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RADAR ALERT: VAWA 4 All: This is the Week to Deliver
posted by Matt on 10:58 AM July 11th, 2005
RADAR Project This week the VAWA4All Campaign has good news and bad news to share.

The good news is, our people in Washington are meeting with some key elected officials who are extremely supportive of our cause. That's very encouraging.

The bad news is, these elected officials say they have not seen or heard anything that resembles an outpouring of mass discontent with the current version of VAWA.

That worries us, because next week on July 19th, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be holding hearings on VAWA. As things stand right now, the VAWA bill will sail through the hearings without even a peep of concern.

Click "Read more..." for more.

RADAR ALERT:VAWA 4 All: This is the Week to Deliver

It's crucial that the Judiciary Committee hear the truth about VAWA.

So RADAR has just unveiled an analysis that identifies the 12 major flaws with VAWA. This analysis is found at the end of this Alert, and copy suitable for printing can be downloaded from the internet at: http://www.mediaradar.org/RADAR_Analysis_of_VAWA.pdf. We encourage you to carefully review this analysis and share it with others as appropriate.

So for the July 19 hearings, it's absolutely vital that the Senators hear from all sides, not just the people who willingly abuse the truth and discriminate against men.

So for Week 2 of our Shock and Awe campaign, we're going to pick up where we left off last week.

Since this is the critical week leading up the hearings, we are asking that each person who reads this Alert telephone and/or fax the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and politely insist that the hearings include:

  1. A recognized expert on the topic of family violence such as:
    * Murray Straus, Ph.D., founder of the University of New Hampshire Family Research Laboratory
    * Richard Gelles, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania
  2. A male victim of domestic violence who has been discriminated against by VAWA-funded services.

"Don't let the July 19 hearings become a rubber-stamp for VAWA. Invite Drs. Murray Straus or Richard Gelles to testify. And be sure to invite a male victim of DV who has been turned away by a VAWA-funded program."

The voice and FAX phone numbers of the Judiciary Committee members are listed below.

Threats like "If you don't get VAWA changed, I'm going to get you defeated in the next election" will only hurt our cause. Remember to make your points respectfully.

Senate Judiciary Committee Members
Senator Voice phone Fax State Party
Arlen Specter,
202/224-4254 202/228-1229 Pennsylvania R
Orrin G. Hatch 202/224-5251 202/224-6331 Utah R
Charles E. Grassley 202/224-3744 202/224-6020 Iowa R
Jon Kyl 202/224-4521 202/224-2207 Arizona R
Mike DeWine 202/224-2315 202/224-6519 Ohio R
Jeff Sessions 202/224-4124 202/224-3149 Alabama R
Lindsey Graham 202/224-5972 202/224-3808 South Carolina R
John Cornyn 202/224-2934 202/228-2856 Texas R
Sam Brownback 202/224-6521 202/228-1265 Kansas R
Tom Coburn 202/224-5754 202/224-6008 Oklahoma R
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. 202/224-5042 202/224-0139 Delaware D
Patrick J. Leahy,
Ranking Democrat
202/224-4242 Sen. Leahy's office won't
give out his fax number.
They said to email him at senator_leahy-at-leahy.senate.gov.
Vermont D
Edward M. Kennedy 202/224-4543 202/224-2417 Massachusetts D
Herbert Kohl 202/224-5653 202/224-9787 Wisconsin D
Dianne Feinstein 202/224-3841 202/228-3954 California D
Russell D. Feingold 202/224-5323 202/224-2725 Wisconsin D
Charles E. Schumer 202/224-6542 202/228-3027 New York D
Richard J. Durbin 202/224-2152 202/228-0400 Illinois D

RADAR'S Analysis of the Violence Against Women Act

The US Senate and House of Representatives are currently debating the Violence Against Women Act. RADAR has identified 12 serious flaws with the proposed bill:

1. Abuses the truth. A recent VAWA-funded report documented that 1.5% of women and 0.9% of men were physically or sexually assaulted by a partner in the previous year. The report further notes that one-fifth of these men - as well as two-fifths of the women -- were injured as a result of the assault. But VAWA simply ignores the facts about domestic violence. [Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence, http://www.ncjrs.org/pdffiles1/nij/181867.pdf, p. iii-iv]

2. Blatantly discriminates against men. The title, findings, and programs of VAWA violate men's constitutional right to equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment. None of the billions of VAWA dollars have been spent to help heterosexual male victims of DV. Imagine a federal law designed to protect white victims from criminal acts, while ignoring black victims.

