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UNH Update
posted by Matt on 09:34 AM October 10th, 2004
Education Here is an update on the fallout from Whitney Williams article and claim of being the target of a death threat, dated Oct. 8, 2004.

A 'mother' starves her two sons... | Students Form Group to Fight UNH Misandry  >

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Contact info for UNH staff (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 09:52 AM October 10th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #907 Info)
As predicted in comments to the first post on this topic, she has gotten what she wanted from her hateful diatribe and questionable claims of being the target of a death threat. As the article shows in pictures and words, there seems to be a lot of what Lenin called "useful idiots" on campus that are helping her propagate her agenda of misandry. I agree with another commentator in the first post on this topic as well that this is something we all should let UNH know that we know about and don't like what we see. Fighting misandry on campuses and the institutionalized feminist system of indoctrination is a major front on our war against those who would see men reduced to sub-human status.

Contact form and contact information for senior administration staff is found here:


http://usnh.unh.edu/trustees_chancellors/contact.h tml
also, Letters to Editor (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 09:55 AM October 10th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #907 Info)
Info. found at http://thenewhampshire.collegepublisher.com/main.c fm?include=customPage&name=Letters
Is the death threat valid or a false report??????? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:37 AM October 10th, 2004 EST (#3)
Was the death threat reported to the police?
Is the death threat valid?
Someone should look into the possibility that this whole thing is nothing but a false report.

I see in California that a woman who alleged a hate crime was committed against her actually committed the vandalism on her own car. She has been convicted of the crime and is either serving time (involving heavy psychological evaluation) or is about to. I was able to find this older story about the incident, Claremont professor suspected of staging hate crime


Re:Is the death threat valid or a false report???? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:23 AM October 10th, 2004 EST (#7)
One lying hate monger bigot can do a lot of damage when she hates men and others.

"...she once faked injuries to herself and then blamed them on police during a shoplifting arrest in Nebraska, a judge ruled Thursday.

click Professor's past in play at fraud trial


Re:Is the death threat valid or a false report???? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:33 PM October 10th, 2004 EST (#9)
I wouldn't be suprised if the "death threats" against Williams were fabricated.
Williams and other feminists wouldn't be the first hatemongers to try this tactic.
Members of the Ku Klux Klan were known to inflict injury on themselves and then claim; "a nigger did this to me!"
Any one remember the same type of stunt pulled by then talk show host Morton Downey Jr. back in the mid 80's?
He beat himself up and spray-painted his own face black, and then claimed a group of black guys did it to him.
And of course there was Susan Smith who claimed her own sons were murdered by a "Black man". It, of course was revealed later that it was Smith herself that had murdered the two boys, by drowning them in her pick up truck dy driving it into a lake.
A real good example of this comes from my own people. (American indians). A family on the prairie were in a covered wagon and their "on-board oven" caught the wagon on fire. They were so embarassed and they didn't want to tell anyone they had done it themselves, so being Indian haters, they told every one that they'd been attacked by indians and that the Indians had burned their wagon in the attack. It was later discovered they were lying, but not before several Indian men were executed for the "crime".
But to show how effective this type of tactic is, We Indians are still known as "Wagon burners", 100 years after that incident. Even after the truth was made known.
When people hate, they will go to nearly, if not ANY, level to demonstrate how "evil" the target of their hate is. We see it alot in false rape and abuse allegations by not just feminists but many women, in general
Feminists are just another in the long line of haters to use this very old, and very tired but sometimes effective method to demonize the people they have a grudge against.

  "Hoka hey!"
Is Whitney Williams really Kerri Dunn????????????? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:53 AM October 10th, 2004 EST (#4)
Here's this updated info, bold faced liar

Given the radical feminist modus operandi of "lying for effect" these people should be thoroughly investigated for false claims as much as the actual claims they are making.

It's pretty bad when hate monger bigots allege hate crime(s) to commit hate crime against men or others.

What happened to those men? (Score:1)
by Bert on 11:10 AM October 10th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1895 Info) http://www.geocities.com/anti_feminisme/index.html
It's really frightening to see how an entire university can be blackmailed by a bunch of feminazis. But what frightens me even more is the number of men I see on the pictures supporting these feminazis. What happened to those men? Did they sell their balls? (if they had any)

-------------------- Fighting for men's rights is fighting for children's and women's right's as well.
Re:What happened to those men? (Score:1)
by Gregory on 12:17 PM October 10th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #1218 Info)
"But what frightens me even more is the number of men I see on the pictures supporting these feminazis. What happened to those men?"--Bert

Interesting question. Male chivalry undoubtedly plays an important role -- the desire of men to be protective of women and to come to women's rescue. I'm sure many of these men feel concerned about rape victims and the issue of violence against women. Some may have girl friends who affect their thinking and some men may believe that participation in these feminist activities may make them more appealing to women. I see the same thing occurring at the university in my town. Men running to women's rescue and demonstrating their chivalrous virtue -- no matter how much it rewards anti-male sexism and bigotry on the part of feminists.
Re:What happened to those men? (Score:1)
by Bert on 01:01 PM October 10th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1895 Info) http://www.geocities.com/anti_feminisme/index.html
Gregory wrote "the desire of men to be protective of women and to come to women's rescue."
If I would see a woman in danger I would not hesitate one moment to help her.But helping somebody in danger is one thing. Supporting a bunch of feminazis, who do nothing else than spit hate, is something very different.

