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Turning Liars into Victims
posted by Matt on 08:40 AM September 18th, 2005
Inequality Anonymous User writes "MisforMalevolent discovers the power of language, as NJ converts women who lie to get men thrown out of their homes into 'victims'. Link here."

Women as Abusers... are you surprised? | Activists Sought For Roe V. Wade... for MEN  >

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Using Laws to Abuse Men is Typical Female Tactic (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:17 AM September 18th, 2005 EST (#1)
It's becoming common knowledge that women are at least if not more abusive than men, especially if you take into account non-physical forms of aggression involving emotional, psychological, and social weapons.

One typical tactic that girls learn early on in school is "third-party abuse." It involves getting others to do your dirty work.

Sophisticated practices like shunning, starting a rumor, using friendships as a weapon, and ruining a person's reputation are widespread and typical in girl culture.

When women take advantage of the legal system to assault and abuse men, they are simply refining these "third-party" tactics that they learned as girls.

Police, lawyers, and judges now do women's dirty work, so that the female species can continue its masquerade as innocent "victims."

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