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At The Cornell Sun....
posted by Adam on 07:01 AM September 30th, 2004
News The fun never stops. And things are hotting up quite a bit, since they're not too fond of folk like us apparently.

Kiss Singer Against Marriage | Pitcairn sex abuse trials  >

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Miaow Miaow (Score:1)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 11:51 AM September 30th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1810 Info)
"you chauvanistic bastards"?

Someone has missed the point, but accuses me of missing the point.

Someone is a chauvanistic bastard, but accuses me of being a chauvanistic bastard.

With the genders reversed, the article sounds even more absurd than before.

Still, it's good to know we've rattled someone's cage.

Don't get mad. Get organised.
Alex and Zach, Grow A Pair and Grow A Brain (Score:1)
by thea on 02:32 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #1862 Info)
Radical-Liberals must insist on name calling and stereotyping rather than making rational intelligent arguments. They're too immature to act civilized.

How is fighting for Human Dignity, Equal Treatment, and Mutual Respect chauvinistic and misogynist?

Radical-Liberals don't want to hear the facts. When facing the facts and reality it can be a serious blow to a bloated ego (i.e. a Feminazi who views herself to be a philosopher-goddess, even the Greek Goddess Athena of Wisdom HATED and punished Amazon-like women who belittled Men).

It takes common sense and intellect which requires a brain and some courage which metaphorically requires balls to face the facts, grow up, and think and argue (and form an opinion)like an adult.

Campus Radical-Liberals are fucking kids. All they do is immaturely stereotype groups of people and keep closed minds about anything contrary to their opinions.

Fuck 'em.

Zach and Alex, grow a brain and grow some balls.

PS: I hope their "drought" lasts for an eternity. Because that's what they get for serving the interests of the Great Dominatrix (aka Feminism). Those guys would probably castrate themselves just to please the Great Bitch. Pathetic vagina-boys.
*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Re:Alex and Zach, Grow A Pair and Grow A Brain (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:08 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#10)
I refer to guys like Zach and Alex as "Wussie poopies".

That encompsses the entirety of people like them. They hate their own gender, and if they're white they hate their own ethnicity, they love manish, butchy domineering women, they probably like being tied up and spanked by a dominatrix and they are toataly complisit with feminists in attacking other men.
(I guess Arnold Schwarzenegger's term for them would be; "Girly men".)

  "Hoka hey!"
Here's my response (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 12:09 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1387 Info)
Well well well, the blatant insults and self-justification continues.

When men write in and talk about equality we don't get the same respect that "womyn's studies" professors, advocates of color, or religious advocates get ... we get called white supremacists or oppressors.

Interesting dichotomy.

I grew up learning about feminism at my mother's knee. And when I was a difficult child, I learned my lessons over her knee. My mother is the president of the corporation that she runs. So, to me feminism wasn't a dirty word.

Add to that that my mother is, praise God, a recovered alcoholic. Why is this relevant? Because I learned first hand that such a disease affects people of all colors, all races, all religions, and all economic classes.

So, around our dinner table at night, after meetings, I saw people of both genders, of all races, peoples whose jobs ranged from jet pilot to junk collectors. I never had any preconceived notions of anyone being inferior. The people who came to my house were all "just folks".

THEN ... then I went to college. Suddenly I was the "evil white male". I was a "potential rapist", "oppressive patriarch", and/or "backwards Christian" ... all the names anyone could think of that applied not to WHO I was, but to my genetic make-up (with the exception of my faith).

I had oppressed no one, was strong in my belief of equality, had dated and befriended people of color (not BECAUSE they were of color, but because I liked them), and expresses tolerance of different religious views.

THEN came college. Where if I pointed out a Gender-Feminist's views as one sided and sexist I was said to "hate women".

Where if I pointed out that I owed no one for past injustices that I had not inflicted, was not around to see, that I abhorred, and that I protested against, that somehow I should pay [name PC group] "reparations".

That my heterosexuality was "wrong" or "socially constructed", or "oppressive".

The above author does not only prove my point, I'll bet Alex and Zach would be the ones reporting me for "hate speech" were I to express my views, stand up for myself, to decry sexism (but only against men), and to verbally attack me .... such as they have done here.

Bravo on making our points Alex and Zach. It is not only the previous article, but your infantile response that gives truth to the responses received previously.



Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Here's my response (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:16 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#4)
I like the way they called ALL of us "White males", "chauvinists", "hillbillies", "rednecks" and "republicans".
Being that not even ONE of those words describes ME, (I am an Independant, traditional Cherokee) I wrote them for a THIRD time to point that out. That one does not have to be "white", a "redneck", "Hillbilly", or a "republican", to oppose such hate-speech. They also must have missed the number of FEMALE posters who opposed this.
If you are a HUMAN BEING you should be opposed to ALL hate, piriod.
But that just doesn't seem to sink in with these clowns.
Notice that they also reversed the genders and re-wrote the article to make it say that men wanted to destroy women. I asked them "How is that any BETTER?" It is STILL wrong no matter who's name is placed where.
Any one with a shred of common sense or decency can see that.
But, alas, I fear the folks at the Cornell sun posses niether of these qualities.
I also informed them that I was going to try and contact A.I.M. (American Indian Movement) A.I.M. may be iterested in this, I told them, because our men commit suicide more than any other ethnic group of people in the country. I am certain that anti-male hate contributes at least a little to this epidemic.
I will try an contact A.I.M. today, if I can.
If anyone's interested, I'll keep you up-dated on how that goes.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Here's my response (Score:2)
by Thomas on 01:43 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #280 Info)
I will try an contact A.I.M. today, if I can.
If anyone's interested, I'll keep you up-dated on how that goes.

