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Feminist Speech Underlies a World of Man Hating
posted by Adam on 01:09 PM October 3rd, 2004
News Ray writes "You could almost laugh along with Mr. Roberts at the rediculousness of this story here, but the reality is no laughing matter. The addled, Femi-babble language that defines the radical/gender feminist hate movement is at the core of women's studies programs on college campuses. What can the future hold for America when dumbing down ideology like the feminist agenda, with all of its misnomers and inane definitions, is sweeping through America's higher educational institutions and disallowing all: opposing viewpoints, dissenting opinions, objective criticism or constructive criticism. In California with the recent passage of Sheila Kuehl's SB 1234 we are one step closer to the concept in law of “anti-intellectual feminist harassment” (a form of sexual harassment) that threatens academic freedom and free speech as never before. Big sister is running amok in our society, and I for one am sick and tired of her gross intolerance, and downright hatred of all things male. Maybe the time has come to sue the gender feminist bigots for the hate speech they spew at males."

The MIO DAHM matching funds challenge | Why is this Mens Rights Group run by Women?  >

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Bingo!!! (Score:1)
by thea on 02:14 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1862 Info)
The article hit it right on. That's what Feminism is all about; HYPOCRISY AND NAZI-LIKE PARADOXES!!!!

And they call John Kerry a flip-flopper?! Look at the feminist agenda!! That's REAL flip-flopping. One minute they say that we women should be 100% equal with men, the next minute they invoke the feministic-damsel-in-distress victimology and tell us to use it whenever we're being "oppressed."

Feminism is nothing but hypocrisy and nazi-like paradoxes.

I haven't been oppressed a day in my life by "Patriarchy."

Now I have been opressed by a Feminazi-Matriarchal Reich that spouts misandric-nazi propaganda telling me how to act, what to believe, and hate men, but they fail each time.

Feminism is outdated and it's days are numbered. All it was good for was passing Roe v. Wade in my opinion. That's the *ONE AND ONLY* positive thing about feminism. Besides abortion rights/birth control awareness, Feminism is *ALL* fascist-bullshit.

Keep Roe v. Wade and Birth Control programs, and re-vamp Planned Parenthood to make it Pro-Male Reproductive Rights too, and get rid of Feminism I say.

End the nazi-hypocrisy and fascist-paradoxes!!

'The Fourth Reich: Feminism and Matriarchy.'

PS:I have NO intention of opening up an abortion debate. If you're against abortion then that's fine, it's your opinion, but let's keep our eyes on the main objective--getting rid of Feminazism.
*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Re:Bingo!!! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:00 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#3)
Interesting, isn't it, that in the 60's and 70's the cry from feminists was for equality.
Now it is for supreamacy.
Is any one REALLY suprised...?

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Bingo!!! (Score:1)
by napnip on 03:25 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #494 Info) http://www.aynrand.org
I may not agree with Thea on abortion, but I'm damn glad that we've got ladies like Thea on our side. And when I say "lady", I mean it. There's a difference between being a woman, and being a lady.

IMHO, Thea is one first-class lady.

We can save the abortion debate for another day. Right now we need to present a united front against extreme feminism.

Thea, you're one helluva lady. If I were a few years younger I'd take you out and wine-and-dine ya! :o)

"Existence exists. A is A." -Ayn Rand
Re:Bingo!!! (Score:1)
by Peter on 03:55 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #1513 Info)
No you won't. I already made her that offer so I am first in line. You will just have to wait.

            Pete in Nebraska
Re:Bingo!!! (Score:1)
by thea on 06:46 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #1862 Info)
Pete, Napnip.....let's just all go to steak house together and bash feminists all night!

I can pay for my own food thanks. ;)
*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Re:Bingo!!! (Score:1)
by Peter on 10:25 AM October 4th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1513 Info)
      great idea about the steak house. After that I think we should hit all the clubs and party and dance until the sun comes up. We can bash the fems. between dances and while the bands are on break.
    Pete in Nebraska
    also one of the biggest party boys west of the Mississippi
Re:Bingo!!! (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 09:20 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1161 Info)
"PS:I have NO intention of opening up an abortion debate. If you're against abortion then that's fine, it's your opinion, but let's keep our eyes on the main objective--getting rid of Feminazism."

