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The Cornell Sun Says....
posted by Adam on 09:20 AM September 29th, 2004
News In response to The End of Mankind by Anna Weiss, that it was all a joke. Yup, that's right, gendercide is a laughing matter when it's aimed at the nearest man. Given the responses, I don't think they'll be doing something similar anytime soon. Then again....

How the DVA2004 Media Recon Project Works | Kiss Singer Against Marriage  >

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My reply to the editors. (Score:1)
by Agraitear on 11:59 AM September 29th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #902 Info)
To the editors,

Not only does bigotry have a place at the Cornell Daily Sun, it PROUDLY has a place.

Keep up the good work; your stance of small-minded insensitivity will be a beacon to thousands, if not millions in the coming months.
Re:My reply to the editors. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:00 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#5)
I responded, also, to both the origional article as well as the "excuses" by the editor.
My responses were both rather wordy, so I won't bother trying to post them here.
Basicaly I compared Anna Wiess and like minded feminists, as well as the C.S.D. to not only the Nazis, as many others have, but also to the mentality many non-Indians have against my people.(Indians) and how jokes and satire and stereotypes about us has help lead Indian people to the point we are now. (and it ain't good)

I was also glad to see on the "feed back" board a number of familiar "faces". JENK and DEEPTHOUGHT just to name a couple.
I was also heartened by the number of complaits I saw there. I don't think even ONE 'feed back' message was complimentary. I don't know I didn't read ALL of them, but I read enough.

Yay us!! \(^o^)/

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:My reply to the editors. (Score:1)
by quetzal on 03:17 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #1855 Info)
Usually my responses are attempts to be a little more intellectual than I will be here..
I am worried that in light of Cornell's response to the 'letters to the editor', they will use any complaint by men as a means to further their 'viewpoint' in this case. They seem to say that the men who complain are drunk truck drivers or something like that..
The fact of the matter is that the editors sound like COMPLETE FUCKING IDIOTS. You may quote me.
Their contempt has no price (Score:1)
by Cain on 12:36 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1580 Info)
"DAZE has actually received quite a few angry letters from men across this great nation. Apparently men are more sensitive that traditional sterotypes would hold them to be. To all of those guys out there championing for the salvation of mens" souls against the war machine of feminism, we"re sorry that we couldn"t print your insightful commentaries as well. But at least you can take comfort in drinking beer, shooting guns, driving pick-ups, smacking your bitch of a wife who ruined your fucking life, and eating the pie she baked you."

Its bad enough that they would run such an article, and then so flippintly dismiss the hypocrisy of it all as "just a joke." But to then follow that with the contempt and hostility found in the above statement because men have dared to hold the publication and the female that wrote the article accountable. Is an act of war.

These are minds that you cannot change. But we can still force change none the less. Write the editors, fine. But make a point of writing the publishers as well. And most importantly write their advertisers. The editors will continue to dismiss us because feminists have all the unquestioned power and the editors simply tow the public line they are expected to. Logic, truth, and value have no role to play in this. Its simply about about political power and the fear the editors and their advertisers have about challenging that power. Now its time for them to fear us. Put pressure on the andvertisers and the advertisers put pressure on the publishers, then the publishers put pressure on the editors and finally the editors are not so quick to spew contempt and derision on men. Because now there is a price to pay.

Re:Their contempt has no price (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:07 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#6)
I made it very clear to "Daze" (apt name) that when I get together with other Indian activists I am going to bring up their name and that all Indian rights groups should put them down as a hate-group that should be monitored. I am going to see about contacting A.I.M. (American Indian Movement) and see if they will get involved.
It's a little out of A.I.M.s' leauge, but Indian men are affected just as much as any other men.
They may just put down the sun as a group to be monitored, like I was saying, but that's something, even if that's all they do.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Their contempt has no price (Score:2)
by Thomas on 03:22 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #280 Info)
I am going to see about contacting A.I.M. (American Indian Movement) and see if they will get involved.

