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Book Review, Domestic Violence: The 12 Things you Aren't Supposed to Know
posted by Hombre on 03:06 PM August 17th, 2004
Domestic Violence jadeforrest writes "Stop Abuse For Everyone speaker and board member Dr. Jack Turteltaub reviews Thomas James' Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know, a book that attempts to debunk a lot of the myths in the domestic violence community."

A tide of violence | Many Reservists Losing Civilian Jobs  >

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12 Things you didn't Know about D.V. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:34 PM August 17th, 2004 EST (#1)
"The same statistics reveal that violence perpetrated by females, in general, has been on the rise."

The above statement is true in California, and it's also true that this is taking placing during a Draconian hate war against men. California has over 30 women’s commissions and none for men. California has many women’s studies programs on their college campuses and none for men. Both CA women’s commission and CA women’s studies programs drip with a bias and hatred of men that is mind boggling.

Now see the California Attorney General’s report on arrests for domestic violence in the 10 year time period from 1988 to 1998, go to Table 2.

click here

In the 10 year period from 1988 to 1998 there was a 373% increase in the number of arrests of women for domestic violence. That is why they passed the dominant aggressor clause (used to be primary aggressor) now with mandatory arrest policies (a real boon for the d.v. frauds) all a woman has to do is say she's afraid, and guy, due to his bigger size, will get arrested. What a scam!

By the way if you adjust for the increase in population in CA in those 10 years it is still, over a 340% increase in the arrests of women for domestic violence. If you extrapolate out that would be a 20% arrest rate now, given the steady year by year rise. Does 1 dollar out of every 5 VAWA dollars go to help men? Did I mention that domestic violence law is the biggest scam in America today?

Sincerely, Ray

P.S. We've been buying and giving these books away to the d.v. industry, but they are pig headedly ignorant and really don't want to know or change in my experience. It would hurt the scamming of men now so prevelant in the d.v. industry.

Obviously I've been reading this book (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:49 PM August 17th, 2004 EST (#2)
"In his most startling chapters, James makes a forceful but controversial assertion that domestic violence against men, rather than racial crimes, are the most under-reported crimes,"

The domestic violence industry is always talking about what a terrible thing domestic violence is. Now imagine what it's like, if you can, to be battered onto crutches then falsely accused of d.v. Is there anything lower than the mainstream, radical feminst domestic violence industry in America today?

click Battered Man Syndrome

Sorry, this is the only image I could get to come up and it shows the price so don't buy it just read the image. For some reason "view larger image" isn't working.

d.v. quota system (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:05 PM August 17th, 2004 EST (#3)
"James demonstrates systemic bias by some lawyers, police and judges toward men based on the assumption that they are more violent. Assumptions that have been uncritically accepted by many in the legal system include the belief that women are rarely violent, except in self-defense situations"

Police and judges are trained to be biased by biased domestic violence industry programs. How can anyone in America today be running a "quota system" to arrest people based on gender and not facts - as per an interview in a Glenn Sacks aritcle? Go to 7th paragraph.

"Part of the problem is the training that police officers receive from the domestic violence industry, which insists that 95% of domestic violence is committed by men. Southern California domestic violence consultant Anne O'Dell, who has conducted over 500 domestic violence trainings of police officers and commanders, judges, district attorneys, and victim advocates, tells her trainees that "if a police officer is arresting more than 8% women, you've got a real problem. When an officer arrests 12% or 15% women, I'm outraged." O'Dell says that dual arrests should occur in no more than 3% of incidents."

click d.v. quotas

women batter women as well as men (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:28 PM August 17th, 2004 EST (#4)
"As an example, James cites studies that ask women to report if they have ever been abused according to an extremely generous definition of abuse, then assumes that all instances of abuse reported has been, naturally, perpetrated by their male domestic partners."

Here's an interesting little book, "Naming the Violence" edited by Kerry Lobel, et. al. ...and an interesting little quote from an online review by Publisher's Weekly at Amazon.com,

"Sponsored by the Lesbian Task Force of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, this book is "by and for battered lesbians and those who work to support their empowerment." Contributors note that the topic is especiallydifficult for lesbians because, as Barbara Hart, an activist lawyer, states in the preface, lesbian battering "contradicts our belief in the inherent nonviolence of women," and publicity about it "may enhance the arsenal of homophobes." " - added emphasis in bold is mine

click here for book & review.

