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The website is basically one tedious petition for more funding.
QUOTE-- "Despite growth in operations, facilities and service provision, SafePlace continues to turn away thousands of women, children and MEN who need our help each year."
Their statistics of people "served" do not make mention of a single male who was helped in any way by their tax-payer funded agency.
As Trudy Schuett's has proved, the majority of shelters spin their figures to make it look like "thousands" of people in crisis are being turned away.
They are never held accountable for their exaggerations or distortions.
If these figures were even remotely true (like the "1-in-4 women are raped" mythology...) then every person would know someone who has been victimized by DV, been to a shelter, or had to call the police to intervene in a family conflict.
This organization is just one among "thousands" of gender-fascist publicly funded racketeering scams that are sucking your tax dollars.
"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
by Anonymous User on 10:21 PM October 30th, 2004 EST (#2)
"They are never held accountable for their exaggerations or distortions."
Domestic violence law is the biggest scam in America today.
The domestic violence industry should open their cooked books. In America that would be required of a scamming bunch of crooks like the domestic violence industry, but in FemiNazi America radical/gender feminists are above the law. It's all a part of the progressive agenda to empower women. It's all a part of the overall radical/gender feminist, progressive plan for a totalitarian, man-hating, slave state, and it all begins in tax payer funded man-hating women's studies classes on college campuses.
If you don't like me using the word prgressive in the context above, then maybe you should complain to women's studies programs, and domestic violence associates who are not shy to reveal their association with the progressive agenda.
Sincerely, Ray
by Anonymous User on 11:31 AM October 31st, 2004 EST (#3)
"If you don't like me using the word prgressive in the context above, then maybe you should complain to women's studies programs, and domestic violence associates who are not shy to reveal their association with the progressive agenda."
Change that to, If anyone doesn't like my using the word progressive in the context above...
I have never seen any of the flagrant man-haters in the domestic violence industry who are not prorgressive radical/gender feminists.
by Anonymous User on 12:20 PM October 31st, 2004 EST (#5)
My questions is. Where were all the mens activists while this "ceremony" was going on.
Surely there are mens groups within the Austin area. We get on these websites and rant and rave about how unfair it is and when a perfect opportunity comes right up to us and slaps (pardon the pun) us on the nose we do nothing.
It has been my observation that nothing will ever change until we all get together and demand change. Make ourselves a presence at feminist sponsered events,etc.Use the typical protest tactics.Let us see if they can handle the scrutiny. I suspect if we were to picket such events as these the hackles would raise on these crones and their left wing Nancy boys and they would be shown for what they really are. Cowards and bullies. I not only sent off an e-mail to this gender fem organization. I copied all of the officals on their list.
by Anonymous User on 07:54 PM October 31st, 2004 EST (#7)
"It has been my observation that nothing will ever change until we all get together and demand change. Make ourselves a presence at feminist sponsered events,etc."
I remember going to a d.v. council meeting one time and thinking, "How do all these women get the time to take off every few weeks and go to all these meetings? Are their husbands working, and they just want to get out of the house and complain about the bread winner, or are they on the government domestic violence industry teat and getting paid time off? Maybe it is something else.
It appears that guys are chasing their penises until they're all screwed over and enslaved to a divorce custody settlement or otherwise have their lives destroyed by the legal system. It appears that at the point they become aware they are so beat up financially, emotinoally, spiritually, etc., that they are virtually nothing more than slaves of the system and have no time off (have to pay off all the obligations or go to jail).
I'm going to keep trying to find activists in various groups. Maybe retired men will be a better source, though I'm not holding my breath. I've also thought about getting active in various veterans groups. You really do almost need to be retired to have the time to make activism work.
Getting a men's activist group off the ground and keeping it off the ground is like trying to fly a concrete airplane given all of men's responsibilities and obligations.