Yeah, if you polled people here on that topic, you'd get a wide variety of opinions -- just as you would if you were to ask all members of Greenpeace what they think of legalized gambling. We'll keep our eyes on the prize.


Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
Pro bono ? (Score:1)
by Cain on 02:43 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1580 Info)
"Maybe the time has come to sue the gender feminist bigots for the hate speech they spew at males."

I love the idea of legal action. Know of any good lawyers willing to take on the job?
Protesting is now O.K. only for Male Victimology (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:26 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#5)
If they thought California men were whiners before, then there going to really hear it now. By making it too dangerous to criticize the radical/gender feminist movement for fear of making a woman say she feel's uncomfortable or intimidated, the only thing men can now protest is their own victimization. Men will no longer be safe to point out that the radical/gender feminist agenda, women's studies, women's commissions, etc. are largely the source of the persecution and hate CA men experience in this life for fear of being accused of hate crime/hate speech.

Women being a "protected group" and men not being in a "protected group" apparently now allows gender feminists to go on bashing men to their bigoted heart's content in women's studies programs curriculum and other places.

Men's free speech is now largely illegal in regards to the abuses committed by women and the radical/gender feminist agenda, and all this at the stroke of a pen by the biggest cowardly wimp ever to sit in the Governor's chair in the State of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. What an embarrassment he has proven to be. Whatever facade of fair leadership Governor Schwarzenegger was trying to present to his constituents, it is now clear that the only image he has left is one of a weasel politician who believes in denying equal rights to men so as to pander to the radical/gender feminist political machine.

It is a dark, dark day for Free Men in the state of california.


My God. Is it possible...? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:52 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#8)
Is it possible that Arnold, himself, is a GIRLY-MAN!!??
Sounds like it.
Oh, and don't forget; John Kerry wants to "put justice BACK in to the hands of WOMEN."
If it ain't firmly in the hands of women, NOW, I don't know where the hell it IS! And the only way to "put justice in the hands of women" is, appearantly to take it OUT of the hands of men.
Which is ALREADY happening.

God bless America...!

  "Hoka hey!"
Link to SB 1234 (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:33 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#6)
Here's a link to SB 1234 here, no spaces. I hope it comes through. I had trouble trying to submit a working link earlier.

Kheul's move is a blessing in disguise. (Score:1)
by MAUS on 03:43 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1582 Info)
Ray,don't get trigger happy.One of the tactics that is used in modern warfare to help bring about defeat of an opposing army is encouraging desertion. And believe me on this one...nothing but nothing has encouraged the large scale desertion of the feminist cause like embarassment about being associated with lesbians. The deeper we can drive that wedge the better and the more isolated and paranoid the lesbians become, the more unwilling mainstream women will be to support them.

In my own circle of aquaintence, time and time again the testimonials that I hear from women who have disassociated themselves from or lost zeal about feminism it is because of the way three-titted diesel dykes commandeered control. The fact that the local "battered women's shelter" manager always seems to be sitting in the parade marshall's car at the gay pride parade does not go unnoticed, and yes it does erode credibility.

For my own part, when I was growing up I unfortunately bore such a close physical resemblance to the first gay man who came out of his closet in my town and became an activist for gay rights ( this was back when people still thought that incarcerating gays in sexually segragated confinment would "straighten them out")that I was often mistaken for him (we looked enough alike to be twins). From the experience of the gauntlet of bullying that I had to go through (and they did eventually hound Vince to suicide) I developed a real compassion for the persecution that gays suffer. And I would say to those who bully them in the name of God...."I SHALL NOT HOLD HIM BLAMELESS WHO TAKETH MY NAME IN VAIN" If God hates gays he is quite capable of looking after such matters himself and he does not need any self appointed champion to be the instrument of his wrath.And this notion that anyone and everyone who reads the Bible becomes God's franchised agent is every bit as absurd as someone arriving at Steven King's door and claiming right to live in his house because he has read all of Steve's books. And with the possible exception of the Greek Orthodox Church there is no church whatsoever that has any legitamit claim to Apostolic liniage or franchised authority...they are ALL arrogant self proclaimed heretics.

Now then...let's work on the rift that can easily be widened by making it more and more clear to people who might be seduced by the feminazis that Ti-Grace Aitkens defined feminism as "political lesbianism".

Keul and peolple like her will only have the public sympathy to be protected by "hate laws" if and only if they do not use that status as a platform to incite hatred.

