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BBC: "Bring Your Husband to Heel"
posted by Matt on 08:34 PM August 17th, 2005
The Media Steven Brown writes "For British people: On BBC2 this Monday evening (Aug. 22) at 7:00 PM is the beginning of a 'light-hearted' series all about how 'desperate housewives' are using dog-training techniques to train their husbands... a Chris Morris type spoof? I'm afraid not. Link here."

MSN Again: Guess Who Loses Out Most in Breakups | Billions for battered women, not a penny for battered men  >

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Rantings ... (Score:2)
by mens_issues on 09:19 PM August 17th, 2005 EST (#1)
Thomas Ellis in his book "The Rantings of a Single Male" effectively says that men are treated by many women like bad dogs, and that "we don't understand why we're bad dogs." This anti-male tripe from the BBC confirms what Ellis wrote.

Re:Rantings ... (Score:2)
by mens_issues on 09:31 PM August 17th, 2005 EST (#2)
Also, I recall a catalog that offered something called "Training Treats for Husbands." This was presented as "funny," but in 2001 us MRA's were starting to get sick of men being the butt of the joke all the time, so we wrote letters of protest to the catalog.

Re:Rantings ... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:51 PM August 17th, 2005 EST (#3)
One word.


And WHERE is the "Catty" show for Women? (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 11:24 PM August 17th, 2005 EST (#4)
And WHERE is the show for dealing with catty, snippy, emotionally manipulations that women do?

Does ANYONE think that once a woman has an emaculated balless dog that will roll over and lick himself on command that she will look at him with ANY respect or love?!

This is no different than when whites (both men AND WOMEN) treated blacks, indians, etc as less than fully equal human beings.

The BBC is propagating no less.

L. Steven Beene II
Guerrilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
BBC's "Bring Your Husband To Heel" (Score:1)
by Sandra on 07:37 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#5)
Do the women of the world really want dogs for men? I prefer a HUSBAND over a pooch any day! I love the fact that my husband is a man, and all the things about him that are distinctly male. I can't imagine debasing myself, or him, by trying to train him like a dog. He is who and what he is. I love him just the way I found him.
Re:BBC's "Bring Your Husband To Heel" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:04 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#9)
That is called mutual respect. Very healthy stuff. I like it.

Re:BBC's "Bring Your Husband To Heel" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:32 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#16)
Hi, Sandra.
You're new here, aren't you?
Well, welcome aboard.
I'm Thundercloud, TV's wise crackin' Cherokee.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:BBC's "Bring Your Husband To Heel" (Score:1)
by Sandra on 02:55 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#22)
Yep, I'm new. Thanks for the welcome!

SLK or Sandra - Welcome!! (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 07:17 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#36)
I also want to welcome you to Men's Activism. Some here may, at first, be leery of a new female, but we have many female posters and supporters. After they get to know you ... well we cherish our female supporters very much.

Welcome to the board and I hope to read more of your posts

Guerrilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Bologna (Score:2)
by Dittohd on 09:30 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#23)

>I love the fact that my husband is a man, and all the things about him that are distinctly male...I love him just the way I found him.

Sounds good, but I don't believe any of that for a minute. Not if you're really an American woman. You aren't trying to change him? Riiiiight!

I wonder what you're husband would say if he were asked if that were really true and you weren't around to hear his answer.


Dittohd : be nice ...she was celebrating her hubby (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 07:14 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#35)

be nice man. She was celebrating her husband. Now, has she maybe tried to change him? Dunno, but she seems to love him.

Let's not be unkind or make presumptions about her after she posted such a positive post.

Guerrilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Be Nice? (Score:2)
by Dittohd on 12:49 AM August 20th, 2005 EST (#43)

Nice is boring. Politically correct is boring.

I'd rather be honest and tell it like I see it and based on my experience, American women are queens of speaking the politically correct language. Like I said, what she said sounds real good, but...