Please let us know what comes of this. It would be great if A.I.M. looked into the possible damage done to American Indians by misandry. Even if A.I.M. just lists the Sun as a group to be monitored, it would be good to let the folks at the Sun know about it. It might also be good to let the administration at Cornell know about it.

Definitely keep us posted.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Their contempt has no price (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:58 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#30)
>"Definitely keep us posted"

Will do.

  "Hoka hey!"
Advertiser Time. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:13 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#19)

"And most importantly write their advertisers."

I feel very empowered by this group and the reaction we have received. Their advertisers for banner ads I've seen so far has been Amazon.com and LG.com. I made a picture as proof, so should you.

Let us then write the advertisers.  I saw amazon.com and lge.com on there.  If there is a print edition, let is contact all of them.
Amazon contact page.
Amazon pricing, promotion, and rebates page. (Most relevant section it seems)

LGE's contact page.

If I may suggest, request a hard letter copy sent in the mail.  Let their lack of interest be in hard form and be proof unless they do something.

Cornell admits they suck (Score:1)
by thea on 12:43 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1862 Info)
Yeah, you suck all right, Cornell. You suck the sweet breast of the Feminazi Reich in order to continue your publishing "business".

And boy was that stereotypical remark at the end of the article, "driving pick-ups, drinking beer, shooting guns, beating wives then eating the pie she made you," ever so enlightening and understanding of the Men's Rights Movement?

And it's NOT about sensitivity you jackasses at Cornell, it's about COMMON-SENSE AND HUMAN DIGNITY!!!!

You know, human dignity, common sense? Of course you don't! Feminism doesn't teach human dignity and common sense. It teaches gender bigotry!

By the way, I was told today that I have to erase all of the 'fuck feminists' markings that I put on my dorm room door. I can keep the Anti-Feminazi Poster on the front part of the door, but the hall director said I couldn't write 'fuck feminists' due to the profanity rules. But my Hall director (a female!) understands why feminism is BAD and has let me KEEP my Anti-feminist, Pro-Men's Rights slogans.

YEAH!!! She's cool. She's just doing the job she's been given.

But I have been told by another anti-feminist girl (found another one--she's awesome!) that the girls in the all female dormitory here on campus write FAR WORSE AND HATEFUL BEYOND BELIEF things about men on their doors and it's OKAY with their hall directors.

Bias bullshit.

By the way, that girl who told me about the feminist bigotry in those dorms, is being sexually harassed by a feminist-lesbian from that all female dormitory. But what a surprise, she was told to just avoid the girl, and stop being homophobic against lesbians.


So lesbians sexually harassing hetero-girls at my college is OKAY apparently.

I'm probably safer going to an all male college.
*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Thea... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:15 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#7)
...I think I speak for alot of us, here when I say; "Glad your here!"

You make me think AND you make me laugh. (with you, not at you.)

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Thea... (Score:1)
by thea on 03:24 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1862 Info)
Why thank you Thundercloud. But it's pretty obvious that my college is a classical example of the Feminist vice-grip over the academia.
*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Re:Thea... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:34 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#11)
That's for sure.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Thea... (Score:2)
by Thomas on 03:36 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #280 Info)
it's pretty obvious that my college is a classical example of the Feminist vice-grip over the academia.

Even if feminism ended today, its after-effects would ravage society for decades. If it's any consolation, Thea, you can rest assured that you are in the vanguard of a movement that will be needed more and more, as cultures struggle to survive the wreckage brought about by the anti-male hate-movement.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Thea... (Score:1)
by thea on 03:51 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1862 Info)
So I'm apart of a revolution? Does this mean I get to march and burn stuff in protest? I will re-tell about the struggle to people someday? I'll be able to say "oh yeah people were pretty pissed off at the government back then and did nothing but protest and rally until they got the politicians' attention. We really shook up the system back then."

Sounds cool to me. Happy to be apart of the Revolution.

The Men's Equal Rights Movement: The Second Enlightenment Era.

Where are you the new Voltaires, John Lockes, and Rousseaus of the Men's Rights Revolution?!!