3. Takes children away from their fathers. VAWA allows women to make false allegations of domestic violence, and then petition for divorce and custody of the children. In some states, a father who has ever had a restraining order filed against him is automatically rendered ineligible for joint custody of his children.

4. Blurs the distinction between violent crime and a verbal argument. The National Research Council notes that "Rigorous inquiry into violence against women is precluded when scholars fail to distinguish among what constitutes an act of violence, abuse, or battering." [Advancing the Federal Research Agenda on Violence Against Women, http://books.nap.edu/catalog/10849.html, p. 26]

5. Allows unrestrained use of restraining orders. Judges typically issue restraining orders based only on the word of the woman, without obtaining hard evidence or even allowing the man to present his side of the story. And many state laws define "violence" so broadly as to allow restraining orders to be issued on the flimsiest pretext.

6. Provides perverse incentives for law enforcement agencies and prosecutors. VAWA encourages local authorities to implement policies for mandatory reporting, mandatory arrest, and "no-drop" prosecutions. A Feminist Majority Foundation report recommends that domestic violence programs should abandon such rigid and unfair practices because they often end up harming families [Safety & Justice for All: Examining the Relationship between the Women's Anti-Violence Movement and the Criminal Legal System, http://www.ms.foundation.org/user-assets/PDF/Program/safety_justice.pdf, pp. 12-16]

7. Pre-empts existing law enforcement programs. States currently have strong partner assault laws. And the federal Violence of Crime Act already addresses the issue of domestic violence. VAWA spends $1 billion a year to duplicate existing programs.

8. Politicizes the judiciary. VAWA provides funding for judicial education which in practice amounts to ideologically-loaded rants. At one such training session judges were instructed: "Your job is not to become concerned about all the constitutional rights of the man that you're violating as you grant a restraining order. Thrown him out on the street, give him the clothes on his back and tell him, 'See ya' around.'" [http://www.ejfi.org/DV/dv-10.htm]

9. Funds ideologically-based treatment programs. The National Academy of Sciences recently concluded that domestic violence programs are frequently "driven by ideology and stakeholder interests rather than by plausible theories and scientific evidence of cause." [Advancing the Federal Research Agenda on Violence Against Women, http://books.nap.edu/catalog/10849.html, p. 6]

10. Represents an over-reaching of federal power. VAWA represents unwarranted government interference into the personal relationships of intimate partners. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has condemned parts of VAWA as representing federal intrusion into an area of law that falls squarely within the domain of the states (United States v. Morrison, 2000). [http://www.oyez.org/oyez/resource/case/1261]

11. Corrupts family violence research. VAWA-funded researchers often seek to bias the outcome of their research by interviewing only women, by slanting the wording of questions, or by selectively reporting research findings. [The Controversy over Domestic Violence by Women: A Methodological, Theoretical, and Sociology of Science Analysis. http://www.menweb.org/straus21.htm]

12. Unfairly stereotypes men. VAWA funds educational programs that consistently depict men as perpetrators and women as victims of domestic violence. Most educational programs refer to the perpetrator as "him" and the victim as "her."

VAWA tramples on persons' basic human rights, undermines the family, and makes a mockery of fairness and justice. Our elected officials have a responsibility to make sure VAWA helps all victims of domestic violence.


Date of RADAR Release: July 10, 2005

To track the current status of VAWA, go to http://thomas.loc.gov/ and enter the bill number: Senate bill S. 1197; House of Representatives bill H.R. 2876.

Come to Washington DC on July 15 and join the national effort to lobby your elected officials about VAWA. See http://www.trueequality.com/index2.php for more details.

To receive RADAR Alerts, press releases, and other special announcements, sign up for the RADAR E-lert. You can sign up for the E-lert on the RADAR home page at http://www.mediaradar.org/.

Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting (RADAR) is a coalition of men and women working to assure media balance and accuracy in coverage of the domestic violence issue. More information can be found at http://www.mediaradar.org/.

Second National Men's Equality Congress-- Less Than a Week Away | Mother Charged in Children-in-Trunk Case  >

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To little too late? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:01 PM July 11th, 2005 EST (#1)
If this Bill passes without debate, it reflects a complete failure on our part...

Ordinary citizens arrested in the middle of the night, thrownin jail on false charges, never seeing the inside of their homes again. Show
trials with predetermined outcomes. Dissidents forced into treatment for politically incorrect thoughts.

