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by Tumescent on 08:57 AM November 8th, 2005 EST (#1)
I'm sorry, but I just can't get too worked up by this story. One is being charged with battery and for providing false information to police. That's enough for me. I guess I'm not as enlightened as others here but when two beautiful women want to munch each others carpet in public, I don't want to provide too much discouragement to that--- frankly, I want to buy a ticket to watch. Sorry, but that's my take on it at this time. I know that's probably not the party line, but so be it. Would two men having sex in a bathroom been treated differently and arrested for lewd conduct? Probably yes. Unless it was a gay bar, they probably wouldn't have made it out of the bar alive in the first place. Obvioulsy, there are a lot of differences between how men and women are treated by society and often times its not "fair", but I'm going to spend time worrying about other things that are more unfair than this episode.
by campbellzim on 09:34 AM November 8th, 2005 EST (#2)
Then you must enjoy sitting home watching porn immensely.
by Tumescent on 11:01 AM November 8th, 2005 EST (#3)
Not at all. I have a wife and kids and watch very little porn. How about you?
by Anonymous User on 12:54 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#5)
The news out let that I heard this from didn't mention they were lesbians "switching pelt".
'wonder why that was excluded???
"Hoka hey!"
by campbellzim on 01:53 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#8)
Then why would you buy a ticket to watch girls have sex? Would you be okay if they went out it in your front yard? Your initial statement about this is confusing.
by Tumescent on 08:00 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#14)
Okay, it's confusing. I tried to be a little light hearted about the subject which I don't think is of great import to Men's rights. I don't watch porn often. I wouldn't buy a ticket to see them have sex, and of course having sex in public isn't the thing to do. Everything okay now?
by Anonymous User on 03:42 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#9)
We need to hire a couple of lesbians to have sex in public at this guys front door with his family watching, and we need to be certain that his family knows that MRA’s bought the tickets at his request.
Then we need to have a couple of fags at his front door.
Wonder which couple Tumescent will complain about and press charges against. It will of course be the fags who are humping each other. The lesbos will get off with payment in cash.
What a dumb ass. This fact is a serious issue that deserves attention. We have a record numbers in males in prison. Higher than any other country at any time in history.
Meanwhile, lesbians can have sex in front of Tumescent's family and he is willing to buy the tickets.
And we wonder why men are in jail. Clearly, Tumescent is contributing to the anti-male environment.
Tumescent is clearly brainwashed by the Marxist-Feminists and chauvinists.
by mcc99 on 04:20 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#11)
I can see this part of the comment thread is fast going to turn into a flame session. Well this story seems to have struck a nerve and lots of men's issues do, with both sexes, and that's one way you know you've found an issue needing addressing!
But really, do we have to name calling and so on? Please let's try to keep the discussion focused on the ideas and less on the personalities of those involved.
-- Matt
by Anonymous User on 12:47 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#4)
...but cheerleaders just, plain get on my nerves. You know? Like clowns or mimes or something.
I remember back in high school when I was playing basketball, the cheerleaders did more to distract me than help my game. Jumping around and screaming like a bunch of little idiots. How is THAT supposed to help me play better?!?
Sorry, to any one who is a cheerleader fan, but that's how I feel about them. I don't care HOW cute they are...
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 01:01 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#6)
I am not really sure why this article is on this board. It has nothing to do with mens's rights, double standards, or any other issue. I am wondering if it was simply put on because it was titalating to the male reader. Hopefully the screening process for articles of interest will be a little more critical.
by Anonymous User on 01:50 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#7)
I have to agree.
There doesn't really seem to be a need to post this, unless it is to show a double standard as to how female perpetrators such as these are treated better than if they had been men.
Otherwise if it's to illustrate that cheerleaders are idiots, we already know that.
by Anonymous User on 03:45 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#10)
I disagree. I don't think titillation has anything to do with it. I mean, if men find it titillating then they do. There's nothing wrong with male sexuality regardless of if it includes finding female homosexuality somehow titillating (plenty of women find male homosexuality titillating but won't readily admit to it). I think the point of the post is valid-- this story is treated like a "wow isn't that interesting" story, unlike how it would be treated had the perps been male. That is the point-- inequality/double standards are at work, and that is a problem worth discussing here.
by Anonymous User on 04:59 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#12)
No. They were fired, arrested, and charged with all the same things men would be. It's a stupid story and is only here because of the words cheerleader and sex. Lets call a spade a spade!
by Anonymous User on 05:29 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#13)
Agreed. When George Michael was caught by an undercover cop trying to hook up in a public men's bathroom, even though he gave his correct ID and didn't resist, he was charged with public lewdness among other things. Clearly this is two different cases. I mean, in that case, he was sober, acting peacably, and not inconveniencing anyone. In this case, the "ladies" were holding up patrons (other women no less) from using the bathroom for its intended purpose, and then when they did finally come out, there was merely assault, possibly resisting arrest too but who knows if that happened for sure), presenting a false ID to authorities (a stolen ID, too, so there's larceny there as well), and public lewdness... though that last part doesn't matter because... well... the perps were a coupla hot chicks, I guess, right?
OK, I see your point now....
umm... not really...
by Anonymous User on 10:23 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#16)
Uh maybe if you actually read the story and the outcome... They are facing charges of assault and providing false ID. They were both fired. If your only point is that they were not cited for lewd behavior, then I think you are stretching. It seems quite telling that your best comparison is George Michael who was in a public park versus a private club. Sex titlates and you are proof of that...
by Anonymous User on 08:52 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#15)
Wow, a woman punches another woman and that same puncher happens also apprently, to like to have sex with other women?? In bathrooms no less??
I mean, wow, a violent woman, and a lesbian, AND an assulter of another woman??? Never, not possible, I don't believe it! Must be an evil patriarchal conspiracy, it's all lies, lies I tell you, lies!!!
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