Re:BBC's "Bring Your Husband To Heel" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:41 PM August 26th, 2005 EST (#57)
I don't promote violence but if I were approached by a women and told to heel I would heel her in the junk,
Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:2)
by jenk on 08:04 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#6)
This is what I wrote at Syg~

There is a real truth to what she is doing, but it is being presented like crap, one sided, and probably not with good intentions.

I am a dog trainer. I use techniques on Dave and the kids which I learned on the dogs.

~Do not set up situations to fail. Say our anniversary is coming up. The old method would be to let the husband forget, then punish him for doing so. The new method is to help him suceed-remind him, write it on the calender, take it apon yourself to plan something instead of waiting for him to do it. Make it about the good expirience, not the punishment.

~Make your expectations known clearly. If you would like your husband to put his dirty underwear in the hamper after a shower, ask him. Don't wait until he had formed a habit of dropping them on the floor and then get mad.

~Praise, not punish. Catch your kids in the act of doing good things, and let them know you appreciate it. Instead of getting mad when your kids fight in the car, praise them and give them a treat when they are good in the car. Tell them often how great they are being, and they will try to be that way more often.

~Be reasonable in your expectations. Some people are not born organizers, some people lose track of time, everyone has their down sides. Find a good middle ground which you can both live with.

Now before you all lynch me, here is the kicker. It works both ways. Dave does the same things to me, he will tell me the house looks great when it does, instead of being upset if it doesn't. I make more of an effort to get it looking great because I like the feedback. All these things could be looked at as 'training', but I look at them as communication. My job as a dog trainer is not to 'train' dogs, but to teach the owners how to communicate with their pets. Communication is not training, but learning to both speak and listen.

I have played with the idea of writing a book about this. I think that there is a lot to be learned from these techniques. However, the BBC is not, from what I see, interested in teaching families how to communicate, but in ridiculing men and falsely empowering women.

It's too bad.

Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Bert on 09:13 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#7)
Jen wrote: "Do not set up situations to fail. Say our anniversary is coming up. The old method would be to let the husband forget, then punish him for doing so. The new method is to help him suceed-remind him, write it on the calender, take it apon yourself to plan something instead of waiting for him to do it. Make it about the good expirience, not the punishment."

Maybe you are not treating your husband like a dog, but you are definitely treating him like a 4 year old kid. You would do that to me only once. I leave it to your imagination what would happen next.

-------------------- From now on, men's rights first.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by SacredNaCl on 10:21 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#11)
The truly important things, like we have an anniversary coming up, or remember this birthday ... Those aren't bad to remind at all. Its when it gets to the little things that it becomes nagging. "Don't forget to take out the trash. Don't forget to mail that letter at the post office. Don't forget to get eggs and milk..." Those are the "I heard you the first time and I'm not 6" kind of things. Those will really grate on a person very quickly, and it goes from being the relationship of a wife to a nagging controlling mother.

The BBC needs a house cleaning. Even what filters over here on this side of the pond from them has that smirky, insulting quality to it.

Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:2)
by jenk on 10:39 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#12)
So what are you supposed to do? If our anniversary is coming up, and I know my husband will not remember, because he is really bad about remembering dates, inculding his own kids b-day, his dads, or what we are doing this weekend, how would you handle it?

Give me an alternative.

This is what I do and my husband is thankful I handle it this way. I am sort of the secretary of the house, letting him know when he has things coming up. This is not demeaning, hell, he reminds me when my car needs an oil change, so what is the difference?
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:48 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#15)
As a man, I've got no problem with this. Actually, I would appreciate the help.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:50 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#17)
Same here.
I see no problem in reminding ANYONE about anything. I think Jenk's technique is meant to work on any human being, male or female.
No animosity involved.