*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Re:Thea... (Score:1)
by MAUS on 05:21 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #1582 Info)
(sniff) (sniff) That's my Princess!!!! Jeezz guys....I'm just so damned proud of her....big hug from dad XXXXXXXXXXXXXX hehehehheheh
Cornell's Policy on Hate Speech (Score:2)
by Thomas on 01:14 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #280 Info)
I'm not sure what the connection is between Cornell University and the Cornell Sun, but the article by Weiss may not be against university policy, even if it is viewed as hate speech. I wrote to the university and obtained this link to their hate speech policy. If you just want to read the policy here it states:

"Uncivil, antagonistic or derogatory speech that is disrespectful of classes of people is commonly referred to as hate speech. Although hate speech may be extremely offensive (particularly to members of the targeted group), posting hate speech does not generally constitute a violation of university policies or codes. This is because, especially as an educational institution, Cornell is committed to the protection of freedom of expression. In exceptional cases, however, the university may decide that hate speech directed to classes of individuals presents such a hostile environment that certain restrictive actions are warranted. Refer to the Responsible Use of Electronic Communications policy for more information."

Perhaps a man attending or working at the university could claim that he is in a hostile environment because of the hateful editorial. Then again, he might be ridiculed to the point of being driven out of the school if he did so.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Cornell's Policy on Hate Speech (Score:1)
by MAUS on 05:43 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#16)
(User #1582 Info)
And God bless them for this policy because it does indeed work for all. I know all too well what it is like to take on a university that has been fully co-opted by feminazis and where all dissent is censored. I also know what it is like to take on a government agency with only the resources of a few like minded men.

"If I were faced with loosing all of my rights and freedoms except one, I would choose freedom of speach...because with it...I would soon win back all of the others"...Daniel Webster

At what point would you fight for your freedom of speach?...after you have lost it? and then...what would you fight for it with?

The feminists in Canada tried to take it from me and I defyed the RCMP to kill me if they wanted to take it. I actually waited for them to come...fully prepared to die. It was not fun.

Don't let any bullshitter ever tell you that any American soldier has ever fought for your freedom of speach. NO ENEMY OF YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEACH RESIDES ANYWHERE OUTSIDE YOUR OWN BORDERS!!!

You can stand in the main square of the capital of North Korea and criticise your country's domestic and foreign policies to your heart's content...nobody will give you a hard time...in fact the people who are most likely to get surly about you criticizing your country's foreign and domestic policies are in fact the veterans who claim that they fought for your freedom of speach.

One of the main reasons why I participate in MRA forums in the United States more so than in Canada is because you folks have no fear to tell it like it is.

I'd like to throttle the little shits who are the editors of the Cornell Sun.... but as for the mother house...GOD BLESS AND PRESERVE CORNELL'S POLICY OF FREE SPEACH!!!
I got right back in their face (Score:1)
by MAUS on 04:57 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1582 Info)
This was my reply to the "retraction"

If that was supposed to be an appology or a retraction the sarcasm was quite evident. I for one have lost all patience with pedantic pseudo-intellectual snots who abuse the resources of the academic world to promulgate their militant mindlessness, their willfull ignorance, and their voluntary autism. Adolf Hitler never went to college. The ghost writer of "Mein Kamph", Rudolf Hess did. Your characterizing of us as ignorant wife beaters has only hardened my resolve to take away the run away power of the sorcerer's obviously stupid apprentice. You will be hearing a lot from me in the future.
Thundercloud (Score:2)
by Thomas on 06:29 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#17)
(User #280 Info)

Here's my most recent post to the Cornell Sun regarding their hate-mongering.

Are you also proud of your racism?

You have heard from Thundercloud, an American Indian, twice now. Are you telling him "you can take comfort in drinking beer, shooting guns, driving pick-ups, smacking your bitch of a wife who ruined your fucking life, and eating the pie she baked you," or are you just saying that to white men?

