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Sydney Herald: Men should be trained as worker drones for women
posted by Matt on 05:25 PM January 22nd, 2005
Masculinity Ric writes "Australia's Sydney Morning Herald, serves up this opinion piece: "If more men were supported in lowering their expectations of themselves to be clever in more practical ways, they might also be more valued by women."

The article suggests boys should be taken away from professional education in schools and taught vocational skills like sanding floors and fixing fences. This worthwhile employment will benefit women and cause them to value us again.

Not to forget "Women don't start wars" and "women are more agreeable socially". She forgot "women write self-delusional crap".

I have set up a protest page here Please make them regret printing this crap.


Original Wisdom | Women cleverer than men, says MP  >

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time is NOW (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:52 AM January 23rd, 2005 EST (#1)
It's time for every single man and woman to start speaking out about the culture of contempt for men and the serious injustices that men face. JUST DO IT!
Re:time is NOW (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:36 PM January 23rd, 2005 EST (#4)
The women of Australia, Britan and America can collectively kiss my Native-American ASS!

I'd die before I'd allow myself to be a slave to any one male OR female.
And let's be honest that IS exactly what this article is suggesting, SLAVERY.
This means that black men can look forward to being slaves just like their ancestors were. The same goes for the men of my people. It's a little known or recognized fact that American Indians were also breifly used as slaves in America and Britan.
This article is both sexist AND racist.
I call upon my Black brothers to join we Indians and any White men, as well, in saying to the author(s) of this article that we will NEVER BE SLAVES AGAIN! EVER!!!!!!!!
My god. In this day and age to hear any one talking about slavery is not just ridiculous it's alarming.
I say let them try to enslave us. I will kill and scalp any one who trys it. I will hang their scalp on my belt just as some of my Cherokee ancestors might have.
I will cry; "HOKA HEY!" and let loose the dogs of war.
Come on. TRY to enslave me and my people I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

  "Hoka hey!"
And in this case I really mean "HOKA HEY!"
I'm not always as sweet and nice as people might think, when it comes to someting like this.
my letter to the Sydney Misandrist (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:18 PM January 23rd, 2005 EST (#2)
Subject: publishing Hilary Burden's vicious bigotry

Stop publishing hateful rubbish! Consider some of the hateful statements for which you have provided a platform:

Headline: "Men in trouble now that even their sperm isn't necessary"

Did you ever consider that there's more to a man than sperm? Your contempt for men is astonishing.

"Finally, then, scientific evidence to support that old feminist aphorism that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."

Scientific support for feminist hate? Do you find this funny?

"The point of men is? There is no point.

Why haven't women all over the world been partying in the streets in one glorious, sexy, all-girl conga line? More importantly, why hasn't the world been celebrating now that the future of a planet in female hands is scientifically possible?"

How funny it is to see the face of feminazism. Somehow, Australian men, who have no support as victims of domestic violence, who have no reproductive rights, who face gross anti-male sexism in family law, and who find educational opportunities closed to them by feminist anti-male hate, are supposed to be laughing at this?

Do you have any self-respect? Do you have any concern about social justice?

Re:my letter to the Sydney Misandrist (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:22 PM January 23rd, 2005 EST (#3)
I knew things were over for Australia when they allowed that billboard ad for "VOODOO JEANS" of a woman walking two naked men on all fours, on leashes like dogs.
I said to myself; "Either this will get alot of protest by Auastralians or the Australian men have become the biggest wussie-poopies on the planet.
Well there was some protest over it. a fair amount even by women. But the billboard stayed up. and I guess it was "tolerated". Which leads me to believe that I was right in the first place. Australian men have become the biggest wussie-poopie males on the planet. Seconded by Britan and thirded by America.
Only Wussie-poopie males "tolerate" this sort of thing. If wussie-poopies predominate then feminism prevails.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:my letter to the Sydney Misandrist (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:23 PM January 23rd, 2005 EST (#5)
Okay I sent her an E-mail.
And I let her have it good and proper.
I called her out on her bigotry like no one ever has, probably.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:my letter to the Sydney Misandrist (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:10 PM January 23rd, 2005 EST (#6)
And I bet she's now crying like a baby and/or quaking in her stillettos! "Thundercloud don't love me! What's a girl to do now"?
You know, the difference between us Australian men and what passes for men in the US seems to be our ability to take things in our stride.
When it comes to panicking - we just don't know how to do it, mate. LTS! And it's summer down here - beautiful sunny summer.
Who cares what this or any other Hillary writes? - column to day, fishwrap tomorrow - and nobody will remember a word of what she wrote. Somethings are just better left ignored. Let her have her fun and put down her name on the list of things to do - come the revolution.
Lighten up and live a little. Relax! No-one's going to send you back to reservation! I promise.
But seek some serious counselling for your race-hate inspired anger. That's really offensive.
And we don't really give a toss what US-men think about us, so keep your insults to yourself - or we might pull our troops out of Iraq and call Nicole and Russell home - and then what would you do?
Re:my letter to the Sydney Misandrist (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:07 PM January 23rd, 2005 EST (#8)
You might notice that respectyourman.org is a website run by an Australian man. That chum is doing something to address a serious problem that hurts men and women. Thundercloud is also doing something.

