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Sunday PARADE mentions "Paternal Discrepancy"
posted by Matt on 09:09 AM September 20th, 2005
Reproductive Rights Anonymous User writes "The Sept. 18 issue of PARADE (found in many Sunday newspapers) mentions that "the average rate of 'paternal discrepancy' (i.e., paternity FRAUD) in the Western world is about 4%". PARADE also states that 'paternal discrepancy' is highest with young mothers, because they are more likely to have multiple sexual partners."

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sounds low (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 01:23 PM September 20th, 2005 EST (#1)
if 4% is currect - it is an encouraging number.
Re:sounds low (Score:2)
by jenk on 01:32 PM September 20th, 2005 EST (#2)
The problem is, what methodology is used. If it is archival research, only those cases proven are mentioned. If it is survey method, you depend on the honesty of the subjects, of an act which is dishonest to begin with. The only way to find out is mandatory paternaty testing.

Re:sounds low (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:29 PM September 20th, 2005 EST (#3)
It's a chicken-and-egg dilemma. Mandatory testing will come about when glaring public attention gets focussed on the issue -- at which point, new data (possibly even more glaring) will come to light. And so on.

So the immediate question appears to be centered on the 4% figure: Does it "glare" brightly enough, or doesn't it? After all, glare is what we need in order to get that mandatory testing in the first place.

4% breaks down to 1 in 25. I myself would call that a significant number, such that one is justly entitled to say " uh...we have a problem here."

But that's just my poor little counterfeminist opinion; not everybody in this big, apathetic world would share it.

Anyway, my gut feeling is that the actual number is a tad higher -- perhaps in the 6-8% range. (I'm using my conservative "guts" today! ;-)

One good way to get the glaring searchlight effect is to massively publicize the evil, criminal, Stalinesque situation currently existing in most states, where almost any man can be "fingered" as a father, and trapped -- with a big fat No Exit sign nailed to the door and DNA results be damned, buddy!!.

Massively publicize this, and.....good things will follow. Among others, the logic and utility of DNA testing in general will be forcefully borne home upon the public mind. Even if DNA testing isn't made mandatory by law, the hullaballoo could generate moral pressure shockwaves upon the populace, and DNA testing would become more and more common -- under the banner of "Do the Right Thing". At which point the statisticians would have their field ripe for harvest. :-)

The Long March Through the Statehouses will of course continue -- spearheaded by the likes of Carnell Smith, et al.

Throughout this and all similar campaigns, whenever you discuss the evil which you intend to remedy, you should append to the footer of every page, the chorus of every song, the metabasis of every speech, and to every picket sign -- like an eternal undying mantra -- the following deadly phrase:


My fountain of ideas overfloweth, but I shall clamp the spigot down for now.


Re:sounds low (Score:1)
by SacredNaCl (tbessR3m0Ve2SendNEIN[SPAM]@R3m0ve.2.sendAt.mail.ru) on 09:20 AM September 21st, 2005 EST (#5)
10% figure comes from hospitals with mostly married couples who need paternity test for health reasons such as organ donation. The 30% figure comes from challenges to paternity through the legal system, such as women seeking child support.

I tend to believe the actual number is around 15-22%. Its going to be dramatically higher in the single population than in the married population. People do cheat, people do lie, but they tend to do it less so in the confines of marriage. My thoughts on it put it somewhere between 1:6 1:5 (or slightly worse).

I've watched enough episodes of Maury to know there are people out there who have had 15 paternity test to try to stick someone ...anyone... with it. There is a certain class of ghetto woman that realizes its a meal ticket if they can stick one and slip it by them, or they miss the date for the hearing. Despite a case in NJ, truth still isn't a defense once a little time has passed.

Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
Re:sounds low (Score:1)
by Uberganger on 08:04 AM September 21st, 2005 EST (#4)
This was in the news here in England a few weeks back. The study was based on various studies made in different countries, and took some kind of average of all those results. The studies they examined showed figures of between 1% and 30% for so-called 'paternal discrepancy' (paternity fraud). You can imagine what the headlines would have screamed if women had been the victims: 'Up to a third of women being defrauded by their men!' And gradually the 'up to' would have been eased out of the headlines, leaving another '1 in 3' myth for feminists to use as a means of ripping off govenments for special grants and other considerations. The use of the term 'paternal discrepancy' is interesting too. 'Discrepancy' implies a minor difference - your scales say the pumpkin weighs 8.53Kg, mine says it weighs 8.54Kg; that's a discrepancy of 0.01Kg - whereas the reality of paternity fraud for the man is a lifetime of being decieved and ripped off. It is typical, given the current climate, that such maltreatment of men is glossed over so lightly; rather like describing rape as 'consensual discrepancy'. But as long as the people doing the research live in terror of damaging their careers by saying or even implying anything negative about women, this kind of thing will continue.
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