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"Mother" starves sons to death
posted by Matt on 05:13 PM November 16th, 2004
Domestic Violence This story made it to the front page of cnn.com, but only as an off-link. Well, sometimes, it does happen that these kinds of stories are not totally buried on page G67. Note she had a history of child abuse and neglect but that wasn't enough to get her custody of these children called into question; apprently it isn't a priority to save the lives of children, particularly when they are male and when the abuser is their "mother".

29 year old woman "has affair with" 8-year-old boy | More failure at the UK Child Support Agency  >

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Maternal Malevolence (Score:1)
by thea on 05:51 PM November 16th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1862 Info)
"....apprently it isn't a priority to save the lives of children, particularly when they are male and when the abuser is their "mother"."

Extreme Sarcasm here: It's up to mommies to punish their sons for being males. As the first female in the boy's life, it's the mother who should brutalize the boy for all of the evils of the long dead Patriarchy. She should brutalize him for all the wife-beating, raping, and oppression. Just like all boys in this world. All of them should pay for being males.

Sarcasm off: I'm all for sterilizing a large portion of the female population (and some guys but NOT through castration). I want to be sterilize so I can't have kids. It's time we wake up the courts and get them to realize that just because somebody has a uterus, does NOT make them into a pius saint. It could be the very opposite. Mothers are responsible for the vast majority of child abuse and even pedophilia.

Since the courts put the kids right there with the abuser (the mother) it's no wonder that mother on child abuse is so rampant. But feminism won't allow the masses to know that. I think the courts should start thoroughly investigating the backgrounds and mental states of all mothers.

Just like with disenfranchized fathers, the courts should always expect the worst when a child is placed witht the mother. Perhaps when they do that, they will see what "blessed maternity" is all about....violence, exploitation, abuse, and even death.

Let's take away women's little priveleges in the courts. Let's just sterilize some of them. I want to be sterilize! I'm being serious.
*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Thea: Joan of Arc of "The Patriarchy" (Score:2)
by mens_issues on 08:19 PM November 16th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #267 Info)
Well, we at "The Patriarchy" can't sterilize you, because we view a woman's role as being barefoot and pregnant. However, due to your staunch upholding of "The Patriarchy" we can make you an honorary member of the "Patriarchal Womens' Auxillary." It's a subservient role, of course, but you'll be in our good graces nonetheless.

But seriously, I went to help with the campaign of Republican Jessica Corry for Colorado State Senate, who supported my men's issues stance (against "Paternity Fraud" Sue Windels). Unfortunately, Windels won the election by 53-47%.

Anyway, while I was at their house speaking to their campaign manager, I mentioned how I was interested in the men's movement and men's issues. The campaign manager was a young woman who said "[women live longer] because of their biological superiority." Another young woman said "Oh, I'm part of the men's movement myself - I think women should be barefoot and pregnant." When I said "Thats now what we think" she said "Yes you do." I'm not sure if they were joking or not.

This is, of course, a digression from the thread about how "The Patriarchy" forced this poor woman to starve her sons to death. It's quite a shame all around.


Re:Thea: Joan of Arc of "The Patriarchy" (Score:1)
by thea on 08:41 PM November 16th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1862 Info)
Um, I don't hear voices like old Joan did. Can I be a sane and secular version of Joan of Arc? Oh and I don't want to be burned either.

But don't pay attention to people like that young woman whose sounds like your typical egocentric bratty bitch who LOVES Oprah, Cosmo Magazine, Sex And The City, and Desperate Housewives, and unfortunately those kinds of women overpopulate our country and world. But there are women like me so don't lose hope.

My residence hall is having a "Sex And The City" theme night pretty soon, so I'm going to have to find a party somewhere to escape the Liptstick-Feminist madness. (Shudders in horor)Somebody help me!!!
*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Gotten the same comments (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 08:44 PM November 16th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1387 Info)
I've gotten some of the same comments from women. When I mention I work for father's and men's rights the reaction I get is that I must want women subserviant to men.

It annoys the hell out of me that I THEN start to tell them what I DO and what ISSUES concern us and they are usally like: "oh, your different then most of them then." My next question, which I've learned to be very gentle with is: "who do you think you know who is involved. Name some famous people in the men's and father's movement."