-------------------- Fighting for men's rights is fighting for children's and women's right's as well.
Re:What happened to those men? (Score:1)
by Gregory on 07:07 PM October 10th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #1218 Info)
"If I would see a woman in danger I would not hesitate one moment to help her."--Bert

Right. I would too probably. But this protective impulse in men toward the opposite sex is what motivates males (feminist and non-feminist alike) to feel they have to demonstrate their sensitivity to women's concerns, ie, participation in take-back-the-night events on college campuses. These guys include the fraternity men who put up the signs saying "rape free zones", etc. It also includes politicians like Sen Joe Biden who worked to help pass VAWA.

I think there are many women out there (contrary to what feminists argue) who know that when women scream and cry about male oppression, sympathetic men will come running.
Re:What happened to those men? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:39 PM October 11th, 2004 EST (#18)
...feel they have to demonstrate their sensitivity to women's concerns, ie, participation in take-back-the-night events on college campuses.

I got so sick of this crap that I've decided to take action. I figure that the women on my campus are sooo scared of men that if a man even looks scarey that they'll run in fear.

So, I dress and look as scarey as possible. I wear a head wrap, wear a long beard, put on sunglasses at night, frown, and make certain that I have a generally mean look on my face.

The risk of course is that I'm making myself a target for false allegations. So, I'm very careful never to be seen off a certain path. I wonder how long it'll be before some radical feminist tries to send me to jail?


Re:What happened to those men? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:17 AM October 13th, 2004 EST (#22)
You should try looking like me.
Big indian guy (scary in and of it's self, for alot of women), long hair, braided and wrapped in leather, LOTS of prominant Indian jewelry (silver, turqoise, bead-work, etc.) Ear rings in both ears, ribbon shirt, buckskin boots, bone choker around my neck, silver and turquoise bracelett and rings, and occaisionaly a large black hat with a large hawk feather in it. (Although I occasionaly wear a baseball cap that says; "INDIAN and PROUD!"
People in general do a double take, some times, but women in particular seem to have a "problem" with me. I have litteraly seen mothers pull their children closer when I walk by.
One of these days I ought to turn and go "BOOGAH BOOGAH!" at them. (hee hee) Just kidding.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:What happened to those men? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:39 PM October 13th, 2004 EST (#23)
Warble - "So, I dress and look as scarey as possible. I wear a head wrap, wear a long beard, put on sunglasses at night, frown, and make certain that I have a generally mean look on my face."

Thundercloud - "Big indian guy (scary in and of it's self, for alot of women), long hair, braided and wrapped in leather, LOTS of prominant Indian jewelry (silver, turqoise, bead-work, etc.) Ear rings in both ears, ribbon shirt, buckskin boots, bone choker around my neck, silver and turquoise bracelett and rings, and occaisionaly a large black hat with a large hawk feather in it."

I wear a crew cut, bow tie, and lots of pencils in my shirt pocket (not really), but radical/gender feminists still hate me because I'm male. In fact I'd bet they hate me even more, becuase I have also been seen wearing this.

click Feminist Lies

That photograph of the sidewalk grafitti was taken in front of a college that has a full women's studies program. Is it possible some harassed male went over the edge, couldn't take the misandry anymore, and in an act of desperation, wrote this on the sidewalk??? Who knows, but that sidewalk is in Sheila Kuehl's district in CA.

Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I'm trying to convey is as the page initially comes up.
Is this happening at UNH? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:16 AM October 10th, 2004 EST (#6)
Article quoted from below is here: Stomping out phony hate crimes

"Dunn, a Claremont McKenna College psychology professor, defaced her car in March by slashing its tires, breaking its windows and spray painting ethnic slurs on the doors and hood the same day she gave a lecture on racial tolerance. Her goal was to raise awareness that racism exists on a campus that had recently seen a number of hate crimes perpetrated on its students.

Quite a way to stir things up, is it not?

The vandalism had the expected effect. Classes were cancelled while thousands of impressionable students rallied around the elimination of "ignorance." Dunn filed a police report and insurance claims to cover the damage to her car, and until witnesses came forward, no one on the campus knew they were victims of an elaborate hate crime hoax."

Does this and what's said below sound like what's happening at UNH?

...also from the same article

So why are so few hoaxers penalized for the repercussions of their actions? After all, when people perjure themselves in court or give the police the runaround, they can face fines and jail time. Why the lack of accountability?

Because a hate crime is a subject that doesn't invite a lot of scrutiny. If someone comes forward as the victim of a hate crime, you tend to believe them, particularly on a college campus, where this kind of sensitivity is very acute.

