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Woman Faces Perjury Charges
posted by Matt on 11:49 AM February 10th, 2005
False Accusations bandersnatch writes From "Local 6:

'At 5-foot-9, 140 pounds, 25-year-old Beate Faanis cut a stunning figure as a University of Central Florida golfer, and she quickly caught the eye of fellow golfer Trason Brooks. They would date off and on over 18 months, but after their last break-up things turned downright bizarre. The first sign of trouble came August 8, when Brooks was arrested while working at the Stoneybrook East golf club and charged with attempted first-degree murder and aggravated stalking.'

This story is absolutely unreal -- read it and see how one false accusation from a vindictive woman can ruin a man's life."

Sexual Harassment at Gitmo | Girls Jailed for Murdering Drunk Man  >

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Insane (Score:1)
by Kyo on 01:02 PM February 10th, 2005 EST (#1)
Those two innocent men should sue both Faanes and the law enforcement authorities, who obviously skipped class on the day when "due process" was explained.

The final lines are scary -- "they're just glad they're not in prison". Nobody should be thinking like this. Everyone involved with this case should be reflecting on their terrible judgment, and doing all they can to see that this vicious criminal is put in jail, or better yet, a labor camp where she can work off the legal bills she's caused these two innocent men. That's where she belongs.
Re:Insane (Score:1)
by scudsucker on 02:43 AM February 11th, 2005 EST (#5)
Those two innocent men should sue both Faanes and the law enforcement authorities, who obviously skipped class on the day when "due process" was explained.

Yup. I don't blame them for the initial arrest, but I certainly blame them for not doing even basic fact checking on her story.

"...show young men an ideal of manhood that respects women and rejects violence" George W. Bush - Republican 2005

Re:Insane (Score:1)
by SacredNaCl on 09:48 AM February 12th, 2005 EST (#8)
Those two innocent men should sue both Faanes and the law enforcement authorities, who obviously skipped class on the day when "due process" was explained.

Except many states have a law which prevents you from suing someone for making a police report, even if it's a blatantly false police report. They make is very difficult to actually recover from the truly guilty party, however, these guys have a pretty clear cut case against the law enforcement officers, and they will probably recover from them. It's disappointing that those checks are on the system to prevent civil recovery, but they are in many places.

Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
Biting the hand that feeds you. (Score:1)
by The_Beedle on 02:24 PM February 10th, 2005 EST (#2)
Days earlier she told us she really was attacked, but was coerced by police to confess when they threatened her father. Police say that's another lie.

She gets called on the lies and turns on the police. Good luck getting them to cooperate if those guys sue you, lady.
extremity (Score:1)
by Thomas Jefferson on 06:21 PM February 10th, 2005 EST (#3)
Then he heard of "the best attorney in town," Harrison "Butch" Slaughter, who led a team of lawyers and investigators to uncover the truth. Slaughter persuaded a judge to set bail, but by then Brooks had spent 93 days in jail and the first of what's now a $30,000 legal bill.

He said if his family did not have access to a competent, highly paid law firm, he might still be in jail or prison, because the sheriff's office accepted Faanes' allegations at face value

It was about a year ago that an honor student with a 4.0 grade point average faked her own kidnapping in Wisconsin, I believe, in orer to get attention from a boyfriend who had dumped her. It was on the national news.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. The lengths some women will go to and for petty reasons is astounding. This is probably more commonplace than anyone, esp. gender feminists, will care to admit.

"Tall girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, pretty girl," Brooks recalled of his first impression of the Norweigian-born clinical social worker.

And but the way did anyone happen to pick on the fact she was a social worker? Did she work in the child protective services or DV shelter? Who checks the checkers?

We are not to expect to be translated from despotism to liberty in a featherbed. -- Thomas Jefferson

feminist state (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:52 PM February 10th, 2005 EST (#4)
Think feminist hate-mongering is a joke? This farce is a direct result of that "women don't lie about rape" BS that anti-male hate-mongers have been peddling for years.

It's high time to stand up and speak out against the demonization of men.

rape shield laws? (Score:2)
by bandersnatch on 11:38 AM February 11th, 2005 EST (#6)
et's fast forward 10 years from now.

ms. psycho is out of the loony bin, moves to a new town, etc. and starts pulling the same shit on some unsuspecting guy, accusing of him rape, etc.

charges are filed, it caes goes to trial, wouldn't rape shield laws prevent the poor guy's lawyers from exposing this stuff and using it against her?

correct me if i'm wrong but if this is true, that's REALLY SCARY.
Re:rape shield laws? (Score:2)
by bandersnatch on 11:38 AM February 11th, 2005 EST (#7)

minor correction. the first line should read -- Let's fast forward 10 years from now.
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