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From A Kids Rights Org
posted by Hombre on 05:30 PM September 15th, 2004
News Eric87443 writes "Good People & People of Faith,

I wanted to bring you up-to-date on what has been happening in Syracuse regarding our efforts to get a meeting between Senator Clinton and parents. I will be returning to the outside of the Syracuse Federal Building at 9am on Tuesday, Sep 21st, and my trial (open to the public) is scheduled to start in Federal Court at 10 am.

It would be nice to see a few of you there and have a chance to talk before the time for Trial. If you are new to the group or need more background, you will find a complete history at: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr "

Rest under Read More section.

Eric87443 continues...

"When I returned to the building on Sep 2nd I was very surprised to see the extent security went to - to keep me out of the building. After again 'pushing' me out of the entrance two officers kept watch as I attempted to move between the doors to enter. They would 'push' me farther away if I go to close, but then I would just come back. This went on for two hours and I couldn't help feeling 'silly.' The effort appeared to be coordinated by the US Attorney's office and the Judge didn't seem to care what was happening . . . what could I do next? What could WE do next?

I couldn't help but feel 'flashbacks' to the way things are in Family Court. The way all of us were simple 'pushed' out of the way when it came to our children. The silly allegations and the simple indiginity of the entire process. The Judges and Lawyers and staff -- just too busy for us and ready to get on with it - NEXT!

I've had some thoughts on how to proceed (and I welcome yours) and you may see some different NonViolent Action next Tuesday. In a another attempt I wrote to Senator Clinton, the Judge, and the US Attorney's office (below). I certainly appreciate the efforts of those of you who have written and called - it has made a difference. I have repeated the contact information for all these people at the end of this message -- your personal contact with them would be a great help both to me and our effort.

Best regards!
John Murtari

===================== From the letter ==========================

Mr. Richard Southwick, Assistant United States Attorney
RE: United States v. Murtari
P.O. Box 7198
100 S. Clinton St
Syracuse, NY 13261-7198

Dear Mr. Southwick and Ms. Clinton: (13 Sep 2004) Events at the Federal Building in recent weeks have caused me to reconsider my methods. I never expected to be `pushed' away from the building as I attempted to contact a Member of Congress (but not charged with a crime). Physical force has been used to resolve an uncomfortable situation. This has placed me in a difficult position. I had to review all that has happened: I am a peaceful and respectful parent trying to communicate with my Member of Congress about recognizing and protecting the Civil Right I have to be a parent to my own child. I have been: * Arrested and tried unjustly. Found guilty of violating rules that don't exist or of actions that did not happen. I was surprised to find how `weak' building rules were, but GSA has a giant staff and they should have rewritten their rules. * Reported unjustly to the Secret Service (by my Member of Congress) for investigation and have staff use that as an excuse for no meeting to take place. * Pushed around a Federal Building without arrest and had a Federal Judge aware of the situation offer no protection. * Subjected to a 'broad' stay away order that prohibits me from peacefully visiting the offices of ALL my Members of Congress in that building.

The 'overwhelming' physical power of the State separated me from my Son (and didn't care of the love we had), it has ruined my personal life and it is difficult for any parent to respond. I have no animosity toward the individuals, but what happened then (and now) is just plain wrong. I am being (was) treated like some kind of 'bag lady' that just needed to be pushed away.... Between the Offices of Senator Clinton and the US Attorney, and myself - we need to resolve this, but no one appears ready to reconsider. I know there are accommodations that can be reached in the `interest of justice.' As a minimum, to allow a constituent to peacefully petition outside her offices on the 14th floor - if the Senator is still not ready for a meeting. But I think we need to "write things down" - that peaceful conduct will not be disturbed; I will not be `pushed' away from the building again - that reporting a peaceful constituent to the Secret Service was a mistake.

Both of you are in positions of great power and authority. I hardly think to pull back a bit would be seen as a sign of weakness. It would certainly be seen as a sign of compassion and graciousness. It would send a positive message to the many people watching this situation and who are cynical about government. As the `weakest link' I am hardly in a position to withdraw. It would too easily be seen as cowardice and lack of conviction (especially now that physical force is being applied). I would have to deny my belief in NonViolent Action and in the power of peaceful voluntary sacrifice in major social reform. What could I say to the loving parents of the AKidsRight.Org group - `it all sounded good in theory, but didn't work out too well in practice?'

Most of all, what could I say to my son, Domenic. I have talked to him about Faith, and Love, and a God that loves each of us dearly (more than any parent loves their own child). He is old enough now to understand what Daddy `does' to try to change things and I have talked to him about the Civil Rights struggle to break segregation. That people had to sacrifice and there was a lot of pain (and it is hard for him to understand why - it still is for me). But I have told him that `good things will happen' and that `someday' we will have a normal life together - how can I ever just walk away?

Please, I do ask you to act quickly and before the Court date next week. There is no need for more jail time here. Because of the change in `schedule' I was able to plan a trip to see Domenic for the weekend with my mother - we even got a good deal on the fair. I am thankful for that time and so is Dom.

Respectfully yours,
John Murtari

315-635-1968, x-211
315-430-2702 (cell)
CC: Federal Magistrate Gustav J. DiBianco
CC: Washington & Syracuse Offices of Senator Clinton

==================== Contact Information =====================

Please send a fax or make a phone call to the Senator's offices both in Washington and Syracuse. They are paying attention to what is going on here. The Senator is a member of the Senate Subcommittee on Children and Families. http://labor.senate.gov/committee_members.html#Chi ldrenFamiles

You don't have to be a resident of New York to call her offices. Syracuse Local rep, Cathy Calhoun,
tel: 315-448-0470, fax: 315-448-0476
Washington Scheduling Office, Lona Valmoro (Senior Advisor to the Senator),
tel: 202-224-4451, fax: 202-228-0121

Most of all, you don't have to express anger. Just let her staff know that you care about Civil Rights protection for families and the Senator should meet with parent's groups regarding the need for National reform... Let them know being a parent is one of our GREATEST rights. It needs official recognition and protection.

If you take the time to send a fax, try to send copies to the Judge and US Attorney (also email us a copy or tell us about your phone conversation). Let them know you care.

Honorable Gustav J. DiBianco
US Magistrate Judge
RE: United States v. Murtari
P.O. Box 7396
Syracuse, NY 13261-7396

US Attorney Glenn T. Suddaby
RE: United States v. Murtari
Hanley Federal Building, Room 900
100 S. Clinton Street
Syracuse, NY 13261
John Murtari
Coordinator AKidsRight.Org
jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents"
Toll Free (877) 635-1968(x-211) http://www.AKidsRight.Org/
Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter"

Fathers 4 Justice protest causes national furore | This piece of misandry PRINTED in CORNELL SUN real  >

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An inspiration to us all (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:46 PM September 18th, 2004 EST (#1)

I saw your sight a while back (years ago), and you are one dedicated Father's Rights Activist. I wish you every encouragement as you continue your struggle/our struggle. Most people just give up so the fact that you continue to confront the system is an inspiration to all Fathers who have been battered by the man-hating laws of radical/gender feminist America.

Hang in their Brother,

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