As far as this "treat your husband like a dog" buisness, This is nothing new. I saw some nit wit femaroid on a talk show back in the early 90's that was spouting the same B.S. Few people in the audience took her siriously. Both men AND women mostly said it was "inhuman" and "stupid".
But that doesn't mean that this sort of talk can't be dangerous and that there aren't a good number of women who believe in it and will try it.
You see, though, despite the wussie-poopie males that like to be treated this way and the women who disrepect and hate men in this way saying that this is a good way to have a healthy realationship, most people probably see it for what it is; Sexist, perverted, and bigotted. And in no way would most HEALTHY and self respecting men allow this to be tried on them.
Me, personaly, The first time my wife or girl friend tried this on me, I'd be gone out the door for good. And she would probably awaken the next day to find a bag of dogfood poured into her car, for good measure.
Don't let this get to you too much, folks. This is just the usual feminist rouse to try and offend men and get our dander up.
People like that just ain't worth the sweat.
And if the women who think that this is the way to have a healthy relationship with a man want to believe this garbage, then I say let them. Because other than the limp-wristed wussie-poopie type guys, these women will find themselves alone, for the most part.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:2)
by jenk on 08:59 AM August 19th, 2005 EST (#27)

hee hee, I love that term!
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Dave K on 01:00 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#18)
I am Jens husband... and this is not treating someone like a child, it's communicating. Don't get too caught up in the analogy and look at the mechanics, because they work.

If she has something that is important to her she tells me about it, that way I never have to try to 'read her mind'. When I have something that's important to me (like her changing the oil in her car) I tell her about it, that way I don't have to get mad when it's 4000 miles past due.

Good ways of communicating are still good... even if they work with dogs.
Dave K - A Radical Moderate
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Bert on 06:11 AM August 19th, 2005 EST (#24)
This is exactly what happens to many MRA-websites, they get infiltrated by feminists and their brainwashed male servants. Most of the site-members don't even see what's really going on and start parrotting the BS they read.

If your wife treats you like a dog or a small child and you like to call that "communicating", fine. If you don't mind, I like to call things by their real name and the real name of what we are talking about here is brainwashing. Period.

-------------------- From now on, men's rights first.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:2)
by jenk on 08:50 AM August 19th, 2005 EST (#25)
You are completely missing the point.

Just because I learned on the dogs, does not mean the process is invalid.

Your doctor learned on animals and cadavers, but that does not mean the techniques are faulty.

The funny thing is that once I came up independantly with these coping strategies, I learned that these are the ways suggested by marriage councelors.

You also have to understand, that my approach to dog training is not that of master/slave. My approach is fostering a healthy relationship between two independant beings. I do many sports with my dogs, we must have a good working relationship. Dogs are right up there in my life just under Dave and the kids. This is not disrespect for me. You may have a different way of looking at things, but do not put your view of the world on my motives.

Don't let the attitude of the show, which is horrible, color what I am trying to say. I disagree with the tone of the show as much as everyone else here. I was commenting on a lost opportunity to learn about communication. If you choose to take that personally, I am sorry.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:26 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#34)
"You are completely missing the point... Just because I learned on the dogs, does not mean the process is invalid." (Jenk)

Ummmm, dogs do not have SOULS.

Why would you inflict upon a HUMAN BEING the same process that allows you to have control over a DOG?

Your version of a "healthy relationship" is a tyranny for the object (actually, a man) that you seek to control, and have dehumanized as a tool for your own projections of goodness.

And BTW, what "sports" do you do with non-dogs?
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Bert on 05:16 AM August 20th, 2005 EST (#45)
Your version of a "healthy relationship" is a tyranny for the object (actually, a man) that you seek to control, and have dehumanized as a tool for your own projections of goodness. Anonymous

Well said. The MRA's on this site should read and listen to feminist's manifestos. It's all about control and dehumanization of men.

Frankly, I'm not surprised at all to see a woman on this site saying her relationship is good because she trained hubby. As I said before, this is happening on many MRA sites. But this is the first one who admits she is training him the same way she trains her dogs.

And it's also no surprise that the men's rights movement is getting nowhere. If MRA's keep licking feminist's boots like trained dogs, and that's what's happening here, nobody will think of men's rights as a serious movement.

