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Breaking Through Thick Skulls Down Under
posted by Thomas on 08:10 PM July 29th, 2004
News There may be some problems with the government proposals that are being bandied about south of the equator, but there's no doubt that men's rights activists have gotten the attention of polititians down under.

In this article, we see that New Zealand's Minister of Youth Affairs, John Tamihere, seems to be taking men's issues to heart.

Here we see that fathers' rights advocates in Australia have gotten the attention of the government, though the politicos seem to be trying to get away with tossing men a bare bone from women's/mothers' table of plenty. As Men's Rights Agency director, Sue Price, expressed, "the proposed changes would do little to help divorced fathers get more access to their children... She was worried staff at family centres might be biased against fathers." At least we've got their attention. We'll see what happens next.

Then there's this piece, which includes statements from Sue Price as well as Nigel Spence from the Association of Children's Welfare Agencies.

What gets me is that the politicos in Australia are insisting that "responsibility" be equally shared, but not time with the children. Hmmmmm. Responsibility for men without associated rights... Why does this sound familiar?

At least we're getting their attention, even if some of them are apparently trying to get away with what any thinking person should know won't succeed.

As a side point I've gotta say, Sue Price sounds mighty kewl to me.

Hollywood Chases Young Men Online | The First Rejected Change This! Manifesto  >

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Online discussion now (Score:1)
by EvilPundit on 10:39 PM July 29th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1661 Info) http://evilpundit.com
There is a discussion of the Australian changes on now at the ABC News Forum . You might be interested in joining in -- I post there as "AnimalMother". The forum is pre-moderated and some contributions may be rejected. It will close in a couple of days. However, as it is the forum of Australia's main public broadcaster, I am hopeful that some politicians or researchers may be reading it to gauge public opinion.
-- Evil Pundit of Doom!
At least they're visible (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:41 PM July 31st, 2004 EST (#2)
At least in the UK and down under they are recognizing that there is a problem. In the US they only mention fathers around election time when politicians on both sides drag out the always reliable straw man of the deadbeat dad. North America, the stronghold of feminism, is years behind these countries.
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