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by Rand T. on 02:27 AM November 22nd, 2005 EST (#4)
..women can avoid the "trap" -- women can, like men have for centuries, create their own multi-million dollar corporations, where no "glass ceiling" can hold them back. No one's preventing women from becoming a Wilma Gates. And once 50% of the freshly founded corporations are started by women, women can finally claim they are as good as men (collectively anyway).
by Kyo on 09:40 AM November 22nd, 2005 EST (#5)
Seems to me that a mediocre woman can make a decent life as a childless housewife. Much better than what a mediocre man would be expecting.
by Anonymous User on 11:37 AM November 22nd, 2005 EST (#7)
these are the first salvos in the next phase of feminism: "there aren't enough top paid women millionaires so we need more discrimination against middle class men more than we do now".
everybody knows the choices women make and their natural proclivities are the explanation for these patterns. but that doesn't matter. feminists will never let facts and fairness come in between them and their mad, utopian dreams.
meanwhile men just sit there and watch as their rights are trampled. unbelievable. scary!
by Luek on 02:12 PM November 22nd, 2005 EST (#10)
Gloria Steinem once remarked that we'll know women have reached full equality when a mediocre woman can get as far as a mediocre man. Are we there yet?
Society must have reached full equality as far as I can tell because I have noticed there are a whole bunch of mediocre, bland as unsalted beans and just plain stupid to the bone women in positions of authority and influence now a days.
by Anonymous User on 02:13 PM November 22nd, 2005 EST (#11)
>"She is the one with the arrows sticking out of her back."
Of course she WOULD have to use an "Indians are savages" stereotype to make her point.
A lot of us (Indians) really resent these kinds of remarks and analogies.
"Hoka hey!"
by Roy on 05:52 PM November 22nd, 2005 EST (#12)
Interesting that the author didn't claim "she's the one with the KNIVES sticking out of her back..." because that would have been marginally less racist, and would have connected to the cliches about women "shooting daggers" at each other.
I enjoyed the silly recommendation to -- "Find a mentor, male or female, who is where you'd like to be in five or ten years, and learn from that person."
Let's bring this aging,tenured bimbo up to speed.
NO MAN in an academic, corporate, or political position of influence and high wages would ever, even for a minute, be so foolish as to "mentor" a junior female student, colleague, or aide.
It's a no brainer, due to sexual harassment laws and the likelihood that the man is being "played" by the aspiring mentee.
Feminism's greatest success has been to shut women out of the Old Boy's Club, even though the boys were once willing to consider the proposition of actual gender equality.
Feminism has slammed the door shut on an entire universe of history, expertise, connections, and intellectual resources .....
because no accomplished man today can risk mentoring or even speaking honestly to a potential female predator.
And few successful women executives would be willing to mentor a younger, prettier, sexier underling who's got "I want to steal your job and I'll sleep with the CEO to get it" stamped on her forehead.
(All the surveys show that women hate women bosses way more than they dislike male bosses. Women seem to know and deeply distrust their own species based upon that knowledge....)
The whole piece reads like "sour grapes," a theme that is becoming almost trite as feminists continue to observe that their movement has produced unexpected and tragic consequences for women.
by Anonymous User on 07:56 PM November 22nd, 2005 EST (#15)
They play men all the way to the top.
by Davidadelong on 08:35 AM November 25th, 2005 EST (#18)
All anyone has to do is read HOWARD ZINN's ( A PEOPLES HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ) Womyn don't have to be in position to lead, show me one man that got where he was without a womyn's support today, if he is rich or in power. I use the spelling of Women differentlty to denote this particular groups distain for the normal spelling. They want to rule the world behind men so they will never be held responsible. We are already slaves to the manipulaters, and their provocatuers, including real Women. As long as they keep us mired in the legal "minutes" of any real human rights issue, we lose.
by Thundercloud on 02:04 PM November 25th, 2005 EST (#19)
There is a lot of truth to what you say, Davidadelong.
But remember, they're not all bad.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 09:43 PM November 25th, 2005 EST (#20)
I strongly agree with you Thundercloud, I actually love and respect Women, I was just pointing out that there are factions at work that need to be dealt with. I was pointing to those that follow that particular philosophy, just as any Woman would in refering to a Man that hated Women. I for one would not want to face the future with the many good Women that care about their childrens real future. So, what is Hoka hey!
by Davidadelong on 09:45 PM November 25th, 2005 EST (#21)
oops, what I meant to say is that I wouldn't want to face the future without the many good Women. Should have used the preview.
by Thundercloud on 12:24 PM November 26th, 2005 EST (#23)
"Hoka hey!" is a war cry. It originated with, either the Lakota or the Cheyenne.
It means "It's a good day to die".
Although I am Cherokee, I've adopted it as my own war cry, against the feminist agenda. And I mean it quite literally. If it ever comes to be that I need die to stop the feminists, I will do so. And I will do so with much honor. I hope it never comes to that, but I'll do what has to be done. This is not self aggrandizement. To be honest I'm scared to death to die. But as I said, I'll do what has to be done.
Any way, that's where it comes from.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 12:10 PM November 26th, 2005 EST (#22)
There is no way that a Mans' movement can be seperated from the movement of humanity. They have advertised on television that the group that I refered to, womyn, has chosen that spelling, and is trying to make it legal. Now in so far as their agenda, that is publicized as well, thanks for the spelling correction. If one were to be a provocateur, I would think that if they had compassion it would be for the rights of all humanity, instead of the gilded, and the privileged. Just a thought.
by n.j. on 12:14 PM November 22nd, 2005 EST (#8)
Anonymous posting should be disabled for the time being, to filter out the trolls. Allowing them might have worked on the original site the system was written for (Slashdot), but it evidently doesn't work here.
by Anonymous User on 12:25 PM November 22nd, 2005 EST (#9)
Appearantly this is the new anti-troll mantra;
Oh My god they killed Kenny!!
You bastards!"
"Hoka hey!"
by Baniadam on 12:47 PM November 23rd, 2005 EST (#16)
It is better to be stupid for the moment than for a lifetime. So don't be afraid to ask.
Kenny is a Greek Mythology hero; he was killed by a horde of angry mermaids, or maybe I should say a school of angry mermaids. Their orders came from Poseidon, God of the Sea.
OMG they Killed Kenny!
See; You learn something new everyday. :)
NB: That the information given above is all made up and has not relevance at all to the news article (Duh!)
FIO: Kenny is a character from "South Park".. a cheap, vulgar and funny animation series. It's one of their phrases; they use it almost in all episodes.
by Thundercloud on 12:39 PM November 24th, 2005 EST (#17)
>"Who is this Kenny person?"
Someone else started using that phrase to say that a given issue has little or nothing to do with men's issues. Exactly why I don't know, but I thought it was kind of funny (but then I'm a little weird and everything) and adopted it, myself.
For instance when that "Mikeeusa" idiot posts; "Death to women's rights" you simply respond by saying; "They killed Kenny! You Bastards". Don't ask me why, It just seems funny to me.
You'd have to ask the person who originally started it why he started saying it. I think it's just a nonsencical thing to say to a person who is making nonsensical statements, I guess.
And yes, I think the reference IS from "South Park".
"Hoka hey!"
by mens_issues on 06:09 PM November 22nd, 2005 EST (#14)
You faggot men will be sorry, you won't have any strong independent women to worship as they'll all be dead.
How pathetic. The overuse of the word fag/faggot is the hallmark of a middle/junior high school mentality.
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