Men's rights is about men's rights and not about women's rights and definitely not about female dog-trainer's rights.

-------------------- From now on, men's rights first.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:2)
by jenk on 09:48 PM August 27th, 2005 EST (#58)
"Ummmm, dogs do not have SOULS."

Ummmm, I disagree with you. But that is beside the point.

I do not have tyranny over my dogs. We have working relationships. They are very different than the working relationship i have with my husband.

With the dogs i do expect a certain amount of consideration for my rules, which I decide based in part on their needs. In return I give a great deal of my time, money, love and work to the dogs.

With my husband we together have worked out mutual consideration. We set each other up to succeed, we reward each other for that consideration. We appreciate each other, and apologize when necessary. We each put the others needs right up there with our own, but not above or below. Sometimes I give up things, sometimes he does.

Much of what I learned about marriage and communication I learned from dog training, because my parents never taught me ANY conflict resolution skills. So I learned from the only source available to me. It was a source which was removed from personal ego, stubbornness, or conflict. I learned in a clinical, scientific manner, then saw the ability to apply what I learned in other ways.

It has affected my marriage in only positive ways. Before I was angry, bitter, and had one foot out the door. My husband was distant, depressed, and also emotionally out the door. Now we have a good, solid marriage that is apparent to anyone who meets us. We have our bad times, but they are few and far between now, and are resolved quickly.

That you cannot see past the methodology of my learning tells me you are not being objective. That you are so suspect of anyone who may think outside the box says a lot about you, not me.

The Biscuit Queen
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:2)
by jenk on 08:57 AM August 19th, 2005 EST (#26)
PS, I am in no way a feminist, and if you think Dave bows down to me or anyone else in ANY way, you obviously don't know him. Ask Dr E, LSBeene, Scott, Thomas or Tom Ellis. Dave and I met them at the men's congress in DC, and they can tell you first hand we are not " feminists and their brainwashed servants.

Boy, I have had insults before, but that is hitting below the belt.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Bert on 11:57 AM August 19th, 2005 EST (#28)
"Boy, I have had insults before, but that is hitting below the belt."
Sue me for Violence Against Women.

-------------------- From now on, men's rights first.
Ouch. (Score:2)
by Clancy (long_ponytail@yahoo.com) on 12:43 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#30)
Did someone slash all 4 of your tires this morning? Far be it from me to tell you what to say or think. Everyone has a reason for the way they feel. I kinda like hearing from the "other side" now and again. If you want, drop the anvil on my head. It's pretty hard. No one has brain washed me. I'm not an infil-traitor. I'm no Hugoite. I'm just tryin' to stir up a breeze so this room will cool off a bit. If you tell me to mind my own business or engage in self fornication, I can do that. But boy, is it gonna hurt.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:05 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#31)
Trust me, Bert. Jenk is NO feminist. Not even in the 'ball park'.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 08:07 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#40)
Bert, will you please knock it the F off? JenK is our ALLY. She is tired of women who mistreat men; she isn't ONE of them. She and her husband treat each other equally; that's what she's trying to say. You're acting as though she's some type of troll.
Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Bert on 01:53 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#32)
Trust me Thundercloud, if a woman treats her man like this person does then she is definitely a feminist. You know what they say about the devil, "The devil's biggest trick was convincing the world that he didn't exist." Think of that every time a woman says she is no feminist.

-------------------- From now on, men's rights first.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Ragtime on 06:17 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#33)
You're way outta line on this one, Bert.


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

Bert, you're insulting a valued member - quit it (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 08:05 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#39)

I know I'll get slammed for saying this in this way, but you're being a complete asshole.

JenK is a warm, supporting, tough/independent PERSON who is married to a great guy who values her and values that she sets him (and thereby them) up for SUCCESS.

What is your basic malfunction? Who pissed into your Cheerios this morning?

Guerrilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:36 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#41)
Sorry to intrude on the idealistic poetry....