I get "Howard Stern" (I can't figure that one out myself) or "well, those men that want women to stay home"

So, I ask: "what is the group's NAME?"

Blank look.

Then I ask: "who told you this? And before you answer realize that if it was some ardent-feminist and you listened that's like asking a KKK'er what issues and leaders are for Blacks"

Look on woman/women's face: mixture of disbelief, disdain, the "but, that's different" look, and confusion.

I mean, it's like a prearranged skit. I'm still working on my answers (and I've gotten pretty good, but can always improve), but that's how it usually goes.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Answers to Female Bigotry (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:04 AM November 17th, 2004 EST (#8)
Whenever I mention that I'm a Men's Rights Activist and get responses like Steve's, I'm now always prepared:

- If I get general hostility, I've always been able to stop attacks dead by saying "Look at how you're acting!" I then point out the most significant thing about their response [sexist or anti-male comment, bulging veins, whatever], and then tell them "You've been conditioned to hate men. THAT'S why I'm fighting for Men's Rights!" (God, I just love the blank look on their faces when I tell them that!)

- If I get the shaming "you're against women", I just tell the person that men have ALWAYS cared more about women than women have cared about men. After a short pause, I add "Remember the men on the Titanic?" Leaves 'em sputtering every time!

- And every time I get bitchy accusations that I only want women "barefoot and pregnant" -- or any other similar, sexist quips -- I just say something like "No, I want women working ... It's about time they started pulling their weight." The reaction? Priceless!
Re:Answers to Female Bigotry (Score:1)
by MAUS on 04:51 PM November 17th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1582 Info)
Here's one I used today to good effect:"When Dorothy threw the bucket of water on the Wicked Witch of the West was that an act of mysogny? Of course not...therefore even disempowering the very archetypical role model of feminist matriarchy cannot be deemed an act of mysogny".
Re:Answers to Female Bigotry (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:42 PM November 17th, 2004 EST (#12)
God, that's a good one! I'll bet that leaves them scratching their heads for a while!
Re:Answers to Female Bigotry (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:32 PM November 18th, 2004 EST (#18)
Hey, maybe we should try that buckett of water thing on feminists.
Okay, okay, she probably won't melt (unfortunately) but a soaked feminist would be great for a laugh..., I mean, they're ALL WET, anyway, right?
I mean, those weirdos on the very far left throw pies at their opponents, or bucketts of blood on people who wear fur.
Those of us in the men's movement should get in on the fun! Got a hysterical, flameing feminist? Simple solution, throw a buckett of water on her! (^o^) LOL! ("What a world, what a world!!")

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Answers to Female Bigotry (Score:1)
by MAUS on 03:56 PM November 18th, 2004 EST (#20)
(User #1582 Info)
Yeah it would make a good point at a protest even if you just walked away muttering "Darn...she didn't melt"
Re:Answers to Female Bigotry (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:11 PM November 20th, 2004 EST (#21)
Thundercloud, I know you're just kidding around, but I say we really SHOULD do that. It's a good idea!

Thea (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 08:51 PM November 16th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1387 Info)
I would, gently and respectfully disagree with your post.

When I became involved in the men's movement I also had quite a bit to vent (and it came back to bite me in the ass later... but that's another story).

I was sick to death of the double standards and the PC nonsense, and having been raised by a REAL feminist (the equality kind as compared to the ones today) I was constantly ticked at reading this kind of stuff.

Ok, enough back ground. I would, taking the long view, not want MORE gov't involvement or programs ... and I certainly get the heebie jeebies when anyone mentions sterilization.

Any gov't angency, once created, has one purposes: to perpetuate itself, grow, and expands it's influence, power, importance and thereby increase funding.

It's all about the money honey!

Sterilization is not something that should be tossed around. I realize you were just "fucking around" but do consider that what you print here (and this site is HIGHLY visible and often quoted on feminazi sites) puts a "face" on who we are.

I do think this woman, after 20-45 years in prison should have a lifetime ban or restraining order keeping her 1500 miles away from any child. Yep, let her live on a deserted island near Antartica and enjoy the cold in her arthritic bones all alone.

See that tear rolling down my eye at her plight? Neither do I.

But sterilization is an EXTREME power to be given to the state. And any power once surrendered is rarely, if ever, given back. It's the nature of gov'ts.