I hope you keep after them.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Thundercloud (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:59 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#26)
Yeah, I wrote them, yet again, to point that out to them. They also seem to be ignoring the fact that there were a number of FEMALE posters critisizing the article.
I don't know if you've seen it yet but they described ALL of us as "white male, hillbilly, redneck, republicans". despite the fact that some of us who were chastising them do NOT even remotly fit that description. Includeing your's truly. (although I am part white.) But I am certainly not a "redneck". I'm ALL red! *grin* and I'm not a republican, I'm an independant.
They will most likely stick to those stereotypes, never the less. That is the only way they can defend their position, if the opposition is all "rich, white, male, republicans", Even though all of us aren't.
Confused? I know I am...,

  "Hoka hey!"
...hmmm nice apology. Target the advertiseres. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:01 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#18)
"But at least you can take comfort in drinking beer, shooting guns, driving pick-ups, smacking your bitch of a wife who ruined your fucking life, and eating the pie she baked you."

That was their apology? Let us make this into the poster child of the mens' activism cause. To label all men who find it offensive that a group, in this case men, is subject to talk of hate and extermination as a bunch of wife beaters is unforgivable.

Right to their bosses, and ADVERTISERS. Quote this quote to them and ask them if it is acceptable.

I will help start it:

Amazon.com has a banner ad
LG has a banner ad

Let us write to them, reply to this thread if you see more ads and look up Amazon's and LG's advertising department. We'll work our way up to the CEOs. If they do nothing and this story breaks, they'll look like assholes (esp. LG, men buy technology I smell boycott for supporting this shit if they do nothing).

Amazon.com and LG (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:19 PM September 29th, 2004 EST (#20)
I feel very empowered by this group and the reaction we have received. Their advertisers for banner ads I've seen so far has been Amazon.com and LG.com. I made a picture as proof, so should you.

Let us then write the advertisers.  I saw amazon.com and lge.com on there.  If there is a print edition, let is contact all of them.
Amazon contact page.
Amazon pricing, promotion, and rebates page. (Most relevant section it seems)

LGE's contact page.

If I may suggest, request a hard letter copy sent in the mail.  Let their lack of interest be in hard form and be proof unless they do something.

My reply (Score:1)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 03:48 AM September 30th, 2004 EST (#21)
(User #1810 Info)
Dear editors,
I was interested to read your Editor's Note regarding your recent article 'The End of Mankind' by Anna Weiss.

You claim "The article was intended as a tongue-in-cheek diatribe against men in the voice of an extreme feminist. Apparently, some people didn"t get the joke."

Might I suggest that in your next issue you publish a tongue-in-cheek diatribe against Jews in the voice of an extreme racist, and see if anyone laughs.

I don't think I'm ready yet for funny hate-speech.

The fact is, your article wasn't "in the voice of" an extreme feminist, it was actually written by an extreme feminist who really appears to hold these views.

I asked you in my previuos communication why you feel that men do not deserve to be accorded the same respect and protection accorded to other groups. You have simply failed to address this matter.

Indeed there seems to be no limit to the depth of your bigotry, and you are proud to show it off in public. Your article concludes with yet another 'joke':

"at least you can take comfort in drinking beer, shooting guns, driving pick-ups, smacking your bitch of a wife who ruined your fucking life, and eating the pie she baked you".

Oh, dear. You really do have a very dim view of men don't you? Which is why we started writing to you in the first place.

This sounds like a description of a white, working-class American 'red-neck', which indicates just how parochial you really are.

Mke the most of it while you can. The days when you can acceptably say this kind of thing are numbered.

Don't get mad. Get organised.
Oh, I see, it was a *JOKE* (Score:1)
by Greystoke on 04:44 AM September 30th, 2004 EST (#22)
(User #774 Info)
Allright. Too bad that great comedian Heinrich Himmler killed himself before he could stand for trial in Nuremberg for Nazi atrocities. I could just see it:

Judge: "Do you have anything to say in your defense, Mr. Himmler?"

Himmler: "Oh, see, it was all a joke. Me and ol' Adolf were just joking about gas chambers the other day. It was never meant to be taken seriously. Just sarcasm, you know?"
Men (and good women) will not vanish (Score:1)
by Bert on 10:38 AM September 30th, 2004 EST (#23)
(User #1895 Info) http://www.geocities.com/anti_feminisme/index.html
Hello folks,

I am a new user of "Mensactivism.org" and I am happy to introduce myself to you.

