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Male pill proposal flawed at conception (allegedly)
posted by Adam on 09:48 AM March 10th, 2005
Reproductive Rights It's been quite a while since we had a condescending talking down about the male pill by a woman, or a pseuedo-man lackey, so here's a new article. Of course, we all know the condescension is really a projection of fear onto the nearest man for being able to do what women have been doing for at least 2 generations, or longer if you consider keeping your fertility ambiguous is what a certain half of humanity use to sexually manipulate the other half of humanity? Yeah I think so. Even if the side effects are harsh, it would most likely reverse the sexual dynamics, and that alone would be worth it. And since we're at it, shall we take a few guesses at the scare mongering tactics we'll have to endure when our pill gets released?

Indian state government offering money to one-girl families | Boeing employees raise Stonecipher questions  >

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Consider It Insurance (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:19 AM March 10th, 2005 EST (#1)
The addition of a male pill helps insure that a pregnancy won't occur. Using two contraceptive methods is better than using just one.

Plus, it gives male much more authority over where their DNA is going, which is good.
I'd call it "Checkmate - once a day keeps the ... (Score:2)
by Clancy (long_ponytail@yahoo.com) on 03:41 PM March 10th, 2005 EST (#2)
paternity suits away".

I think miz Woodham needs to come up to speed. Unless I'm way off, I'd say that the introduction of a truly effective male pill might rival the initial sales of viagra. If and when this pill does emerge, I will be watching with keen interest to see if I'm right. All women of child bearing years that are in the maternal mood might just turn a whiter shade of pale.

Re:Consider It Insurance (Score:1)
by bro on 04:39 PM March 10th, 2005 EST (#3)
Basicly she's pissed because it would mean that men would have more control over contraception. It would also mean that females would actially have to ask a man to have a child insted of just going off the pill whenever they feel like it.

This would mean that even if the woman stops using the pill, the man would be protected against an unexpected/unwanted preganancy.

This would also help stop or slow down paternity fraud, where then at least a man has control over his own sperm and dna.
By Jove ..... (Score:2)
by Clancy (long_ponytail@yahoo.com) on 06:35 PM March 10th, 2005 EST (#4)
Excellent point you made there.

"It would also mean that females would actially have to ask a man to have a child insted of just going off the pill whenever they feel like it."

Imagine that!! A woman, having to ask permission to have a baby - FROM A MAN!!!! HOLY CRAP! Talk about shock waves!!!! That ought to just about solve the abortion issue since there would be no pregnancies without a permission slip.

Re:By Jove ..... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:17 AM March 11th, 2005 EST (#5)
The bitch Woodham writes, "We should stick to what we do best. Men are great at sperm production and distribution; women have become adroit at sperm evasion."

This single statement is defacto evidence that this bitch devalues males to little more than sperm factory that are devoid of human rights. What she wants is for women to have the right to enslave men at will with paternity fraud. She's pissed because a male pill would mean that women cannot legally commit paternity fraud.

Then male-hating paternity fraud advocate Woodham writes, "Researchers are wasting their time with the male pill. If they wanted to improve the lives of men and women, perhaps they could work on a magic pill that obviated the effects of PMS"

Good thing there is a massive market out there that will overpower the influence of feminism to make such a pill illegal. We have already heard these feminist proposing laws against a male pill. For women it's all about collecting money from men.


Consider It Insurance - the best kind of insurance (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:48 AM March 11th, 2005 EST (#6)
Hi, this is my first post. Normally, I like to read but not comment on forums etc... But this article is amazing.

She has demonstrated that for women sex is their main power over men. If a woman get pregnent, she has the final say so. Not anymore!!! The introduction of the male pill will give men some of that power back.

The pill gave women so much power - any half intelligent person will see that this will be a major shift in power.

I hope they prefect the male pill soon, REAL soon.

Regards TDP - a vistor from the UK.


Keep up the good work!!!!
The're Terrified (Score:1)
by austing on 06:19 AM March 11th, 2005 EST (#7)
Women say men aren't responsible enough to take responsibility for reproduction, but the truth is that women are terrified that men might! Yes, women would loose most of their power. Look how much research goes into womens health, breast cancer, female contraception, etc. How much funding goes into mens health, prostate cancer, and male contraception??? In Michigan, there is a proposed bill that would eliminate gender descrimination. You would think women would be all for this. Wrong!!! Many are against it because it would eliminate funding for special women only projects: health, welfare, education... Well, isn't it about time.
points (Score:1)
by ArtflDgr on 09:12 AM March 11th, 2005 EST (#8)
this article made the rounds on a few other MRA sites.

one thing that was noted elsewhere was that no one can tell what the authors position is. the article can be taken as tongue in cheek, sarcasm, etc. and the flippiness doesnt let you know which side is getting the sarcasm or if the whole thing is

i am glad to see that someone else here made the same point i did at another site about the man having to go off the pill

It would mean that western women would have to rediscover a whole new behavior pattern to have children as they would not be able to get around the issue by accident

with that said someone posted that just wait... three weeks after they come out some feminist company will make placebo look alikes so that women can replace the mans pills - funny

this can also drive more of a wedge as those that dont have the skills to make a man feel confident to let down the gates for a while will end up having some hard chioces to make. to do it alone, to adopt, or to go without when you didnt want to.

men WILL be blames but the point will be moot. I pointed out that with such a personal choice at hand (and it would be here since there is too much money to be made for anyone to really block it once it passes muster), it will be nigh impossible to use force to change mens behavior. they will not be able to make laws that say a man would have to give it up when she wants it. though i can see it used in divorces as a cruelty against the wife, but that would be ok as the person would not have had kids and now knows she is a conniver. there will also be protest as this will only be painted as needed so that men can spread AIDS, nothing you can do there... and it wouldnt stop men from taking it, or saying they arent and then take it anyway..

I have been waiting for this kind of thing all my life, though it has always been like a carrot appearing from time to time

i suspect that men will not be as irresponsible as the women as far as this is concerned. more children are born by accident now than when the pill wasnt around.

too bad i will be too old to really enjoy the possibilities... shoot, just this morning i looked down and almost forgotten what it was for!



Re:points (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:05 AM March 11th, 2005 EST (#9)
Perhaps the existence of a male pill will help promote anti-paternity fraud laws.

Woman claims man fathered her child, but man claims he was on the pill.

Of course, a DNA test would still have to be performed. But perhaps the mere existence of a pill will convince judges and legislatures that a mother could be lying.
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