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Women Behaving Badly Because Of Men
posted by Hombre on 01:51 PM August 22nd, 2004
News Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "Intially I was quite intrigued by this article that explores why women turn so readily on other women in work / social situations...until I discovered the terrible secret that it was all men's fault! Yes, you see, the world outside the bedroom is apparently so "universally misogynistic" that women are required to behave "like men", i.e., cruelly. When men behave badly, it is our fault. When women behave badly, it is our fault. Get it?"

For Jesus' Sake, Smash: The Days And Nights Of Ca | Two Women Seduce, Then Stab 13 Times In The Groin  >

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It's the Fault of the Evil Patriarchy... as Usual! (Score:2)
by Roy on 02:41 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1393 Info)
"Female misogynists!"

Oh my! (Lions and tigers and bears!)

Can anybody really still take this faux-journalistic tripe seriously?

It's now a "revelation" that women catfight against each other with extreme psychological aggression?

That women "compete" against their sistren, instead of cooperating as their morally superior DNA demands?

Are we living in a cartoon world?

Best quote from the puff-piece:

"Female liberation, at work and socially, appears to have come at a price. A study by Northumbria University found that women turn into female misogynists at work because they feel they have to conform to the dominant male culture."

Ah, the inevitable abilbi!

"They have to conform..."


They could try creating something other than more victimology for the infantile female species!

But that would be toooooo.... uncomfortable!

That would require.... actual ideas!

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:It's the Fault of the Evil Patriarchy... as Usu (Score:2)
by Roy on 02:45 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1393 Info)


I think "abilbi" is a form of sushi...

Best enjoyed with seaweed on the side...

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Conforming my a** (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 03:24 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1505 Info)
"Female liberation, at work and socially, appears to have come at a price. A study by Northumbria University found that women turn into female misogynists at work because they feel they have to conform to the dominant male culture."

She says this even though women almost absolutely control the atmosphere in the workplace. They get away with wearing anything. Men have to be careful what they say, where they look, how they smile. Men have to walk on eggshells. Sexual harassment suits are always lurking in the background. So tell me, how are they conforming to anything?
How's come... (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 07:59 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #907 Info)
... conflict among men at work is not studied and scrutinized the same way? The assumption that men are naturally competitive among one another is and that women are naturally collaborative IMJ underlies this.

Fact is, people are people. Individual people of both sexes have their competitive and cooperative sides. That women compete in the workplace is natural to assume will happen because the workplace is and can be competitive. So naturally women will be competitive with other women when their interests come into conflict. Same for men. But that doesn't get scrutinized, only fem-fem competition.

Also I note that when there were comparatively few females in the professions, females competing with males was encouraged. Males competing with males is also encouraged and has been for millenia. Now suddenly fem-fem competition is in full view, openly, and alarm bells go off.

I continue to be amazed at how feminist icons at once insist that no one should be judged or held to any standard based on their sex (er, I mean, gender) while at the same time advocating for separate standards for women and men in many ways, including what's expected of them in terms of behavior at work vis-a-vis competiton. But is it any surprise, really? Nahhh...
Oh yeah, one more thing... (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 08:03 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #907 Info)
Halfway down the article is starts blathering about lesbianism and British female sexuality and so on. It starts on fem-fem conflict and soon gets into lesbian sexuality. Sort of the journalistic equivalent of a cat-fight video made in a back-lot studio in Ventura, CA.

oh yes.... (Score:1)
by plebius on 08:38 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1790 Info) http://www.plebius.org/
Yes, when men compete it's just fine.. when women compete it's "female misogyny" caused by men. When will people figure out that all this postmodernist feminist stuff is complete B.S.?

Plebius Press - Psychology News & Forums
2 comments (Score:1)
by kavius on 11:23 AM August 23rd, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1673 Info) http://www.vius.ca
1: Wasn't part of the feminist revolution about proving that women aren't catty?

2: My girlfriend and I have discussed this at length. Usually with a horrified look on my face.

She states that women put a friendly front up and then try to tear each other apart from behind.

She is baffled when I state that the men in my office generally try to rip each other apart to their faces but don't consider it rude, just competetive.

In this case, it appears to me that male competativeness is far more productive, and healthier. I'm not prepared to extend this to the entire population. A couple of anecdotes over beer hardly constitute a thesis.

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