Only women can call 911 and be assured that the "primary aggressor" will be hauled off to jail and slapped with a permanent Restraining Order.

Jenk/BQ is living a fantasy life in which she enjoys being a savior of the family, and an advocate for men's rights.

Her license to proclaim her creed is paid for by her hard-working ATM-wallet-husband.

A man she has "trained."

This used to be called colonialism. Now it's just a "good marriage..."

Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 09:12 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#42)
"Her license to proclaim her creed is paid for by her hard-working ATM-wallet-husband.
A man she has 'trained.'"

-- and who has "trained" HER. You get what she's saying? It goes both ways. They reward each other with kindness, rather than nag each other or criticize each other. It's equal. STOP ATTACKING PEOPLE ON OUR SIDE.

Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:48 AM August 20th, 2005 EST (#44)
Female supporters of Mens Rights seem to be favoured targets of feminist trolls, as last anon post demonstrates.
Re:Bert, you're insulting a valued member - quit i (Score:1)
by Bert on 05:20 AM August 20th, 2005 EST (#46)
"What is your basic malfunction? Who pissed into your Cheerios this morning?" LSBeene

Isn't that the typical response of a feminist? Looks like you're well-trained.

-------------------- From now on, men's rights first.
Re:Bert, you're insulting a valued member - quit i (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:17 PM August 20th, 2005 EST (#48)
Cut it out, can't ya?!?
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Dave K on 07:39 AM August 21st, 2005 EST (#50)
I think you're right, one of the focuses of the more radical feminists is really to drive men and women apart, and these posts seem conveniently to ignore reality and years of posting history in favor of attempting to do just that.

Either that or they're just too stupid to do the research. In either case their positions are laughable, just as the idea the les-fems have of pushing women away from men is laughable.

Dave K - A Radical Moderate
Re:Bert, you're insulting a valued member - quit i (Score:1)
by Dave K on 07:46 AM August 21st, 2005 EST (#51)
Beene! Nice to see you posting.

I heard a nasty rumor that you were heading over the pond soon. If so PLEASE keep your head down, we'll be praying for you and your team.

Don't worry about this Einstein, if he's a troll he'll be gone soon and we'll all still be here, if not he'll do some research, get some 'learnin' and quit spouting this uninformed gibberish.
Dave K - A Radical Moderate
Re:Read all the way through "the Nice Girl" scam.. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:15 PM August 22nd, 2005 EST (#52)
Every "nice," sympathetic woman is a trojan horse so far as MRA's are concerned.

Do you really want the Lyndie England's of the world watching your back? (She was "nice." She drove her convoy into an ambush. Men were killed defending her poor map-reading skills....)

Let's just sanctify all of the nice girlies to be our allies and saviors, OK?

And then let's just put on our dog collars, like good, well-trained eunuchs.

Re:Read all the way through "the Nice Girl" scam.. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:15 PM August 23rd, 2005 EST (#55)
Then the feminists have already won.
They WANT men and women to not trust, like or rely on one another.
Personaly, I'm not yet ready to give up on all women. I still like to believe there are at least SOME we can trust. And in turn they can trust us.
I know it's hard to know which ones can be trusted, at this point, but just look at women like Trudy Schuett, Weny Mcaloroy and Christina Hoff Summers. They have done ALOT for the men's movement. (even when I mis-spell their names)
My guess is that Jenk is one of these types of women. She truly WANTS equality for BOTH men and women. I have little doubt of that.
I can understand being a bit suspicious at times, but sheesh.

  "Hoka hey!"
For the record (Score:2)
by Thomas on 08:31 AM August 23rd, 2005 EST (#54)
I don't post much to forums anymore, but, just for the record, JenK is a gem!

