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Boys Used as Human Sacrifice by Recent Immigrants in UK
posted by Matt on 12:46 PM June 16th, 2005
Boys/Young Men This story is utterly chilling. Some excerpts:

'"Members of the workshop said for spells to be powerful it required a sacrifice of a male child unblemished by circumcision," the report said.

'Contributors said boys were being trafficked into the UK for this purpose, but did not give details because they said they feared they would be "dead meat" if they told any more.'

Girls are not left out, either, it seems:

"There were also claims that youngsters were being smuggled into the UK as domestic slaves and for men with HIV who believed if they had sex with a child they would be cleansed."

"It [ie, this story] follows the case of a girl tortured by her guardians for being a witch."

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