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Woman Murders Woman and Steals Unborn Baby
posted by Matt on 06:31 PM December 20th, 2004
The Media Many of you have seen different reports about this story in the news recently, but to not mention it would be ignoring the proverbial 800-lb. gorilla. It is just too unspeakably horrible to contemplate and maybe that is why no one posted it on MANN... until now. Anway, I am at a loss for commentary, except to say, just imagine how this story would have read if the perp had been male.

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A female perpetrated hate crime (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:21 PM December 20th, 2004 EST (#1)
Well this doesn't quite fit into the Washington Post's propaganda about pregnant women being in danger of homicide from their male intimates - not quite at all.

This is clearly a hate crime, because the crime was commtitted against this woman, because she was a pregmant woman. Men don't get pregnant so no other sex but female was ever in the plan of this murderer.

Maybe if the dummys in Washington concentrated on crime, instead of the misandrist gender hate war that the feminists want, we could really help all victims of violence.

Interestingly ! (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 08:40 PM December 20th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1714 Info)
Believe it or not, the Washington Post covered this story - with the additional information:

"The case, as shocking as it was, is not unique in the region. One year ago, Oklahoma police charged a woman with murdering an acquaintance and stealing her 6-month-old fetus because she wanted a baby of her own. The fetus died."

Where does this place all their effort expended on their 3 part series on Expectant Mother murders ?

Re:Interestingly ! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:12 PM December 20th, 2004 EST (#3)
I just wish the biased news media would spend some time on the egregious (woman vs. child) child abuse stroies that get a brief mention, then are never heard about anymore.

There were a flurry of them last Summer, and the local one that sticks in my mind is the woman who put her child in the washer and turned it on. The child was seriously injured, but I seem to recall it lived. I seem to recall a police officer broke the glass with his batton to get the child out.

Of course if you really want to do a horrifying series do a story on Texas women who maim and murder their intimates.

The biased Washington Post has a paper in Texas so why are they not lobbying for a FFVTWA (Freedom From Violent Texas Women Act)? I guess that just goes to show you the glaring hypocrisy of the affiliates associated with that bigoted rag.
Re:Interestingly ! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:14 PM December 21st, 2004 EST (#7)
I don't know about anyone else's local news, but here in Indiana, our local news media couldn't bring themselves to beleive that a female would EVER do this to another female. When they first brought us the story they were literaly saying that she MUST have had one or more "male accomplices". Even though upon further examination there is NO EVIDENCE, what so ever of that being the case!
My local news, though INSISTED that there HAD to be a man involved.
It just goes to show that anti-male media bias isn't restricted to the national news media. It's an epedimic.

  "Hoka hey!"
A sample of what's ahead (Score:2)
by TLE on 01:10 AM December 21st, 2004 EST (#4)
Today I got a sample of what will be coming out of the pipe in the next weeks and months concerning this psycho Lisa Montgomery. A female commentator on MSNBC was speculating on the motivations for the crime. Apparently, she has 3 teenage children, but they are all from a previous marriage. Now remarried, Montgomery wanted to have a kid with the new husband and got pregnant, but lost the baby a couple months ago. So, speculated the MSNBC fem, she clearly was under enormous pressure to please her husband and to provide him with a baby.

That's right, look for it all to be hubby's fault, because it's not in the nature of women to be violent - as it is with men. And we certainly don't want to start holding women accountable for their own actions. I predict a combination insanity and "blame it on a man" defense.
Re:A sample of what's ahead (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:46 AM December 21st, 2004 EST (#5)
"So, speculated the MSNBC fem, she clearly was under enormous pressure to please her husband and to provide him with a baby."

What a crock, if I was a man with three kids of my own from a previous marriage, I would be happy if new wifey was just a good Mom to the existing kids and had a loving relationship with the existing family. The last thing I'd be looking for in these hard times is another mouth to feed.

The truth is this woman is psycho (obviously) and selfishly wanted a child of her own to bring to the family so she murdered, butchered, and kidnaped. Whatever happened to "There's no Excuse for Domestic Violence," that all time favorite bumper sticker of the Family Violence Prevention Fund? Maybe there's an exception for butchering pregnant Moms - if you're a woman. Scott Peterson is on death row, and this evil female better not be far behind if the law in this double standard, misandrist country is ever to have any intergrity again.


Re:A sample of what's ahead (Score:1)
by The_Beedle on 11:07 AM December 21st, 2004 EST (#6)
So, speculated the MSNBC fem, she clearly was under enormous pressure to please her husband and to provide him with a baby.

Of course! It's so well proven that the ticking of a *man's* biological clock is so loud that they do extreme things to have children. Women, by comparison, are barely interested. And of course men are thrilled when their wife tricks them into raising someone elses child as their own, 'cuckold' is a badge of honor, after all.
Re:A sample of what's ahead (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:20 PM December 21st, 2004 EST (#8)
I agree.
Some how, some way, the media, the courts and everyone involved will say it is Mongomery's husband that is to blame.
That is how it usualy pans out.

  "Hoka hey!"
Time to thin the herd (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on 08:47 PM December 22nd, 2004 EST (#9)
The Roman Senator Cicero said "Let the Good Live". Maybe it is time for us to stop excusing Monsters, regardless of Gender. It is also time to get medieval with these assholes. Feed the to the Crocs. Our tolerance of evil is allowing it to bloom and flourish. Are you as sick of this crap is I am? If that had been my daughter, I would be using Lisa Montgomery's skull for a drinking cup.

We had some sick Bitch in Plano cut off her 8 month old daughters arms and then smile when they took her picture. Why should we let this defective person live? One of the most prolific serial killers in history was Elizabeth Bathory.
She was known as the Blood Countess. Women are as equally capable of evil and brutality as Men. And they are more devious and vindictive. If you have been in a Divorce you know that. Men are programmed to protect Women. When we are improperly trained by our Fathers we don't protect Women. Our culture fails to realize how important the proper Male role is to socialize Young Men in to the Male Virtues.

Improper training...Taliban, Genghis Khan, Attila
Proper Training... Peace Corps, Salvation Army, Foreign Legion, USMC, Doctors without Borders.

Men need to learn honor,courage, fidelity,loyalty positive Male virtues. Without proper guidance this is not imparted. I fear for my Children and Grandchildren. Moral relativism is ruining our culture.
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