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:2)
by Clancy (long_ponytail@yahoo.com) on 12:18 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#29)
Sounds like a sweet deal to me. Kindness returns in kind, or something like that. If there were such a thing as a feminist dictionary, the work GIVE would be conspicuously missing. Sounds like Jenk and hub have a yin-yang relationship. A beaten man is one that cares only about how others feel (wife girlfriend) because he thinks that in doing so, he will be appreciated for what he does. Unfortunately, this is not the case (read "No more Mr. Nice Guy"). I would surmise that Jenks' hub does nice things for her but not at the expense of losing his own identity. Doing so only decreases respect and leads to the dreaded nagging wife. When a man starts doing things on his own that make HIM happy (because no one else is responsible for your hapiness), the dynamics in a relationship begin to change. Wifey begins to see that hubby has a spine and will not put up with being treated like a linoleum floor. It doesn't mean the hub domineers. Mutual respect begins to grow. Yes, I am a licensed pocket psychologist with a B.S. in B.S. (but I ain't B.S.'n this time)
JenK and DaveK are a NICEcouple, back off ! (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 07:58 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#38)
Unlike you, I have MET, spent time with, and enjoyed the company of JenK and DaveK.

They are warm towards each other, complement each other, have great communication (and much is unspoken - that says a lot), and seem to anticipate each other's moods.

And this is BAD .... HOW exactly?

Let's not get into an "us v. them" ideology. Their marriage works, and, IMO, not due to EITHER of them playing Jedi-Mind-Tricks on each other.

The POINT that Jen was making was that CONSIDERATION, and setting up your spouse for SUCCESS (instead of letting them fail and berating them), and positive reinforcement are positive things.

Sorry to be so assertive, but they're good people who love each other ... many don't have that.

Guerrilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
by Dave K on 07:33 AM August 21st, 2005 EST (#49)
Bert if you're too stupid to check around and learn about the people you're insulting before spewing this crap, you're a detriment to our movement.

We've don't need half-wits transferring their issues onto every person who gives them half a reason.

Wake up and buy a clue, then come back and suprise me by saying something intelligent... if that's possible.

lol... fringe of the bell cuve we've got here guys.
Dave K - A Radical Moderate
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:28 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#8)
On a related note, I saw this flowing around the 'net.


1. Your rights are delineated in the Constitution. Everything else is a privilege.

2. Your family has to put up with you. For everyone else, it's optional.

3. Southern belles always get what they want. Watch and learn, grasshopper.

4. Sex as an incentive is fair enough. Using its deprivation as a punishment will backfire hideously.

5. Mocking your man in public creates a no-win situation. He can either slice and dice you verbally, which is no fun for you, or keep his mouth shut and look like an idiot. In the case of the latter, it doesn't mean that you've won, or that he's forgotten.

6. Men love happy women. Act happy and you may discover how to be happy.

7. If there's a doubt, choose the most optimistic interpretation. That's what he meant.

8. Honey, honey, honey - a thousand times honey. Never vinegar.

9. Conflict is not passion. It isn't any fun, either.

10. Limit yourself to five complaints and demands a day. If you're not counting, you're over the limit.

11. If no one ever taught you the traditional arts, find an older woman to be your mentor.

12. Your feelings and objectively verifiable facts may be different. Learn to distinguish between them.

Any odds on seeing a show in which women are trained in anything resembling the above? Dr. Larua, who is anything but shy about telling women when they're being unreasonable or out of line, saw her television talk show cancelled within a year.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:2)
by jenk on 10:41 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#13)
What an awesome list. Yeah, it is too bad you won't see that, many women I know could use that advice.
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:16 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#19)
That is exellent. (Great, now I'm talking like Mr Burns...!)
Both MEN and WOMEN could learn from that list.
Especialy about being "agreeable".
One of the biggest complaints about women that I hear from men is that they can't find a woman that is agreeable. (And no, feminists, that is NOT the same as "submissive".) They say that too many women act like men, coarse and abrasive.
If men wanted someone who looked and acted like a man, they'd go to a Gay bar for their pickin's.
Of course the usual feminist response to this mentality is" "Oh you just want a submissive, prissy, babydoll to control!" My response to that; "Nope I'm a boy. 'never played with dolls."