You raise a valid point. I only saw this rally on the news after it happened, but even so, I don't think I would have attempted a picket or protest unless I had at least 20 other people with me, including a few women. My impression is that I could be the one arrested for inciting violence even if I were the one attacked, or perhaps the new hate crime laws would be exercised. We are like worms under a steamroller.
It reminds me of The White Rose dissidents in Munich in 1942. The feminazis won't actually kill us, but they will do everything they can to destroy our lives for the crime of presenting them with the truth.
In any case, I don't know of a single person here in Austin who would be willing to undertake such activity. I know some mildly sympathetic men, but none who would help me form a NCFM chapter - after all, their wives would certainly disapprove! And the single men, well, they're into avoidance. They'd rather watch sports and not even think about it.
by Anonymous User on 09:14 PM October 31st, 2004 EST (#9)
"My impression is that I could be the one arrested for inciting violence even if I were the one attacked, or perhaps the new hate crime laws would be exercised."
They'd certainly like to. We have picketed a d.v. event before, and they were really upset. It would be best to have at least two or three people with you and bring videocams. Stay on public property and emphasize male victimization on protest signs, instead of criticizing radical/gender feminism. When anybody not in your group shows up, get out the videocams and start filming them.
by Anonymous User on 07:48 AM November 1st, 2004 EST (#11)
Even just showing up with some DV stats and pass them out peacefully and have a videographer with you. The feminastas certainly with a video cam there will not do anything (would they? We can only hope). To find out what they are up to and when just go to any university on site or online and go to the women studies notice board for future events. Unless we start they are going to continue. It might even be an idea for a website posting womyns events across the country,stats we can print,etc. I think I will look into it.
by Anonymous User on 01:35 PM November 1st, 2004 EST (#12)
American men are pussy-whipped.
America is a pussy-whipped nation.
Well I emailed the center and this is the response I got from guess what there public relations person. See what you think.
Thank you for your comments and concern over the SafePlace-sponsored Men's Pledge Against Violence. We recognize that both men and women are victims of domestic and sexual violence, and that effectively addressing the problem of domestic violence requires a unified approach. The Men's Pledge, which was inaugurated in 2003 by Attorney General Aschcroft and Pres. Bush, seeks to publicly recognize and give a forum to men who are committed to ending domestic violence and sexual assault in their communities. Because domestic violence has traditionally been thought of as a "women's issue" (both on the survivors' end and the activists' end), the Pledge wants to highlight and emphasize how powerful men can be in addressing the attitudes and behaviors that lead to domestic violence and how vital men's involvement is in prevention. The Pledge does not imply--our press materials, as well as our speakers reflected this--that women never abuse and men are never victims. Rather, it provides an opportunity for men to make a positive statement that we, as part of the Austin, TX community, find this issue important, because domestic and sexual violence touch the lives of men and women alike.
Furthermore, in pledging not to remain silent about domestic violence, it opens the way for the voices of more male victims to be heard.
All of SafePlace services are available to, and regularly utilized by, men--emergency shelter, hospital accompaniment in the case of a sexual assault, and free counseling services. Furthermore, we have a number of prevention and outreach programs at the elementary, middle, and high school levels which teach children (both girls and boys) how to treat each other respectfully and how to build good interpersonal and intimate relationships. We take seriously our services to male survivors, and continue to expand our capability for meeting their specific needs (via hiring more male counselors, etc.).
Once again, I would like to emphasize the power of a united front in confronting domestic violence and sexual assault. By publicly recognizing community leaders' and young mens' commitment to ending domestic violence and sexual assault--we are demonstrating to the community, and to victims, male and female, that Austin and SafePlace care about what they have gone through, and are dedicated to answering their needs: physically, legally, and emotionally.
Please feel free to email or call with questions or concerns.