Give it some thought.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Thea (Score:1)
by thea on 09:55 PM November 16th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1862 Info)
Of course I wasn't being serious. I know feminazis look around here tyring to sabotage and misinterpret our opinions. If they have anything to say to me, then they can ask me. When it comes to serious debates like 'Men's Rights Activists versus typical feminazi' I'm not like this at all.

I have no flippancy or even emotion. I'm blank and dead serious, and professional. When a feminist on campus confront me about my views, I'm not immature and flippant like this at all. I'm dead serious and professional. I'm sorry if all I do is vent, rant, rave, etc. I'm working on improving my demeanor and ways about going about arguing my point.

But at the same time, I don't want to get an ulcer from holding it all in because I was so 'stiff' and super professional about everything. I'm trying to mix ranting and educated and intelligent criticisms at the same time. I'm working on it guys trust me. And I know that sterilization is drastic and even dangerous, nor do I condone it.
*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Re:Thea (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 06:51 AM November 17th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1810 Info)
Can you give us a list of the feminazi sites who quote us?

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:Thea (Score:1)
by bro on 10:08 AM November 17th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #1941 Info)
This might have something. Feminista. I don't fully know if they talk about mensactivism, but they do have a rather scathing artical on Ifeminists.com. Plus if you dig through their forum, I think you might find some things on mensactivism.

Feminista is a Radical Feminist site, so there's probably going to be at least a bunch of stuff that is anti-male.
Re:Thea (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 11:12 AM November 17th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1810 Info)
Thanks bro

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:Thea (Score:2)
by Raymond Cuttill on 08:48 PM November 17th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #266 Info)
There's a thread at Feminsta called June Cleaver-ism? which complains about Bush being elected and some senators comments about single mothers. Here's a few quotes.
Yes, I have noticed June Cleaverism being fed to the American public in spoonful after nauseating spoonful.
this return to emphasis ont he nuclear family and traditional roles is terrifying!
Now, I'm not in the USA, but I don't know of any June Cleaverism being fed to the Americna public. Tell me if I'm wrong. (I'm sure we would have picked it up on the UK TV stations if it was the "in" thing.). And another quote -
want to get really angry? go to mensactivism.org. they are horrible.
Congratulations, mensactivism.org. Keep it up.
Re:Thea (Score:1)
by thea on 09:00 PM November 17th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1862 Info)
"want to get really angry? go to mensactivism.org. they are horrible"

Funny that the feminazi who said that was named "Dementia". So they're finally admitting that they (feminists) are fucked up in the brain....or what little of it exists or even functions properly. This radical female Men's/Father's Rights activist here (your's truly) doesn't have dementia obviously. It feels so good to have a functioning brain :-)
*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Re: (Score:1)
by Kyo on 06:34 AM November 18th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #1837 Info)
Steven, I tried a variation of your conversation a while back with my girlfriend who was complaining about how women are held back in the workplace and have to suffer the boredom of being housewives (this is in Japan, BTW). I pointed out that men have no choice at all, and *have* to work, often beyond the point of exhaustion, no matter what, and that over 90% of death-from-overwork cases are male.

We had been talking about military conscription before, and she started to insist that the person left behind after a death has it the hardest, until it dawned upon her that people with hard lives can always choose suicide, and very few do, so therefore almost any life, even one where one's loved ones are gone, is preferable to death.

I didn't think I could ever meet someone who thought so logically!
Re:Thea (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 07:27 AM November 18th, 2004 EST (#16)
(User #1810 Info)
I found this link:

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:Thea (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 07:28 AM November 18th, 2004 EST (#17)
(User #1810 Info)
Let's try that again:


Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:Thea (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:46 PM November 18th, 2004 EST (#19)
I find it interesting that these fembots say; "Mensactivism is terrible". Where do ANY of us talk about how we want to enslave, conquer or even kill women? I see that sort of talk by feminists about men on their websites, freaquently.
Where are the anti-female jokes and anti-female comments on MANN? They don't exist. But anti-male jokes and comments run rampant on many feminist websites. On some feminist websites they have discussions about "killing all men". Where is the equivilant on MANN? NO WHERE.
Yeah, WE'RE horrible.
As far as wanting "June Cleaver" back, is conserned, all I can say is; NO THANK YOU! That woman was ANNOYING!
I have enough aggravation...,

  "Hoka hey!"
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