My name is Bert and I am a guy from the Netherlands. Why did I, a Dutchman, register to mensactivism.org? Because I am an anti-feminism activist just like you are.

I am aware of the fact that feminism is not just a problem of one single country, feminism is spread worldwide. Reading the articles and the comments on this site, it's clear to me what devastating effects feminism has on US society. Here in the Netherlands, as other European countries as well, it is not much better. For example, at this moment a horrible case of child-abuse and -murder is shaking the Dutch society, a mother who tortured and killed her three year old daughter. The most shocking about this case is that she 10 years ago did try to kill another child of her. That child was rescued by the father just on time. And this case is the seccond in three years of a mother torturing and killing her child.

How could this happen? The answer on that question is simple and clear, Dutch justice and childcare organizations are ruled by feminists, who keep telling the lie "women don't do these things." The same lies they keep telling about domestic violence, the raping of boys etc.

About two months ago I started to write letters to the Dutch department of justice and besides I started a website to denounce the fascistic ideology that feminism is. The website is mostly in Dutch, but I use articles from the US and other countries as well. Every bit of evidence of how devastating feminism is I try to post on the site. Of course I also posted a link to "Mensactivism.org".

I am very glad to see that even some ladies are here to support men in their struggle for equal rights. I wish we had some of these fine ladies here in the Netherlands. I guess you ladies understand very well that anti feminism has nothing to do with hating women. Speaking for myself, I don't hate women, I love them. The only thing I want is justice and equal rights for all human beings.

Regarding to this topic I want to say the following, in contrast to the wishes of Anna Weiss, neither mankind nor womankind will vanish. Men and women will still be there, long after feminism has gone.

Thanks for reading my post. I hope you can forgive me if I made some grammatical errors since I am not used to speak and write English all the time.

Kind regards,
The URL of my site is: http://www.geocities.com/anti_feminisme/index.html
-------------------- Fighting for men's rights is fighting for children's and women's right's as well.
Re:Men (and good women) will not vanish (Score:2)
by Thomas on 10:50 AM September 30th, 2004 EST (#24)
(User #280 Info)
Hello Bert:

It's great to read your post. The broader-based we are, the more effective we will be. You are certainly correct that anti-feminism has nothing to do with hating women. I'm anti-Nazi. That doesn't mean I hate Germans. "Women" and "feminists" are no more the same thing than "Germans" and "Nazis" are the same thing. (Germany is one of my favorite countries.) There are a number of male feminists, and many women are not feminists. In fact a growing number of women are waking up to the damage that is being done not only to men and boys but also to women and girls as a result of anti-male hatred. At the first Men's Rights Congress in Washington, DC, last summer, there were a number of women. It was a pleasure to meet them and to get to know them a bit.

Again, it's great to have you here. Please continue to share your insights and your activism. And don't worry about mistakes in English. There have been several posters here for whom English isn't a first language.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Men (and good women) will not vanish (Score:1)
by Bert on 12:42 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#25)
(User #1895 Info) http://www.geocities.com/anti_feminisme/index.html
Hello Thomas,

Thanks for your kind words. I certainly will continue visiting this site to share my thoughts as much as possible with you guys and ladies here. For me there is much to learn about how men (and women) in other places deal with feminism.

-------------------- Fighting for men's rights is fighting for children's and women's right's as well.
Re:Men (and good women) will not vanish (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:10 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#28)
Hi, Bert.
I think I speak for all of us when I say; Hello, and welcome!
I am an American Indian, and like you, I haven't always spoken english. So don't worry about that.
If the folks here can tolerate my broken english and mis-spellings, You will have no problem fitting in.
Again, welcome, and I look forward to more of your posts.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Men (and good women) will not vanish (Score:1)
by Bert on 02:58 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#29)
(User #1895 Info) http://www.geocities.com/anti_feminisme/index.html
Hello Thundercloud,

Thanks for your welcome. By reading some of your posts I already learned that you are American Indian, member of the Cherokee nation when I read well. A few years ago I did some study on the cultures of Native Americans, mainly the cultures of the Plains nations, but other nations as well. So I also learned of the tragedy that happened to your people in 1836 what became known as "The trail of tears." It's great to see "red and white" today fighting together for the same rights. I guess it's a good sign, the number of women fighting together with us is growing.

