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The Empire Strikes Back
posted by Scott on 01:49 PM June 1st, 2004
Domestic Violence Hunchback writes "How does the femborg fight back when the true face of domestic violence is being exposed? It latches on to a handful of sensational, well publicized cases; one of its reps sponsors a bill to create an "advisory board"; eventually the "findings" of the board funnel even more public funds into selected feminist-controlled coffers. This article depicts the birth of a dark star. The campaign was executed quietly, announced publicly only when the result was a fait accompli. Notice the background of the bill's sponsor and the proposed make-up of the board. Letters to the editor might forestall this measure from becoming a national model. Letters to the editor should be no more than 70 words and submitted immediately."

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Here is mine (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 03:50 PM June 1st, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1161 Info)
(It might be nice, soon, if we can form committees so that we can form a more organized front in these areas.)

Any program to combat domestic abuse (June 1) should use language that is completely gender-inclusive. Dozens of studies indicate that women are just as likely to initiate domestic violence against men than the reverse*, and this should be reflected in all literature and dialogue.

No one has the right to slap, punch, kick, beat, threaten or otherwise abuse any other human being, no matter what a person's gender is, and no matter how big or small a person may be.

*I can refer you to these studies if you wish.

Re:Here is mine (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 07:57 PM June 1st, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1714 Info)
And this is a copy of my letter to the NY newspaper:
Dear Editor,

Via the Net, I read your paper in England, and Frank Lombardi's article "Pol targets domesyic abuse slays" would seem to fall into the category of the work of a lazy copiest, rather than a Fact seeking journalist.

In the US, the National Family Violence Survey revealed:
a woman being severely assaulted every 17.5 seconds and a man being severely assaulted every 15.7 seconds. That is to say, 3.8% of American Husbands, or one out of twenty-six, severely attack their wives, while 4.5% of Wives, or one out of twenty-two severely attack their husbands ! ! !

When you add to this a survey among teenagers as to how they would dispose of someone, the males invariably describe violent method, whilst the females invaiably would poison someone . . . this begs the question, how many men have been poisoned . . . and there is NO Body assessing this secretive murder, much less screaming domestic abuse ?

Are your male reporters aiding the feminists to Demonise Men, or do they normally print exactly what the women's movement want printing ?

Empire? (Score:1)
by Adam H (adam@mensactivism.org) on 06:33 PM June 1st, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #362 Info)
I think a better name in this case would be Fempire.
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