities. This information is often extremely biased toward a heavy use of drugs, and generally ignores safer alternatives.")
Re:The "Root"of the problem! Depression is Healing (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:41 AM December 14th, 2005 EST (#4)
It is good to know that I am not the only person out here that knows what is going on! But our numbers seem to be few, and it seems that most People are looking to take the easy way out, or are coaxed into the easy way out, drugs. Having spent 4 years of my life taking psychology and paying attention, as well as serving as a volunteer in probation for two years, add to that being on my own since 16, 3 years prior to that a ward of NY state covering 2 different childrens homes, I have seen first hand how they work. Yes, we are being manipulated into giving our our minds to drugs, making us easier to manipulate.
Re:The "Root"of the problem! Depression is Healing (Score:1)
by Tom on 02:52 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#7)
I'd be curious to see any links or documentation regarding your claim that present day psychotropics are related to concentration camp data. Got a link?

Most therapists today (not psychiatrists) run under the assumption that depression is a push for change and as Roy says, an "alarm". That's actually a fairly common way of looking at depression.

Re:The "Root"of the problem! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:53 AM December 14th, 2005 EST (#5)
I will not argue that Dr. Stephens may be deluded into believing that by prescribing drugs he is serving Human Kind, but all he is doing is going by the DSM 4 revised (I believe that is the current issue) which is financed by drug companies. They like any doctor now are restricted to what their insurance carriers will allow them to do. Under the guise of malpractice, and the threat of not getting insurance, which means they are literally out of business, they delude themselves into believing that they are helping People by physically changing their brains with chemicals made by mankind pioneered during WW2 in the concentration camps. I for one don't want the same mentality that made it possible to control those poor People in those camps pushed on me by unnatural means. Do the research, the US got all of that documentation and shared it with the former Soviet Union, check out what they were doing with their "mental hospitals" during the communist dictatorship, and you will find direct correlations to present day USA. Makes me think about our current situation a little more, what about you? To fix the problem one must step out of the box, not just with a toe, but with determination and will, once there most never want to step inside the box again.
Re:The "Root"of the problem! (Score:2)
by Roy on 08:18 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#8)
Ummm, are you suggesting that people who have inherited fantastic wealth without any effort are trying to "drug" Americans into still believing that we inhabit a democracy?

Are you suggesting that approximately 2% of the United States' population owns 97% of its' waelth?

That would make you crazy, right?

And fully qualified for state-subsidized medication, therapy, and (soon), a low-security housing complex of your choice....
Re:The "Root"of the problem! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:39 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#9)
As you so adroitly put it, yes Roy they have tried to say I was crazy, but failed so far. As to the last caveat' to your statement, that is being tried now. But I do not fear what lies ahead, as I have made up my mind to stand my ground, and as others before me have said, It is a good day to die! Perhaps I will be reading Mensactivism.org within the confines of the nearest gray bar hotel in the future, but if I do, gee a guy can't give away all his secrets! But you have the scenario wrong, People that speak the truth are first framed so that they are considered dangerous so that they get a secure setting, 23-1, so that they cannot organize the general population. There is a method to their madness.
Be ready for opposition from the fems and media (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 10:25 AM December 14th, 2005 EST (#6)
I wonder how much out-cry and opposition from feminists this Committee on Men's Issues has gotten, so far.
The feminists can't STAND it when the "spot light" is taken off of their superfluous cases.
They are sure to be met with rabid opposition from not just the feminists but the media as well.
The media, in particular does it's dead level best to ignore and even cover up men's issues. Even (if not especially) when it is an actual matter of life and death for males.

  "Hoka hey!"
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