The slow way all of this coming out, a piece at a time, just underscores the major bigotry at work in the domestic violence industry from its inception. ...and why shouldn't it be as bigoted as anything coming out of any other hate group, considering the support the domestic violence industry has received from women's studies programs on college campuses, and women's commission, acting beyond their authority in government.

Sincerely, Ray
Inherent nonviolence of women?!?! Duh! (Score:2)
by Luek on 06:17 AM August 19th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #358 Info)
lesbian battering "contradicts our belief in the inherent nonviolence of women

Inherent nonviolence of women?!?!

Where does this crap come from?

It is not part of my belief system! I have known for some time that women and the maggot like sycophantic males that support them are just as violent as anyone else!
Re:Inherent nonviolence of women?!?! Duh! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:40 AM August 19th, 2004 EST (#10)
"Where does this crap come from?"

It comes from women's studies on our college campuses. i.e. "all wars are caused by men," "men commit the vast majority of crimes." All that stated as gospel truth with no qualifiers to the oppression or societally constructed roles that men are forced to bear. The funny thing (funny crazy, not funny ha, ha) is that women's studies teaches social construction, then makes an exception for males who according to them are prone to violence by their natures.

The below truck sign is definitely coming to the streets of Hollywood & Los Angeles ASAP



"logic is a construct of the evil patriarcy," w.s. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:52 PM August 17th, 2004 EST (#5)
"Hard-core feminists who view all women as incapable of violence and all men automatically guilty because of their gender and domestic violence advocates who who don’t care about "the facts" will surely attack this book on emotional grounds, but they will have trouble logically refuting the author’s impressive grasp of the research literature, including some of its glaring flaws (as cited above)."

In Daphne Patai's book called Professing Feminism she talks about the different ways that men and women "know," according to women's studies. "Separate knowing" employing "logic" is a tool of oppression, historicaly employed by the evil partriarchy to keep women oppressed. "Connected knowing" on the other hand is a methodology involving group support, feelings, etc. and is seen as more valid. - believe it or not

Patai does a more detailed and far better job of explaing it all, than I have done, begining on Page 164. If you've been in discussions with domestic violence advocates with women's studies backgrounds, and thought you had just step into the twilight zone, then you should at least read this segment of Patai's wonderful book to reaffirm your sanity.

click here to see book

In going to Amazon I see there are only two reviews for this outstanding book so I need to write a review, just as soon as I finish the last 100 or so pages.

Buy the book and give it to councelors (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:00 PM August 17th, 2004 EST (#6)
I just checked and I only have 9 copies of "The Twelve Things You Didn't Know About Domestic Violence" in a stack in my bedroom. A friend in San Diego told me that a friend of his bought 50 copies.

We give them to couselors and other people who have connections in any way to the d.v. industry. I concentrate on churches as the d.v. advocates like to go there and work the easy Christian marks they find there with their d.v. deceptions.

Sincerely, Ray
Re: Female Batterers Being Recognized As "Victims" (Score:2)
by Roy on 04:37 PM August 18th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1393 Info)
The startling rise in female domestic violence and arrests is causing a ripple of concern in the feminist-controlled Domestic Violence Industry.

Several states have now developed "Batterer's Treatment Protocols" for female perpetrators. These protocols greatly influence how DV is defined, how the police and courts respond to offenders, and what is mandated in the "treatment" of those convicted of DV offenses.

Interestingly, the female protocols mandate "special" psychological screening and diagnosis to make sure that women arrested for DV are not "actually" victims.

The female protocols also use non gender-biased language to describe domestic violence,quite unlike the male protocols that define DV as "male-on-female" aggression.

So even though the crime statistics are now revealing what respected academic studies have shown for twenty years -- i.e. gender parity in committing violence against an intimate partner -- the state's feminist DV bureacracies are working hard to once again spin the truth, and ensure special "victim services" for female batterers.

Shocking, eh?

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:Buy the book and give it to councelors (Score:2)
by Luek on 06:20 AM August 19th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #358 Info)
I just bought the book and Dr. Farrell's, "Myth Of Male Power," on Amazon.com.

But I am going to keep them for myself! :-)

Why toss pearls before swine?
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