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Woman abandons baby in bar parking lot, isn't charged
posted by Matt on 11:18 AM June 17th, 2004
Inequality At this point I wouldn't have kids to save my own bloody life. Look at this will you. Apparently, in CA anyway, a mother can abandon a baby anyplace and as long as she calls for pick-up, it's OK. If a man did that, he'd be toast. Barf.

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No shocker, here. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:20 PM June 17th, 2004 EST (#1)
Now-a-days this isn't really a big suprise, is it?
It must be nice to know that you can do, pretty much what you like no matter whom it inconviences, hurts or kills, for your own selfish reasons and get away with it realatively (if not completely)scott-free.
Of course the feminists will make the now tired, cliche'd excuse that we have to cut women alot of slack, because they are an "oppressed minority group".
First of all, they are NOT a minority. Second I AM a member of a minority group but you can bet your @$$ if I abandoned my kid somewhere in a car, they'd throw the book at me! Why, because I'm an Indian? No because I am a MAN!

  "Hoka hey!"
A member of the outlaw gender. (Literaly)
Ummm... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:58 PM June 17th, 2004 EST (#2)
The story says:"Assistant District Attorney Karyn Sinunu said her office concluded the woman followed the spirit of a law that allows parents to leave a newborn at any hospital for up to 72 hours after birth without any criminal penalties."

So leaving it in a shopping cart in the parking lot of a bar is equal to leaving it at a hospital?
good law.. (Score:1)
by wjcnf on 05:14 PM June 17th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1730 Info)
I support the 72 hour law. Though women like to think of themselves as nurturing, caring, and compassionate, a lot of women couldn't care less about a baby they don't want.

Imagine if this law didn't exist. She would have never bothered to call 911, or leave it in the parking lot of a public place. She probably would have just dumped it in a dumpster somewhere.

The district office is full of BS, though. She didn't act in the best interest of the law. She left the baby in front a bar. But, the existence of that 72 hour law probably saved that baby's life, because that woman knew she could turn her kid in and wouldn't face any punishment. And hopefully it will get a good home somewhere.

I'm sure the father abandoned her as well. Then again, anyone who can leave a baby in a parking lot is probably someone who sleeps around with every drunk shmuck she meets.
Re:good law.. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:37 PM June 17th, 2004 EST (#4)
The father may not have even known of the baby's existence, and thanks to the anonymity of the 72 Hour law, never will. That sucks.
Re:good law.. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:49 PM June 17th, 2004 EST (#5)
Of course, if the cops somehow come up with a DNA match to a "father" sometime in the next 18 years, the gov't will bill that man a lot of money for his responsibility as father, despite not knowing anything about the child. I say, let him just leave that "child support" bill in a shopping cart in a parking lot!!

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