Men, in whatever country, who just want to drink beer while living in their mother's basement until the child support gestapo tags them for unplanned, unknown parenthood with that chick they shagged a few years ago don't deserve much respect. Scalping those lame-asses would be fine with me.

Re:my letter to the Sydney Misandrist (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:46 AM January 24th, 2005 EST (#9)
Where do I come off as showing "race-hate"?
I don't "hate" anyone.
If it's because I mentioned "scalping", believe me I am exagerating. And also believe me when I say I would "scalp" anyone who would try to harm me or this country, regardless of skin color, race, creed, nationality, or gender.
I'm an equal opportunity scalper. :-)
But I must admit you may be on to something. Maybe I shouldn't take people like the author of that article so siriously.
That's probably what she WANTS me and all men to do. So you are right. She is not worth any more of my thought.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:my letter to the Sydney Misandrist (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:48 AM January 24th, 2005 EST (#10)
Sorry Neal. I mis-spelled your name.

It's "Neale", Thundercloud, with an "e" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:35 PM January 24th, 2005 EST (#12)
But nevermind that - you're not the first one to spell it wrongly - and you probably wont be the last one, either.

No need to apologize - just a tussle between friends "in the heat of the moment". "Robust exchange" my old and onetime prof used to call it, God rest his soul. "A robust exchange in pursuit of the truth". He liked to stoke the fires of controversy - a bit like Larry S, really. A great soul, in truth; proud to call myself his student.

You should tune in to the broadcasts of the Australian Federal Parliament sometime - choisest collection of expletives, insults and rude remarks to be found anywhere on the planet, I kid you not!
(Order! Order! I name the Honourable Member for Woop-woop, and remind her that it's is not acceptable to refer in this House to the President of the United States as a.....).
I - and we - can take it and we wont call our Nic and Russ home (Russ is here already, anyway, and playing Rugby - now there's a real man's game!) - I promise - and we'll leave our blokes to help you fellows out, for after all, what are friends for?

And anyway, I have been called worse. Although the NYT's onetime label of Australian men (soldiers) as "mean brutes with attitude" was rather nice. Better than....,well, you know.

But whatever, the sheilas don't scare us - hell no! "Give the little ladies their little bit of fun, the poor darlings", I always say, smiling condescendingly at the big-footed, hairy-legged, big-everywhere things.

Have a nice one - and a cold one!, mate!


(Remember, with an "e" -:))
Re:It's "Neale", Thundercloud, with an "e" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:45 PM January 24th, 2005 EST (#13)
"Neale", Got it.
And I think I WILL have a cold one, right now.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:my letter to the Sydney Misandrist (Score:1)
by Tirryb on 08:00 PM January 23rd, 2005 EST (#7)

I take your point - up to a point - but try not insulting the world in doing it, next time. I'm a brit living in Australia with family at both ends of the world, and I find this kind of response pretty insulting. Sure, British men are pretty weak when it comes to complaining, but that's changing. And ozzie men are just too laid back - and too self-confident - to worry at all.

My view on life is that nobody should be disadvantaged because of who they are (race, colour, creed, religion or anything else) and that overall equality is a great (if probably unobtainable) goal to aim for. That's the reason I've started getting involved in this site, and the same reason I'd hate to see us turn on each other when blood runs a little high...
Re:my letter to the Sydney Misandrist (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:57 AM January 24th, 2005 EST (#11)

Okay. I think you and Neal are right to to be a bit offended. I did mis-speak, and I do apologize.
After all where is it that BATMAN and SPIDERMAN reside? Britan. We haven't done anything that bold or that brave in this country. Hopefuly that will change, though.
And wussie-poopies can be any where. They are in Britan, they are in Australia but we certainly don't have a shortage of wussie-poopies in the U.S.. In fact, perhaps we have MORE in the U.S..
After all most of feminism began here in America and has been exported...,
Boy, I DID put my foot in my mouth, didn't I?
Sorry, guys. I'll think a bit more before I post, next time.

  "Hoka hey!"
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