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Men "Still Suffering in Silence"
posted by Matt on 11:44 PM December 26th, 2004
Domestic Violence Anonymous User writes "Most may be too humiliated to report it, but PAUL BOWEN bears testimony to the fact that men endure domestic abuse at the hands of their female partners."

Who's Your Daddy? | "Vagina Monologues" draws protest  >

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interesting article (Score:1)
by Tom on 07:44 AM December 27th, 2004 EST (#1)
Interesting article. It's a start to get the word out that DV is not a gender issue, it is a human issue.

I couldn't help but notice that he talked of "laughing" at the woman's violence against the man. Just like in the movies, a man's pain is seen as funny and a woman's is seen as a call for the fricking cavalry.

He ended by saying: "A few more men are going to have to make the call, and stand on the front step in full view of the neighbours with a hanky to their bloody noses. Otherwise, everyone’s at risk."

This is what the feminists call blaming the victim. While it is true that men do need to stand up and make the call, it is also true that if the victim group had been women he would never had said that. He would have concluded that WE are responsible to get this change going, that it is the only right things for US to do.

Do we have True Equality?
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