Does this describe Stalinist purges? Totalitarian repression? The USA Patriot Act in action?

No, this nightmarish scenario is our current domestic violence system. Introduced in the 1980's with good intentions, these laws have mutated into a system of repression, power and control, manipulated by the domestic
violence industry and exploited by vengeful spouses seeking advantage in divorce and child custody. NewsWithViews.com


Nice Start (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:29 PM July 11th, 2005 EST (#2)
Well I've started Reading the current and historical version of the VAWA that is being renewed.

I would say that you have started to scratch the surface in what's wrong with VAWA.

Good Job, but much...much... more analysis will be needed on our part. This thing has more hidden bigotry and outright lies than any bill I've ever read.

We will need to come up with much better documentation to support any conclusions that we make if we hope to have any impact on at least limiting the massive level of intrusion and growth of this bill.


Keep those FAXes and FAXes coming folks (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:28 PM July 11th, 2005 EST (#3)
I just can't emphasize enough that, probably the single best thing we can do, is send the FAXes as indicated in the message from RADAR. Please try to get as many of those in as possible. Please find some acceptable place to send one from. Please contact the elected reps so they will see the opposition to VAWA that exists.

I sent this announcement out to our local men's group this morning:

"If anyone needs help writing or FAXing their elected reps or getting access to a FAX machine (I have one), I'm available at your convenience at my house. All the work you will have to do is sign the letter to be sent. We have a real chance to make our presence felt and make a difference. Seriously, at your convenience. I'm retired so if you have odd hours it's no problem, and your support would mean a lot to me personally. Thanks, Ray

What can I do? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:10 PM July 11th, 2005 EST (#4)
What can I do to help?
Re:What can I do? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:33 PM July 11th, 2005 EST (#5)
Do as the post requests- get writing and faxing!
RADAR now has the correct # for Lindsey Graham (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:42 PM July 11th, 2005 EST (#6)
If anyone was unable to get a FAX to Lindsey Grahman last week, RADAR has now corrected that problem and the number above, 202-224-3808 is correct. I just got through, but it was busy when I first called. Don't give up. Call back if busy.
Just got this reply from Barbara Boxer (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:46 PM July 11th, 2005 EST (#7)
Barbara Boxer just sent this email response to me.


"July 11, 2005


Thank you for taking the time to send your
suggestion to my office. One of the most
important aspects of my job is keeping informed
about the views and ideas of my constituents, and
I welcome your comments so that I may continue to
represent California to the best of my ability.
Should I have the opportunity to consider
legislation on this issue, I will keep your
proposal in mind.

For additional information about my
activities in the U.S. Senate, please visit my
website, http://boxer.senate.gov. From this
site, you can access statements and press
releases that I have issued about current events
and pending legislation, request copies of
legislation and government reports, and receive
detailed information about the many services that
I am privileged to provide for my constituents.
You may also wish to visit http://thomas.loc.gov
to track current and past legislation.

Again, thank you for taking the time to
share your thoughts with me. I appreciate
hearing from you.


Barbara Boxer
United States Senator"

Lungren sent this snail mail response to my FAX (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:50 PM July 11th, 2005 EST (#8)
I just received, via snail mail, this response to the FAX I sent to Dan Lungren.


"July 8, 2005


Thank you for contacting my office regarding your problem. There is a long-standing rule of Congressional courtesy that each member have the opportunity to respond to his or her own constituents. I have, therefore, taken the liberty of forwarding your letter to Congressman Brad Sherman who represents the location where you reside. Congressman Sherman’s address is listed below:


Again, thank you for contacting me with your concerns. I am confident that you will be hearing from his office in the near future.


Dan Lungren

Just got this reply to my email from Arlen Specter (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:45 PM July 12th, 2005 EST (#9)
I just got this email response from Arlen Spector (R) Penn:

"(Please do not reply to this email)

Thank you for taking the time to contact me.

I receive a large volume of E-mails, phone calls, faxes and letters
week from concerned citizens like yourself.
Unfortunately, due to the high volume of mail, I can only respond if
you're a resident of Pennsylvania. If you need to find out who your
Senator is please go to www.senate.gov.

If you are a resident of Pennsylvania, and still recieving this
it simply means that I need you to use my web form to send your message
me. Please go to www.specter.senate.gov, click on the link "Contact
and then click on "Contact Form"."

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