Most ("normal")men are attracted to FEMININE women. Not the image that is constantly rammed down our throats by the media of the masculine female who swears every other word and is kicking men in the balls every 5 minutes. Instead of the media REFLECTING what men like about women, it TELLS men what they SHOULD want in a woman.
This is why movies like "Charlie's Angles" and "Tomb-raider" usually fail.
Anyway, If women REALLY want to know what "Men want", alot of them are going to have to do what the media and the feminists tell them NEVER TO DO. and that is; LISTEN to what men say they want. alot of men have done that for women, It's only fair that the reverse should be done.
Stop telling us what we want in a woman. No one likes to be TOLD what they want. (Man or Woman)

Anyway, YES, Man or Woman, being agreeable and interested in the other person is definately a good plan. Mutual respect. Now THAT'S how to have a healthy relationship.
Treating someone like a dog..., Not so much.

  "Hoka hey!"

Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:23 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#21)
Which would you rather hug, a porcupine or a bunny?
Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:2)
by Dittohd on 12:15 PM August 20th, 2005 EST (#47)

Ha! ha!

My son just sent me this:

Yesterday scientists suggested that, considering the results of a recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer, men should take a concerned look at their beer consumption. The theory is that beer contains female hormones (hops contain phytoeostrogens) and drinking it makes men turn into women.

To test the theory, 50 men were fed 6 pints of beer each within a one hour period. It was then observed that 100% of the men:

  • - talked excessively without making sense
  • - became overly emotional
  • - couldn't drive
  • - failed to think rationally
  • - argued over nothing
  • - had to sit down while urinating
  • - refused to apologize when obviously wrong.
  • No further testing was considered necessary


    Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
    by Anonymous User on 10:07 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#10)
    ...Be reasonable in your expectations. Some people are not born organizers...

    Warb raises his hand... that would be me.

    Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:2)
    by jenk on 10:41 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#14)
    Me neither. I am a horrible organizer!
    Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:0)
    by Anonymous User on 01:19 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#20)
    What's organization...? :-)

      "Hoka hey!"
    Jen has good points! (Score:1)
    by LSBeene on 07:23 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#37)
    Nicely said Jen!

    (of course I'm a JenK fan anyways!)

    She has great points.

    I used to tell my Ex-wife (with whom I am still friends with) that we should "greet" each other when I come home. Just a hug and both of us to ask how the other's day went.

    Then she would give me my "private time" (about 15-45 minutes to change 'modes' (military to civilian)) and THEN to hit me up with the bill problems, or household fixes, or whatever.

    I made sure that when she made a meal, that I ALWAYS thanked her (and I'm not a picky eater) for cooking. Often she would kiss me goodbye when I left for work and thank me for working hard and providing.

    These things can be called "training", or, as JenK said, "communication" as to wants, needs, and positive affirmation as to the other person's hard work.

    Nicely said BQ

    Guerrilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
    Re:Read all the way through before getting mad! (Score:1)
    by trainingfan on 03:13 AM August 25th, 2005 EST (#56)
    I would LOVE to read that book, I need to know more about this

    Feel free to contact me JenK &/or DaveK at Findem43@yahoo.com

    This site is very interesting & I must add that I also thought it was very "interesting" that shows like Dr. Laura's are snatched off the air while shows that tend to berate men are kept on....interesting indeed!

    Revolting (Score:0)
    by Anonymous User on 03:14 AM August 23rd, 2005 EST (#53)
    I watched this crap yesterday, it truly was the most offensive piece of misandrist garbage ever. There's a good summary of it written by a guy here: http://www.invisionplus.net/forums/index.php?mforu m=ct4m&showtopic=402
    bring Your husband to Heel (Score:1)
    by drbrown on 02:12 PM August 30th, 2005 EST (#59)
    Complain about this program at www.bbc.co.uk/complaints

    Please take the time to do this if you found this program offensive, for the more people who complain, the greater the effectiveness.
    [an error occurred while processing this directive]