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YWCA takes example from YMCA
posted by Matt on 10:01 PM August 19th, 2004
Inequality DasCoon writes "Here we see an article on a YWCA allowing men in on the board of directors. The article states YMCAs have allowed women on the board of directors for over 70 years. Of course some women are protesting it for the same old reasons. What's good for the gander is good for the goose."

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*HURL* (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 10:07 PM August 19th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #907 Info)
Opening sentence:
"Please NO men or boys allowed on elevator," warns one sign at San Diego's downtown YWCA.

Says it all. Can you imagine a sign at YMCA reading the same, only barring women from the elevator?

Women-only is OK. Men-only is evil. Feminism at its finest. Disgusting.
Discrimination???? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:25 PM August 19th, 2004 EST (#2)
"YWCA leaders in San Diego and three other chapters that have opened their boards counter that the switch lets them tap talent previously off limits and reflects one of the organization's central goals - stamping out discrimination."
"SAN DIEGO (AP) -- "Please NO men or boys allowed on elevator," warns one sign at San Diego's downtown YWCA."
"Anyone who asked about the elevator sign learned the rule protects the privacy of female residents at a shelter upstairs."
"The organization has about 300 chapters nationally that run programs predominantly for women - shelters for domestic violence victims, child care centers and job training programs."


Isn't one of their Southern Califonia domestic violence shelters being sued for denying services to men, while accepting taxpayers money from the state?
Re:Discrimination???? (Score:1)
by Tom on 09:40 AM August 20th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Why on earth would they not want men on the elevator due to a DV shelter being upstairs? That makes absoluetley no sense whatsoever. They will come back with all sorts of lies like it might scare the women who have been victimized blah blah blah but I will guarantee that they will find no evidence in any peer reviewed research to give reason for such misandry. I have worked in many inpatient mental heatlh settings where women who have been abused or raped have done just fine in a co-ed environment. In fact these women often seek out the company of older male patients and form close bonds. This sort of thing is bullshit in the highest order. It seems to me that they are simply exluding men in order to spread their misandry without any sort of resistance. A compassionate male who was consoling the victim would make it hard to preach the hatred of men wouldn't it? These shelters are run by bigots and past victims not professionals who would treat both men and women with compassion. We need to root out this hatred and expose them for what they are.

Do we have True Equality?
The YWCA model for men (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:14 AM August 20th, 2004 EST (#3)
"The YWCA membership reflects the institution's mission. Men can volunteer, donate and become associate members, but under national rules only women can vote on their chapter's policies and men are ineligible for the governing boards."

Now isn't that cute. You don't have any say about what's going on, but your money's good enough for them. Where did they copy that idea from, family courts?
Re:The YWCA model for men (Score:1)
by DeepThought (deep.42.thought@gmailEARTH.com) on 10:32 AM August 21st, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1487 Info)

Couldn't have said that better myself.
-DeepThought --- Erase the EARTH to gmail me.
Power (Score:1)
by The_Beedle on 08:50 AM August 20th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1529 Info)
"There is something very powerful about women closing the door and sitting around a board room,"

Yeah, the same thing that's powerful about men closing the door to women, or whites closing the door to blacks.
The man mentioned (Score:1)
by dipy911 (dipy911@Nunya.com) on 08:53 AM August 20th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #500 Info)
Isn't it also interesting that the only man mentioned is concerned with dominating the meeting. Please!
Not in Calgary, Canada (Score:1)
by kavius on 09:46 AM August 20th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1673 Info) http://www.vius.ca
At the YWCA a couple of blocks from my office, the men's restroom is in the men's change room. I work out at the YWCA twice a week.

I haven't noticed any "women only" areas (other than the women's change room).

As for the guy walking on eggshells so he doesn't dominate the meeting... Let them have it. You are on the board. If you aren't giving your opinion, you aren't doing your job. (He is new so I would expect he not get too caried away for a couple of months)

It's real, but It's not my fault (Score:2)
by frank h on 11:23 AM August 20th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #141 Info)
I have gone to a number of PTA Executive Board meetings in an effort to be involved in the school community where my kids attend. Frequently, I've been the only male in the room at the time. And I have to concede that I've found it easy to dominate the meeting. It's happened accidentally, but it's definitely happened. After some soul-searching on this topic, I've come to the conclusion that it's not my problem. There are indomitable women, and if they're not the ones showing up at the PTA meetings, it's not my fault. If I feel strongly about an issue, then it's appropriate for me to express my feelings, isn't it?

Well, isn't it?!?
Re:It's real, but It's not my fault (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:46 PM August 20th, 2004 EST (#9)
It is your fault, you are a brute taking advantage of helpless women.

Re:It's real, but It's not my fault (Score:1)
by Doctor Damage (scottg [fivefoursixseven] at yahoo dot com dot au) on 03:56 AM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #1252 Info)
You're only supposed to express federal anti discrimination board approved feelings. You know, those ones that are advantageous to women.

okay, time to dial the cynicism down a little. Sorry about that.
Girls clubs (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 10:08 PM August 20th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1505 Info)
When women form any kind of group or organization, their first action is make sure that they exclude men forever. And they call our groups "The He-Man Women-Haters Clubs."
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