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What, no baby?
posted by Adam on 11:45 AM February 12th, 2005
Book Reviews I just came across an interesting book review over at the The Age about the fertility crisis in Australia. Evidently, a certain half of humanity is still having alot of trouble seeing the link between action and reaction, and just can't quite figure out why their world of hurt is starting to get bigger. And of course, the fact that everything else should change (the nearest man, the enviroment, the workplace policies etc) to suit them, while they remain the same won't strictly encourage you to empathize.

Oh yeah, since it's The Age, read it quick, since they're infamous for archiving their stuff in under a week.

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Leslie Cannold (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:25 PM February 12th, 2005 EST (#1)
Margaret Throsby of the A(ustralian)BC interviewed Dr Cannold on February 8 last. It is available (can be listened to) at
(Old Marge is a quite a bit of a feminist herself, but hey, what dou you expect? This is the ABC!)
Quite a revealing interview, really. Note her (Leslie's) reference to the "three types of men" (deadbeats etc) and her preference for those whom she refers to as "the gorgeous men" who are - guess who?. Would make you want to puke if it weren't so grimly funny.
Small wonder that the once mighty institute of Melbourne University is now regarded as a source of merriment and mirth! What with intellectual light-weights like the learned Leslie on staff, what else could one expect?
A pity, really. MU is (one of) my Alma Maters and I liked studying there in the "good old days".
Joanna Murray-Smith is a formidable intellect, though. No surprise there, however. What with a father like hers! Genes rule!

In truth, we don't really have to fight feminism - it will destroy itself from within - given time. It's already doing that quite effectively.
Feminism is the idea the time of which has passed.
Maybe we can hurry up its demise.
Undoing the damage will be a much tougher task.
That's what Men's Activism is.
Or should be, at any rate.
Some of the damage can never be undone, of course.
One of the dark episodes of history, I suppose.
Just our good fortune to live in interesting times, I guess.

gynocentric self-absorpsion (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:15 PM February 13th, 2005 EST (#2)
She castigates wealthy societies for not providing women "with the same freedom to embrace motherhood as they had to avoid it".

Wealthy societies destroy fathers' opportunities to have a meaningful relationship with their children. Through ignoring paternity fraud and denying men reproductive rights, they also do not give men a fair opportunity to avoid fatherhood.

Once again, women are much more privileged than men. And once again, women are whining about their situation and ignoring men's situation.
Re:gynocentric self-absorpsion (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on 01:28 PM February 13th, 2005 EST (#3)
Being self absorbed an anti Male then whining why Men no longer want them is the current Mantra of Western Women. Not just in the UK, Australia, but also in the US. Look at the popular TV Show "Desperate Housewives". It should be Renamed "Desperately Unhappy With our Choices". Dam if I am not sick of this BS. At 48 I have been hearing these lies,distortions, & anti male diatribe for more than 3 Decades. I spent 18 years in a marriage dying for affection with every kind deed imputed with a sinister motive. I despise Orca Winfrey and want her head as a hood ornament for my SUV. Gents do you feel likewise? Tired of the mistreatment. Tired of the whining. Fed up with the entitlement Mentality?

Recently heard some Woman complain about Men. Said to her "Bitch Shut the F#$% Up". Find it harder to contain my anger towards Women and their attitudes. Even sent my Sister an angry email about the misandric attitudes that Women have. She was shocked at my email. Basically told her American Women can take the misandric attitudes and Rot and Burn in Hell for all I care. I guess the fires to reproduce are burnt out at my age. Words of my Grandmother keep coming back to me. She embodied Feminine behavior, she said "Pretty is as Pretty Does". Fred Reed writes similarly about how risky relationships are for males in Western Culture today.
Re:gynocentric self-absorpsion (Score:2)
by Philalethes on 06:40 AM February 14th, 2005 EST (#4)
Fred Reed writes similarly about how risky relationships are for males in Western Culture today.

Indeed he does, and very well; see his latest column, a perfect answer to this tiresome rant:

Now, why might a man want to date his secretary instead of some virile pit-viperess of a lawyer, forever coiled to strike? ... Since nothing can be her fault, that leaves men.

And, of course, that other great feminist whipping-boy, "Society." Of course, "society" is more than half women, but like any other inconvenient fact, we'll just ignore that.

As I've said before, like most of my generation (born in "liberal" California, 1943), I was thoroughly indoctrinated to believe the whole feminist storyline ... but in fact it has been the observed behavior of women themselves which has finally convinced me of the fundamental truth of the traditional view of gender characters and roles.

