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MSN Again: Guess Who Loses Out Most in Breakups
posted by Matt on 08:31 PM August 17th, 2005
The Media Anonymous User writes "An article written by a woman interviewing, interestingly, only women, about who loses out more financially in breakups. I wonder how the article would look if it was oh, equal in information and interviewees. Nothing new here but it is amazing how blatantly MSN can take sides on these issues."

Are Family Courts Unfair? | BBC: "Bring Your Husband to Heel"  >

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It's Bad Enough (Score:1)
by Tumescent on 09:21 PM August 17th, 2005 EST (#1)
It's not enough that men get royally screwed in divorce court, now the campaign is on to make it just as financially devastating for a man even if he were never married but just broke up with a girl friend.
Of Course Women Lose Out More! (Score:2)
by Dittohd on 12:40 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#2)

They are losing the benefit of the man's substantial income (in most cases) and assets.

Our big problem will be when women cry and whine to the point where the government changes the law to treat living together the same as marriage, giving the woman all kinds of benefits paid out of the man's back pocket, to compensate her for her time spent living with the man.


Re:Of Course Women Lose Out More! (Score:1)
by Demonspawn on 05:22 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#5)
It's called a "common law marriage" Many states have provisions for couples living together for X nubmer of years to be considered 'married' for when the breakup occurs.

And they want to complain about lost equity? I guess they feel the woman should just live there rent free under the man's roof?

Predictable (Score:2)
by Rand T. on 01:54 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#3)
If you look at the bottom of the article, you'll see it's from the "Christian Science Monitor" - a well-known left-wing-feminist wolf in conservative clothing. No wonder it was picked up by MSN.
well...another reason not to get married (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:53 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#4)
living together has its own risks. but what is made clear here is that men should not consider getting married, because once that happens all of the "legal financial protections" kick in for the female...which essentially re-distributes the wealth from the male to the female.

And this is what I will be teaching my young son as well.
Re:well...another reason not to get married (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on 10:54 AM August 19th, 2005 EST (#6)
Lets see after 4 decades of Misandry, Judicial War against Fathers, ass raping in Divorce court Men should just put their genetalia on a chopping block and hand Women an Axe right? Wrong. Too bad the Marriage strike has hit big time. In California this year there will be more Divorces than Marriage. Census figures reveal that there are more single households than married for the first time. Invest in Cat food companies. Men have wised up.

As to the Woes of the skank where is my violin? Let me get this straight I am supposed to feel sorry for her? Boo hoo cry me a River. Now that Men are bailing on marriage and there is some equity in our relationships Wymn are whining as per usual. I expect Orca Winfrey to have a show on this topic soon, and her Bitch Dr. Phil to chastise Men.

Social Security's collapse is assured. Our social safety net is dying and the whining is still going on. Clueless dingbats. Oh well. Lots of Foreign beauties to choose from. As for Ameriskanks they and their cats and battery operated boyfriends should be very happy together.
Re:well...another reason not to get married (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on 10:58 AM August 19th, 2005 EST (#7)
Gents look for the Legal profession whose income is drying up as fewer Men are getting hitched to seek to pass a law that makes cohabitation after 2 years Common Law Marriage. They have done that in Canada that Great Socialist/FemNag paradise to the North. Men there after two years are legally married and if they cohabitate with Single Moms become financially responsible for child support for her kids.

This is what the FemNags and their Legal Eagle Ambulance chaser buddies will push for here. Expect it.
Re:well...another reason not to get married (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:52 PM August 19th, 2005 EST (#8)
The same thing is happening here in Britain, whereby unmarried couples who just live together for more than a year are virtually treated as if they were married should they break up. In other words, most of the assets are transferred to the woman. This law was passed a few years ago solely at the behest of family lawyers who saw their income drying up as fewer marriages=fewer divorces=less money for greedy parasite lawyers.

The result is that, as well as a plummeting marriage rate, more and more British men are living alone or with friends. Women really don't like it. I know so many women who are still single in their thirties and often can't even get a boyfriend who'll be willing to let them move in, let alone propose to them, and they moan and complain so much. But few men are willing to budge on the issue. Too much risk.

I'm 33, never married and never co-habited, I happily live freely in my bachelor pad, and it's going to stay that way too!
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