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The New Enforcers
posted by Adam on 09:10 AM November 2nd, 2004
News CJ writes "This is a comment on how Boston’s media favor females in positions of power. Boston’s new Police Commissioner Kathleen O'Toole took over the police department after February's Super Bowl riots which left one man dead. The newspapers vigorously attacked the previous police chief and forged public opinion in favor of O’toole. Now less than a year later the same police department shot and killed a girl during the Red Sox celebration (not a riot) and the media has not once looked to the top (O'toole) for accountability. Instead the leading newspaper has an article honoring (?) the new heads of the police, prison, and sheriff's departments – all who are woman who have careers in domestic violence policy. Just to remind people, MA has biased and fascist DV policy. Remember this before voting anyone from MA into any office. Article here"

Fatal Fathers No.1 for killing pregnant women | "Should Have Kicked You Higher And Harder"  >

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