"The idea that women were repressed until the sexual revolution in the 1960s is absurd ... they were certainly restrained, a crucially different matter." --Melanie Phillips, 'The Sex-Change Society: Feminised Britain and the Neutered Male'
Re:gynocentric self-absorpsion (Score:1)
by The_Beedle on 03:17 PM February 14th, 2005 EST (#9)
Wealthy societies destroy fathers' opportunities to have a meaningful relationship with their children. Through ignoring paternity fraud and denying men reproductive rights, they also do not give men a fair opportunity to avoid fatherhood.

Or to put it another way: Men have neither the choice to avoid or to embrace paternity. We can be forced into supporting unwanted children and denied parenting of wanted ones.

The right to be a real parent is every bit as important as the right to choose not to be a parent.
Useless Drivel (Score:1)
by ArtflDgr on 11:02 AM February 14th, 2005 EST (#5)
I havent read the book yet, but it will be a farce... why? because the one thing that is the real cause of all this your not allowed to present!!!!! ah.. the problem with delusion.. that when you need to make a real life decision, and you are living a lie (even a pleasant one), you will not be effective where it counts.... better to accept your dysfunction and return to dream land...

there are some serious population issues that we really cant do anything about.. femnazis made women think that being a woman was a real bad thing, cranked out poor copies of men in drag, and now wonder why they aint having families....

could it be that by 40, the men are no longer driven by hormones to accept the crap they did earlier?

could it be that by 40 peri-menopause has already started.... and many women would have already missed their child boat

that a divorce rate of over 60%, coupled with alimony, draconian child support and such.. makes a family the worst gamble a man can make... especially a man with limited resources....

could it be that by waiting till 40 the money that the man would have spent and provided was not gathered to make a strong family, but was wasted trying to woo women that didnt want a family... those women got the families money and resources...

Oh... could it be that a man doenst want a life partner that makes him responsible for the ills he causes AND ills he has nothing to do with.. and that the believe in a conspiritorial patriarchy that doesnt exist is a sign of socially normalized paranoia... (note an article about the woman who got a carving knife through security at newark.. she had a butcher knife in her pocket book.. her expanation was that she brought it on a blind date the night before.. yup.. she is sooooo scared in general that she brings a butcher knife!!!! to meet the man of her dreams.. if your that scared of a person you might date, better to stay home)....

i can list out tons of things that each push towards the intended goal of NOW and other organizations (creche child care is what they want and say so openly).

and one more little note...

"traditional workplace's inherent disrespect for the working woman's right to reproduce"

reproduction is not a right... anything she will come up with to make it "fair" will be totally unfair to singles and those that choose not to have children, and burden the tax base (which without new babies to pay cant support freebies for women who want to make a life impact choice, and not have it have impact).

i detect in her that the solution is one without men... her suggestions and ideas tend to add more litigation and alienation of the second half of the equation.

She lets the feminists off the hook and without saying so implies that the patriarchy was at fault.. but NEVER notices that before the invention of this gender moriarty we were having babies in droves and were worried about overpopulation!!!!!!

Again i will reiterate... in the past none of those social things she is claiming stopped people from having babies... so her premise must be so off base as to be laughable... they forgot that men have to want to have babies too.. and they dont now.. people who have her beliefs tend to thing that all men want nothing better than to impregnate lots of women, and so men cant be part of the problem! in fact this argument is used when discussing male contraception... ha! if you think populations are declining now.. just wait till a man can take an "insurance pill" and a woman will have to negotiate to get pregnant.. women today dont have this skill, so when the time comes, they aint going to be able to get there from here...

yup, its a mess... but it was worse in the past and we did better... so daycare and things are not whats wrong... men are not commitment phobic, they are romantic pillage phobics!


Somthing noticed i forgot to add - pls forgive (Score:1)
by ArtflDgr on 11:06 AM February 14th, 2005 EST (#6)
I forgot to notice that in these things there is a sense of not being able to see beyond a closed room... to quote shakepeare...

"I shall find myself bounded by a nutshell and think myself a king of infinite space"

their argument areas are now so proscribed that its like arguing in a small closed world restrictive of those things not acceptable and therfore not part of the issue...

does anyone else get this feeling or at least can put it in better terms than i just did..

Thx for all your indulgences!
Artful Dodger
Re:Somthing noticed i forgot to add - pls forgive (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:21 PM February 14th, 2005 EST (#7)
Well, ladies. If you want some one to blame (other than men for a change) you need look no further than your favorite neighborhood feminists.
You have only them and yourselves to blame.

Either you can learn to fix it, or you can Start LIKEIN' it...!

  "Hoka hey!"
For those with strong stomachs (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:06 PM February 14th, 2005 EST (#8)
here's the lady herself on herself.

http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=3 015

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