-------------------- Fighting for men's rights is fighting for children's and women's right's as well.
Re:Men (and good women) will not vanish (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:34 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#31)
Yes, exactly.
This is a fight that ALL people must be involved in. Or at least as many as possible, I guess.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Men (and good women) will not vanish (Score:1)
by Ragtime on 05:18 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#33)
(User #288 Info)
Welcome, Bert.

Glad to see the global movement growing.


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

Look whatt Jen thought... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:09 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#27)
As a woman, I find this article to be extremely self-deluded. The world IS under female control. Women are in control of schools, colleges and universities, women control the voting majority, there are women's studies groups and women's health groups, and women's domestic violence groups. Women hold all the cards in the family courts, in criminal courts, and lawmaking. Women have all the choices, to have or not have children, to raise or not raise them, to work or not work, to divorce or not. If women do not hold the majority in a field, that is because they choose not to, as incentives to give them advantages over men (like higher pay or lower entry standards) already exist. Quite frankly I cannot think of anything that is not physical that women do not have an upper hand in, and in that department the standards are lowered so there is no disadvantage for women being smaller.
Yet the world is not only no better, but getting worse. I personally do not like the position of power I am forced into as a woman. To hold in my hands the fate of any man I choose is not a power I wish to have. I do not like that in my marriage, that unspoken truth hanging in the air, that I could ruin him at any moment.
Ms. Weiss is obviously a product of one to many women's studies classes and too little actual thinking. The wage gap myth (accounted for by women's choices) or the domestic violence myth(men and women are violent at the same rates) or the rape myth (the one in four was made up on the spot), women have been sold a pack of lies to feed their victimhood status. Men are more than the product of their labor, just as women are. If it seems so wrong for men to treat women as disposable, then how on earth can the reverse be acceptable?
Re:Look whatt Jen thought... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:37 PM September 30th, 2004 EST (#32)
I hope your seeing this.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Look whatt Jen thought... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:29 PM October 2nd, 2004 EST (#35)
I think Jen's gone, guys.
I was hopeing she'd come around, but I think she's really gone, now.
Good-bye, Jen.
We'll honestly miss you...,

Re:Look whatt Jen thought... (Score:1)
by quetzal on 08:03 PM October 1st, 2004 EST (#34)
(User #1855 Info)
I very much appreciate your post.
I guess some of my own have been a little too acidic lately..sorry..
But I have a pet theory that once the (mainly) respectable feminists, like Friedan and Steinem,
pretty much achieved most of their goals i.e. equal opportunities etc.; that a whole newer generation of feminists are out there, and they consist largely of radical lesbians and other feeble cowards - it is more like they have "latched onto" what was left of the movement but are instead interested in propagating hate.
And then you have to add to this population, the usual life-time malcontents and whiners, and pre-existing lesbians, and just plain mean people..
I think there is some amount of work still to be done to gain equality for women. But I fear that at this point there is even more work necessary for men to re-gain equality for themselves.
p.s. At some universities in the U.S. there are classes in "Psychology of Women" which is in itself hilarious..but these classes were probably created by, or under pressure from, "feminists" who in the past complained about the writings of Freud, Jung etc. due to the fact that these early psychologists indicated in their writings that women were somehow "different than men" psychologically.
I have read many of Freud, Jung and Adler's original works, and although there does seem to be a sexist tilt, it is not nearly such as that portrayed by college textbooks, and others who discount Freud by saying "oh, his theory of dream analysis is his only really important work, all the other stuff is junk because it is sexist". Basically, feminists have picked and choosed among the works of these writers, in some cases even misread them, for their own purposes.
The spread of misinformation is incredible..

[an error occurred while processing this directive]