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FIRM's TV & First Seminar
posted by Matt on 01:39 PM July 14th, 2004
News Eric Ericson writes "FIRM's TV & First Seminar



Click on "Read more" link for a full description of FIRM's event.

On Sunday, July 25th at 2 P.M. E.S.T (11 Pacific, 12 Mountain & 1 Central Standard Time) Fathers' Integrity & Rights Movement (FIRM) will have it's first seminar and internet TV show with renowned North American speaker, Big Bad Dad discussing:

I. Introduction

II. Separation Agreements / Pre-Nuptual Agreements

III. Restraining Orders

IV. The Courts and Pro-Se Litigants

V. Lawyers

VI. False Allegations

VII. Motions

VIII. Affidavits

IX. Exhibits

X. Paperwork and Filing Procedures

The seminar itself will be 3-4 hours and may last into Monday morning depending upon the questions that you ask...

These topics will cover the basics for the novice and for the experienced and are a must for you to know whether you are beginning, in the middle, at the end or have muddled through litigation already.

If not able to attend in person, you will be able to call in and ask your on topic questions or instant message your questions via MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger.

Please e-mail me (do NOT respond in any group or forum) if you wish to attend or watch the seminar on the internet since the show will be password protected and you will need to know the procedures to use your Windows Media Player (all Windows operating systems have this player and can normally be found here: Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Entertainment\Windows Media Player. If you do not have Windows Media Player-NO MATTER WHAT OPERATING SYSTEM THAT YOU HAVE, you can download it for FREE from www.Microsoft.com

For those that attend the seminar in Northern Maine, you are more than welcome to stay at my home for free to visit with Big Bad Dad, me and others in like situations.

We may be having a few surprise speakers and guests. Big Bad Dad will be staying at my home with all of us for about a week before and after the seminar. You can stay for a day, night or up to a week.

If you have problems getting to Northern Maine, let me know and we will see if we can get you a ride here.

If this show is a success, it will launch FIRM's TV that will broadcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all over the world. If you truly want to know what is happening in the Fathers/Children rights arena along with non-custodial parent news, grandparent rights, Step-parents, paternity fraud, choice for males, new laws, support of the UPREPA proposal as found on the www.FIRMncp.com site and etc., you need to support us by watching, participating and helping us get the word out. Please tell everyone you know about this seminar. All groups, all individuals, all Usenet, all forums...EVERYONE.

Please feel free to create or copy and paste this announcement into a flyer and post the flyers EVERYWHERE. You can also add the following as a heading if you so desire:


Do you have children??

Are you separated / going through a Divorce??

Then educate yourselves before you decide to pay for a lawyer

It could save you, your family and your assets!!

E-mail: Eric@FIRMncp.com


(E-mail me for physical address and/or telephone number)

I look forward to hearing from all of you,

Eric Ericson



P.S.: We are looking for hosts for FIRM's TV from all over the world. If you are interested in representing your group, as an individual, or want me to contact someone to be a host, please E-mail me if you have not already.
P.S.S.: Please DO NOT inquire about the seminar in any group or forum. Please E-mail me: Eric@FIRMncp.com"

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