Hello Thundercloud. I am very interested. Please keep us posted.

Also, consider calling Cornell at (607) 254-4636. Ask for the president's office and tell them what you've said here. The university may not control the newspaper, but I suspect they have an association -- it's probably the paper of their students.

The editors of the Sun may think it's funny to spread hatred against white males, but they are also spreading it against Indian males, black males, and all other males. If you call them, please point out that as an Indian you are not a white redneck and you don't appreciate being told "you can take comfort in drinking beer, shooting guns, driving pick-ups, smacking your bitch of a wife who ruined your fucking life, and eating the pie she baked you."

If at all possible, give them a call. As an Indian, you won't be dismissed as easily as a white male.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

No sex in seven years (Score:1)
by Bert on 12:52 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1895 Info) http://www.geocities.com/anti_feminisme/index.html
"Zach nor Alex has had sex in the last seven years."
Maybe that's why they want to be friends with feminazis?

-------------------- Fighting for men's rights is fighting for children's and women's right's as well.
Re:No sex in seven years (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:18 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#6)
Zach and Alex are probably wussy-poopies, and despite feminist oppinion most women don't go for wussy-poopies.
Zach, Alex, if you want to "get laid" try being MEN. You'll likely have better luck.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:No sex in seven years (Score:1)
by DeepThought (deep.42.thought@gmailEARTH.com) on 08:38 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1487 Info)
You forget, any kind of sexual action is an act of violence against the woman. So, Zach and Alex (possibly lifepartners?) are abstaining from abuse against women. I don't see the problem.

Dammit, left the sarcasm switch on again.
-DeepThought --- Erase the EARTH to gmail me.
JenK (Score:2)
by Thomas on 02:22 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #280 Info)
Hello Jen.

I just read your most recent response to the Cornell Sun. Excellent. Since you are a woman, I would encourage you (as I encouraged Thundercloud) to contact Cornell at (607) 254-4636 and to ask for the president's office. You won't be dismissed as easily as a white man. Also, I suspect that the president's office will be very polite. I was going to suggest that you contact the Sun, but I'd expect them to be petty and nasty.


-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

I called them. (Score:1)
by Aquix on 02:50 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #1882 Info)
They told me the Sun is independently owned. Which means they do not get university funding. Therefore I suggest we reach the Sun's sponsors.

I've already emailed the BroncoTicket sponsor, please help in contacting the rest and letting the sponsors know the hate speech they're advertising under.
So what these guys need is a good.... (Score:1)
by MAUS on 03:20 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1582 Info)
Ahhhh!!! The truth is made manifest (personifest?). Long periods of involuntary celibacy seems to bring out the very worst in some people.

Well get a clue guys you cannot drink sea water. You also cannot expect to get laid if you are trying to get the favours of lesbians, misandrists and fashionable feminist fag-hags. You might just try hanging out with women who don't have a bug up their ass and an axe to grind, women who do not advocate gendercide of men just might be a good starting point.

Now if your heart is really set on sinking the sausage in Anna Weiss, you could charm the pants off her by offering to let her pee on you.

Or better yet, take a little trip to Johns-Hopkins and get the offending organ turned inside out. On your way back to Cornell you might stop in and visit Ti-Grace Aitkins and say "Rape me Ti-Grace...I'll love you for it"
what ignorance (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:51 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#12)
Those idiots probably even went to college. But they never learned to separate BS from truth. And it's not like they have to just sit around reading the New York Times and listening to Dan Rather. They could actually ask themselves questions and do some research on the Internet. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me.

...I think they walked right into this one... (Score:1)
by DeepThought (deep.42.thought@gmailEARTH.com) on 08:47 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1487 Info)
So, they quote an excerpt from their misandric story, replacing "woman" with "man" (completely missing the point and context), followed by:

So, there"s your little fantasy, you chauvinistic bastards.
(double-quotation theirs)

Now, their original story was "tounge-in-cheek", meaning that what they said was cute and innocent enough so that NOOOBODY could possibly take it seriously (it also happens to be quite insulting towards men). However, suddenly with the genders that THEY reversed, as an EXAMPLE... we're "chauvinistic bastards"? And yet the opposite gendered story is perfectly allowable as "tounge-in-cheek".


They just PROVED that their tabloid is discriminatory by using an example (with genders reversed) that insulted men.

-DeepThought --- Erase the EARTH to gmail me.
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