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by RandomMan on 02:52 AM December 1st, 2005 EST (#1)
In the US and Canada, it's becoming increasingly clear that women/children are the only members of society that matter. Courts routinely refuse to allow DNA evidence disputing paternity, and they certainly aren't going to start paying back the millions of dollars stolen from men who never had children to begin with, or the billions of dollars pilfered from men for the exclusive benefit of women through the endless list of taxpayer (i.e. man) funded programs, benefits and women-only ministries, departments and programs. VAWA is just the tip of the iceberg, gentlemen.
From what I've read, there's still some debate about paternity proof or denial in some US states, but in Canada, the law is that if you support it, it's yours. It's bullshit, pure and simple - just another mechanism to transfer wealth from the people who generate and earn it (men) to those who don't (women/children). Feminists, of course, want to make paternity testing illegal, unless the mother asks for it. After all, it could potentially interfere with their favored way of making a living - put up with a few minutes of distaste at having intercourse with the enemy and receive 18-25 years of court-enforced support with a private army, free legal representation, laws enforcing slavery and indebted servitude to make sure you get it - on top of a women's-only-club job in the public sector, of course, all paid for by taxes on the labor of the men (who pay 70% of those taxes).
Not on my watch, girlz. You're just going to have to find yourself another sucker, 'cause I'm not buyin' it anymore. And neither are the dozens of men I've helped gently deprogram from the feminist's way of being a "man" over the years. Turns out that most of us still have balls if we just take the time to look for them, and that we were in fact put on this Earth for a reason other than serving the interests of greedy women.
Speaking as a deprogrammed man, let me say this about paternity claims: how about we put the burden and expense of proof on the person making the claim? How about enforcing perjury laws? Novel ideas, huh?
In the meantime gentlemen (and the rare ladies helping us out), find a man you know, and fill him in on his actual status in society. Don't stop until he understands it well enough to be thoroughly pissed off.
Rinse, repeat.
by MR on 09:02 AM December 1st, 2005 EST (#2)
"In the meantime gentlemen (and the rare ladies helping us out), find a man you know, and fill him in on his actual status in society. Don't stop until he understands it well enough to be thoroughly pissed off."
I'm trying, and have even gotten to the point where I feel comfortable wearing this in public. It sure gets you good service in a restaurant. I suppose they think I'm going to fivolous lawsuit them.
Hate Target of Political Correctness
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MR - as in Men's Rights
by RandomMan on 10:18 AM December 1st, 2005 EST (#3)
Cute - and it's ever so much better than "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them"!
Maybe someone should come out with a line of T shirts for school-aged boys featuring the same kid gettings rocks tossed at him that reads "stop hating me because I'll be a man one day - I never oppressed anyone".
or maybe
"Feminists are ignorant - throw reality at them" for us older fellas.
by Thundercloud on 02:49 PM December 1st, 2005 EST (#4)
That or: "Feminists are ignorant, throw an anvil at them..."
"Hoka hey!"
by RandomMan on 05:28 PM December 1st, 2005 EST (#5)
Now now now, TC, wouldn't want the feminist police to come knocking at your door. Don't forget, you can only legally incite hatred and violence against men. Apparently we don't deserve civil rights.
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