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by Anonymous User on 02:56 PM May 21st, 2004 EST (#1)
Feminists absolutly loathe male to females transsexuals, as they consider them as "spies sent by the patriarchal power".
And on the Ms website, most women are totally opposed to this new rule enabling transsexuals to compete in the Olympics in their new gender.....because they fear that it would lead to the disappearance of female athletes.....
By the way, every real MTF transsexual who took part in a female competition in the past has proven to be athletically inferior to the strongest women, who managed to reach higher testosterone levels thanks to doping products, while transsexuals have even lower T-rates than genetic women themselves !
by Anonymous User on 07:59 PM May 21st, 2004 EST (#4)
"while transsexuals have even lower T-rates than genetic women themselves!"
I thought they took estrogen so they could grow boobs. That might throw their game off a litte too.
by Anonymous User on 04:52 PM May 21st, 2004 EST (#2)
This problem has been discussed before in the Canadian news because of a Canadian mountain biker who had a male to female sex change. During the transformation she lost 30% of her muscle mass, 3 inches in height, and other things. Regardless, in the end she turned out to be one of the top Canadian downhill mountain bikers, and performed respectably at the world level.
Take a look
by Anonymous User on 07:55 PM May 21st, 2004 EST (#3)
She performed respectably but was not among the best women.
Here is an excerpt of a discussion on this very topic on the askmen website that I find very informative :
>So theoratically, Mike Tyson could get a sex change, and go into female boxing? What female boxer could possibly compete with Tyson? That's completely unfair to the women.
> You might be surprized... After the orchidectomy (removal of testicles) the body gets a LOT less testosterone. That alone will cause a big loss in muscle mass. That combined that with the REQUIRED (by IOC) minimum 2 years of female hormones (estrogen) will cause even MORE changes. The feminized Mike Tyson would have almost NONE of the Male Mike's trademark muscles, speed and abililty to withstand punishment.
There is also another thing that you should take into consideration : let's say that a MTF competes in the Olympics without having been officially registered as a former male, and improves drastically women's previous performances.....then all the feminists would go crazy and shout "look ! women can match men even physically !". By not enabling transsexuals to be legally registered as such, there is the possibility that feminists could take credit of his/her performances to fulfil their agenda and spread their propaganda.
The situation will be very different if this MTF transsexual is officially allowed by the IOC to compete, as everyone (and especially the media) will know that he is not really a woman and thus that his performances can't be attributed to the female gender's athletic prowess, but rather to the male's.
And then feminist propaganda will become meaningless on this issue.
by Anonymous User on 05:22 AM May 23rd, 2004 EST (#6)
Yes, she only performed respectably on the world level. But prior to the sex change, he was barely competitive at the national level. So this is not an example of a "top-tier" athlete.
If Mike Tyson were to have a sex change, my guess is he would dominate women's boxing. Of course that doesn't mean much, as women's boxing is kind of a joke anyway.
A more interesting experiment would be if a top male tennis player had a sex change. I'd be very interested to see that.
I wrote this up on the Men's Hour Blog in February. The Gender Recognition Bill, in the UK, said that MTF Transsexuals couldn't compete in sports with women. At the time it was said to be in line with International Sports Rules. Also these MTF women could still be guilty of raping a woman. The article is at Men can be women except when it might compete with women(and they can still be rapists)
I hadn't heard of this loss of muscle structure and height before. Transsexuals usually say the female hormones make them feel different. I think that means less aggressive, less competitive, perhaps more caring. So far as I know the basic testosterone muscle structure remains, even if reduced. It is probably similar to a woman taking testosterone, as some sportswomen illegally do, and building muscle and then stopping, but being left with most of the muscle.
If women thought they were truly equal in speed and strength to men, then they would have demanded male and female sports merge a long time ago. They don't think that, but don't want to admit it. So we get women complaining about getting into big prize sports, like golf, or equal prize money, like Wimbledon men's and women's tennis, every year and pretending it must be a male plot to stop them. When that woman golfer joined the Masters, I even heard one female DJ say that us men were afraid she'd win. No! We knew she wouldn't. Women still want a special place for women's sports even while calling for equality. They know there would be no women's winners otherwise, but they still want to demand equality for the inferior sportswomen.
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