Once again, thank you for your time and consideration,
Erin Smith
Erin Smith
Public Relations Manager
512.356.1557 (direct)
512.203.6206 (cellular)
512.385.0662 (fax)
This is better than most, in that they acknowledge that men are also victims of DV, but not that women are often the abusers. It is very convenient that they claim "Ashcroft and Bush made us do it" in regard to making only men take the anti-domestic violence pedge.
This very public pledge event promotes the illusion that women are always victims and men the perpetrators. That women are blameless and not responsible. I do not find this acceptable. I will respond to Erin.
by Anonymous User on 12:05 PM October 31st, 2004 EST (#4)
why women are not called upon to promise not to commit violence against men and children.
Why? So they can continue to commit violence against men and children without being held accountable.
For analogous reasons, the administration does not want the U.S. to be held accountable to the world court. Why not? So that it can continue to do what it does without being held accountable to an international court of law.
Similar reasons, though on different scales.
by Anonymous User on 07:10 PM November 1st, 2004 EST (#14)
"For analogous reasons, the administration does not want the U.S. to be held accountable to the world court. Why not? So that it can continue to do what it does without being held accountable to an international court of law."
So would you have an American soldier stand before the liberal world court after some foriegn female, taught how to lie by a United Nations radical/gender feminist domestic violence/rape advocate, falsely accuses him of rape?
I sometimes wonder if some so called "men's activists" are even aware they are working against men's rights.
Sincerely, Ray
by Anonymous User on 02:38 AM November 2nd, 2004 EST (#16)
That's an absurdly incoherent scenario.
by Anonymous User on 10:02 PM November 2nd, 2004 EST (#17)
"That's an absurdly incoherent scenario."
Not under a Kerry administration.
Remember Bill Clinton's Administration and where radical/gender feminism was headed in the world through the UN and Hillary Clinton's efforts, here
"The National Organization for Women's delegation to the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women includes President Patricia Ireland, National Secretary Karen Johnson and more than 200 NOW members from across the country. NOW's mission is to expand our involvement with the global community of women and women's rights supporters and to provide a positive feminist influence in the official deliberations over adoption of the conference "Platform for Action."
Conservative women have had some mitigating influence on the radical/gender feminist agenda during the Bush Administration, here
"Radical feminists are stinging from this failure to advance their ideology. They fear that attempts at new initiatives would allow for the introduction of positive views on motherhood and on men (not just as perpetrators of violence and power-mongers) (emphasis mine). They have held off planning a global conference to celebrate Beijing+10, the 10th anniversary of the Beijing Women's Conference, where Hillary Clinton advanced her objectives through the Beijing Platform for Action. Why the delay?"
The radical/gender feminists would love to use the world court as well as the UN to advance their agenda, and I praise any administration that opposes those groups who are so overtly vilifying of men and so destructive to traditional families.
Sincerely, Ray
by Anonymous User on 06:50 PM October 31st, 2004 EST (#6)
Any man who participates in this gross "DV pledge" is sick. But imagine: "why won't you pledge not to abuse women?" How are you going to answer that?
Here's my answer: I won't participate because you're running an anti-male hate campaign that deliberately ignores the abuse of men. I pledge not to abuse men or women, and to confront persons who abuse either, or who encourage such abuse. YOU ENCOURAGE THE ABUSE OF MEN! STOP NOW!
by Anonymous User on 09:26 PM October 31st, 2004 EST (#10)
"But imagine: "why won't you pledge not to abuse women?" How are you going to answer that?"
Because, when you take a pledge that recognizes only women as victims of domestic violence you are denying the male victims of domestic violence, and thereby battering them again. Those people who take "that pledge" are all batterers. Why won't I take the pledge? Simple, because they are lying about domestic violence, and I don't want to join them in being liars and batterers.
I take a pledge to always tell the truth about domestic violence and to expose the lying batterers like those associated with that women's shelter in Texas, who exclude male victims of domestic violence .
Sincerely, Ray
by Anonymous User on 01:38 PM November 1st, 2004 EST (#13)
Men are the new "niggers".
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