It's precisely because of this idealism that college students fall victim to these hate hoaxes. They have time to be more active and passionate about a cause they believe in as well in campus life, a subculture of its own. A hate crime is an affront to them.

"A person who is a victim of a hate crime can probably expect to get almost universal sympathy on a college campus," said South Poverty Law Center researcher Mark Potok. "You are very likely to get the support of the administration, the faculty and virtually all the students."


Why did you not mention Men For Liberty? (Score:1)
by LibertyUNH on 12:53 PM October 10th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1888 Info)
We are the key to resistance! And we are here.
Re:Why did you not mention Men For Liberty? (Score:1)
by MAUS on 04:48 PM October 10th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1582 Info)
Brother, There is a group of masculinists who are waiting to help you on a site with a secure mail messaging and forum facility at http://menforjustice.com/

Please log in there so that I can link up with you by e-mail.

I am 54 years old and I have been fighting this sort of thing for forty years, no that is not a joke.

My first advice is DO NOT repeat DO NOT go on the defensive. Do not act like a teenage boy pleading for the car keys. That is how they always hoodwink the authorities. YOU are the ones who have been wronged.YOU are the ones who have been slandered. YOU are the ones who have been maligned and vilified. YOU are the ones who have been targetted for bullying by a sexist biggot. I hope there is someone in your frat who would make a good candidate for Marine drill sargeant because THAT is exactly the sort of guy you need as a spokesMAN (fuck that emasculating "person"shit.)

Be prepared to take legal action against feminazis who push it too far. And make one thing clear to your feminazi adversaries....YOU ARE THE ONES WITH THE MORAL ETHICAL AND MOST IMPORTANTLY...LEGAL...HIGH GROUND.

Communists do not speak for the working class. The Ku Klux Clan does not speak for white southerners. The Nazis do not speak for the white race. AND BOORISH BIGGOTTED FEMINAZI SHIT MAGGOTS DO NOT SPEAK FOR WOMEN.

"Men" is a gender and is therefore protected by Laws and harassment policies. Feminism is a nutbar political ideology and is not subject to such protection.

Heaven help us when it becomes unlawfull to hate nutbar political ideologies and the assholes who expound them.

Strategy number one....encourage desertion among the enemy's followers.

Good luck brother...and remember FIGHT...don't wimper and plead.
Re:Why did you not mention Men For Liberty? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:16 PM October 11th, 2004 EST (#16)
You might also want to be prepared if things get PHYSICAL.
I have seen feminists swarm men who disagree with their insane ideology. You might have 10, 20, 30 or more feminists attack you at once.
Physical violence is rare, but it CAN happen.
Make sure there is someone there with a video camera, so that if things do get rough, you will have visual EVIDENCE that you acted in SELF-DEFENCE!
other wise it will be your word against a females', and we all know how that goes.

At most Indian rallies, we have a number of people with video cameras, because the cops have a long history of lovein' to whomp Indian skulls.
Feminists ain't much different.
People tend to behave themselves alot more when they know they are being video taped. It actually can be a deterant to violence.
But that doesn't mean that the feminists still won't get in your face and shout and scream at you. But even that video could come in handy, get my drift?

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Why did you not mention Men For Liberty? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:19 PM October 11th, 2004 EST (#20)
"People tend to behave themselves alot more when they know they are being video taped. It actually can be a deterant to violence.
But that doesn't mean that the feminists still won't get in your face and shout and scream at you. But even that video could come in handy, get my drift?"

Absolutely true, next to a lawyer in your pocket, a videocam is one of the best things to have with you at a confrontational protest. A still camera comes is nice, but it is not nearly as viable as videocam documentation.

I've actually been to some events where they would not allow me to tape, but they were then on their best behavior. It serves notice.


the face of fascism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:32 PM October 10th, 2004 EST (#12)
The University was not displeased with the day's events.

A university student spews hate at all men, and then a rally is organized in support of her. NH looks to me like a very hostile environment for men. I hope someone student sues the university for mega-bucks.

And, if you don't know, a lot of rape accusations are lies. See


Re:the face of fascism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:16 PM October 10th, 2004 EST (#13)
"NH looks to me like a very hostile environment for men."

Villifying men is the fortay of women's studies and radical/gender feminism. Men are the politically correct target of hate for this group. It would not be allowed for any other group but men to be so maligned. Women's studies has to be one of the biggest hypocrisies in the history of the world, claiming they are victims of prejudice and oppression, while unleashing their hateful prejudice and oppression on men.


click Hate Crime Target

Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item. All the info I'm trying to convey is as the page initially comes up.
Re:the face of fascism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:20 PM October 11th, 2004 EST (#17)
Someone already said that; "Men are the new "niggers"".
Boy, if all this doesn't prove that claim, I don't know what does.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:the face of fascism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:21 PM October 11th, 2004 EST (#19)
I would say men are the new Jews.
It fits better.
Re:the face of fascism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:02 PM October 12th, 2004 EST (#21)
Your right, the "new Jews" does fit better, when I think about it.

  "Hoka hey!"
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