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"Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day"
posted by Matt on 10:21 PM April 29th, 2005
Boys/Young Men Steven Brown writes " No discrimination going on here, no way... Girls will get hands-on experience of work while those potential rapists sometimes known as boys will get a dose of this claptrap:

"learn about violence prevention and how to be allies to the girls and women in their lives" Unbelievable..."

Norway Convicts a Woman of Rape | Caddie Sues LPGA Golfer Over Deception  >

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Link (Score:1)
by Indiana Jones on 11:06 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#1)
The link is here, but don't bother sending them feedback, i doubt they will do anything about it.

Re:Link (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:43 AM April 30th, 2005 EST (#2)
How about letters to the student newspaper?

There are many people on campus who may hesitate to speak out, even if they are upset. But people from outside the campus have nothing to lose, and they can help get a dialog started.

Hey, it works for Amnesty International. Letters matter. A well-stated and well-informed letter from a real person will be noticed. The more letters, the better.

let the rebellion start (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:04 AM April 30th, 2005 EST (#3)
I hope the boys spit in the face of their feminazi overlords at the University of California-San Francisco’s Center for Gender Equity. If they tore the place up, they would be doing a great public service. I hope that they will at least refuse to stay still, refuse to pay attention, and refuse to be quiet. Boys can offer a lot of important lessons for men under the matriarchy today.
by jname967 on 11:10 AM April 30th, 2005 EST (#4)
Amy Levine, Ed.D., Center for Gender Equity (CGE) Director
alevine@genderequity.ucsf.edu, 415.476.5837

Quita Y. Keller, M.P.H., CGE Assistant Director
qkeller@genderequity.ucsf.edu 415.476.5223

Victoria Auer, CGE Program Assistant
vauer@genderequity.ucsf.edu, 415.476.5222

by Tirryb on 05:40 PM April 30th, 2005 EST (#9)
I'm sure it won't get any further than the trashcan, but here's a copy of my letter to Mz Levine:

Mz Levine,

I read with interest a recent report of your University's 'Take your daughters and sons to work day'. In this report, it stated that girls would receive practical hands-on experience in the science and study environments, whilst boys receive violence prevention indoctrination.

As the father of a daughter, I applaud the former. Long before her birth 11 years ago I have believed in equality, and since then I have tried to show her she should disregard any gender barriers she came across. Equality is right and fair.

Can you say the same of your open day? Do you believe it is right and fair that boys miss out on an opportunity their sisters receive? Are boys so evil they must be reprogrammed at any cost, at the expense of any positive work experiences or role model interaction?

I have taken both my daughter and my older son to work with me. I run a small software company, and luckily have the flexibility to do so. On each occasion they loved their time with me, learning what I did when away from the family and finding out what went on in the office. They finished the day fired up about jobs and their own futures. In my opinion the day was invaluable to both equally.

Yet you seek to remove this benefit from boys, destroy any experience they may gain in planning their own futures and replace it instead with a mountain of guilt for the perceived poor behavior of their ancestors and a set of instructions for how to behave well in the future. Just what do you expect boys and girls to take from this? How many opportunities do you receive, through the education system and information channels, to talk to young boys? Almost every day of the year, I would suggest. And how many opportunities do young boys receive to learn about their parent's work environment first hand - just one, I assume. Yet that one day must be removed from them and used to psychologically beat them into a shape you deem more suitable.

My acid test for equality has always been reversibility. If you can reverse the genders/races and still see no injustice, then it's probably equal and fair. So if another university let boys spend the day learning about careers and practicing science whilst the girls were taken aside and taught how to be good wives for their future husbands, I can only assume you'd see this as fine and dandy.

In my generation I myself and many other men I know well grew up believing in equality - all people are to be treated the same. I fear that the next generation, if you continue, will grow up believing men are second-class uncontrollable malcontents who deserve a leash more than any semblance of a future. If that is what you believe equality to be, then I fear for your students even more.
why not link to the origional article? (Score:1)
by scudsucker on 11:35 AM April 30th, 2005 EST (#5)
Here. My favorite quote:
    "It mirrored the same sexism that occurs in the classroom daily," she said, "where boys raise their hands more often, demand more attention and have discipline problems."
So raising there hands and wanting attention is sexism? Fuck you, feminazi beyach!

"...show young men an ideal of manhood that respects women and rejects violence" George W. Bush - Republican 2005

Re:why not link to the origional article? (Score:1)
by jname967 on 03:11 PM April 30th, 2005 EST (#8)
Exactly! And just what "classroom" is she talking about? It's 2005! Girls are outperforming boys! The "classroom" is hostiile to BOYS.

This quote is blatant proof that feminists LIE to maintain their victim status.
Gender feminism's final solution is bigotry (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:48 AM April 30th, 2005 EST (#6)
"The center’s director, Amy Levine, says the program isn't intended to give boys and girls the same learning opportunities."

Once again we see the gender feminist solution to perceived or alleged sexism is to engage in virulent, male-hating sexism. Using bigotry on males to further oppress them is nothing short of a pure hate crime. The academic future of males (already severely behind females) looks bleak indeed if man-hating gender feminists continue male-hating projects like this.

How hateful of gender feminists to dig up all the perceived historical oppression against females they can find, then place it on the backs of today's young males who would have clearly had nothing to do with it. ...and of course how hateful of gender feminists to ignore all the historical oppression that males have had to endure throughout history.


"Gender feminism, the politically correct, institutionalized, fashionable and dominate hate movement of the new millenium."
Re:Gender feminism's final solution is bigotry (Score:2)
by Roy on 01:32 PM April 30th, 2005 EST (#7)
And, the quote Ray picked out as the most revealing tells us another thing about feminists.

As gender-fascists, they truly believe "the end justifies the means."

Notice the candid admission that "equality" is in no way a goal; indeed, it is an obstacle to the ideological plan.

So what if young boys are harmed, denigrated, and emotionally assaulted by feminist harpies preaching their anti-male screed at impressionable young male captive victims?

It's interesting to see how feminism has devolved so quickly into fascism.

What started out as a movement to redress injustice has become in a mere forty years our culture's most vicious source of hatred, distortion of laws, and poison between women and men.

If you want to understand the radical feminist mentality, go rent a DVD of "Hotel Rwanda."

Over two million people were slaughtered because they were defined by their ideologically-insane neighbors as "cockroaches...."

Do feminists have a markedly different mindset?

"It's a terrible thing ... to be living in fear."
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