No Ray, this time I don't agree with you...this move has hurt feminism...not helped it.
Re:Kheul's move is a blessing in disguise. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:58 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#10)
In that case let's all encourage She-lie Krule, to keep doin' what she does.
We'll all be the better for it! :-)

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Kheul's move is a blessing in disguise. (Score:1)
by MAUS on 04:15 PM October 4th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #1582 Info)
Thunder Cloud, Grand Chief Grace Mankiller (name does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling)of the Lakota is also the gatekeeper of feminist grants at the Ford Foundation. How many layers of aquaintence on the totem pole are you from her through AIM? Winning HER heart and mind would certainly get you an eagle feather in your MRA war bonnet. Is there any formal mechanism for presenting our case to her? I have no idea how AIM works.The only AIM member I was ever aquainted with was a fellow named Jim Maloney who I knew from teaching karate, he was the husband of Anna-Mae Pictou-Naquash. I'm a little more closely aquainted with Canadian native activist Donald Marshall Jr. We drank far too much together. He is probably the biggest living embarassment to the Canadian legal system...likes fried eels a lot...heheheh.
Re:Kheul's move is a blessing in disguise. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:33 PM October 5th, 2004 EST (#16)
>"Grace Mankiller"

She, like WILLMA Mankiller (Of my tribe, the Cherokee) got their names handed down from their asectors.
My guess is that it's a shortened version of "Enemy man killer". By that it means that someone from their family at one time or another killed a warrior from an enemy tribe. It doesn't have it's roots in feminism, thank God.
Although ALOT of feminists, no suprise, just LOVE the name, for it's obvious precieved anti-male conotation.
As far as Grace Mankiller is conserned I don't know her personaly, and don't know as much about her as I should. All I know is that she comes off to me, at least, as a feminist.

As far as fried eels are conserned, I never cared for them. Dog is pretty good though. *grin*

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Kheul's move is a blessing in disguise. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:28 PM October 5th, 2004 EST (#18)
"Grace Mankiller"

She, like WILLMA Mankiller..."


Wilma Mankiller was involved in this book (Click here), that seems to have a rather strong feminist perspective,

Here's part of one editorial description,

" The editors, which include such icons as Gloria Steinem and the first female principal chief of the Cherokee Nation Wilma Mankiller, give a broad overview of issues relevant to feminist history and present material that will further debates about the role played by women in American history. The Reader's Companion offers a strongly feminist interpretation," (emphasis mine)

Re:Kheul's move is a blessing in disguise. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:10 PM October 5th, 2004 EST (#17)
Oh, by the way, Maus.
I'm Cherokee. we don't use the "war bonnet".
That's more of a plains tribe thing.

  "Hoka hey!"
Kheul's move - The Price is too high (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:36 PM October 3rd, 2004 EST (#11)
"Now then...let's work on the rift that can easily be widened by making it more and more clear to people who might be seduced by the feminazis that Ti-Grace Aitkens defined feminism as "political lesbianism"."

Yea, feminism is really losing badly in California (sarcasm). Just this weekend I talked to someone who told me about several more Father's he knew of who have committed suicide as a result of being separated from their children by the Draconian custody hate laws that deny joint custody to Fathers (not to mention other misandrist abuses against them).

Sorry Maus, I guess I'm just tired of seeing the cost for the increasing erosion of equal justice, equal rights for men. In California today, men are nothing more than the politically correct target of hate for the empowered and protected gender/feminist hate movement.

Certainly, our surviving female families (our Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, 2nd Wives, Grandmothers, and others) may see this more clearly than women who are not directly affected by the loss of their loved ones, but the price in male human life paid to further the gender/feminist hate agenda is just too high.

In the “B Movie” world of Arnold Schwarzenegger logic, “Men are Disposable,” and that’s just sooo compatible with the gender/feminist man hating movie now isn’t it?

I plan to go on protesting so don’t worry about me. How will this protest sign look in front of the State Capitol in Sacramento, “CALIFORNIA IS SEXIST AND HATEFUL AGAINST MEN?” ...or STOP CALIFORNIA'S HATE WAR AGAINST FATHERS & MEN?"

We shall see.

"The deeds of darkness cannot hide in the light of day." Let the pure evil, that California's gender/feminist politicians (and their ilk) commit against California's male citizens be clearly revealed for all the world to see.

Sincerely, Ray

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