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should be obvious, but just to state it explicitly, 'society cannot tolerate a male partner in a relationship unilaterally putting an end to a pregnancy', but yet can tolerate a female parter having an abortion agaist the man's wishes ("it's her body!") or choose UNILATERALLY to have it. It would be nice if these kinds of women could put their spite and gold-digging gear aside for a minute and have a logical discussion with the male partner about what would be best for the future.
On a side note, this quote from Aristotle seems to have stood the test of time, and is as true today is it was when it was spoken...
"Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own." - Aristotle
If we are supposed to have same rights, then men and women have same custody rights as long as women get written consent from the father before
having children, if they donīt, no problem, zero rights the father decides wether to keep the child or place him into adoption, in the former case the mother should pay him child support at double the satandart rate, (as damages for unwanted fatherhood).
No more unwanted children for men, no economic incentive for women to violate reproductions rights of men, and a disincentive for not doing it. Much much less "accidents".
It is a shame that male that violate women sexual rights are punished so hard, and women that violates men reproductive rights do it with impunity and get rewaded twice, they keep the child fraudulently obtained and the rigth to exploite the victim.
In any case violations of reproductive rights should be punished much harder than violations of sexual rights, as people has hundred or thousands more sexual encounters than children in their lives, so sentencing should be coherent to this fact.
Men should have exactly the rights than women, abortion, custody and single parenthood, men are not cattle than women can use whenever they want to have children and steal them afterwards.
"that man should not go in prison, he should go to a boot camp for two years and then go to the guillentine."
Sure, sure but nor before all the Canadian women that has done exactly the same, how many women in Canada are going to abort unwanted preganacies this year? how many million have done it in the past 30 years.
About one third may be half of the female population of Canada ?, ladies first, no to the guillontine? just men?, give me a break!!, abortion should be a right or nothing at all, not a priviledge of women.
At least islamic countries are coherent no one can abort period, women that do it, get lapidated, (stoned to death, the islamic version of your guillontine).
But rethinking it, Canada is very coherent, first class citizens have reproductive rights, second class donīt, so how a simple men dares to abort and wanted child?, this things can not be tolerated, he should be guillotined.
by Anonymous User on 08:06 PM May 21st, 2004 EST (#4)
I think a word was left out; it should read; "Feminist society ..."
If a woman kills a fetus it is not human and she has done nothing wrong; if a man does the same it is human or at least he has done something wrong.
"His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world
of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of
complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies,
to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out,
knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them,
to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying
claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that
the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it
was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again
at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget
it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the
process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to
induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become
unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even
to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of
Well said!!
"Society cannot tolerate a male partner in a relationship unilaterally putting an end to a pregnancy."
And the society of South African apartheid could not tolerate the right of blacks to vote, or the nazi Germany the right of jews to breath ....
Here in Europe there is the day after pill, (chemical abortion), and is widely used, what is more, is used for teenagers as it was a contraceptive method, yesterday they said on the news, it has been the most used messure to avoid unwanted pregnacies 33%, second condoms 24%, among teenagers last year.
Times when women need to get married in order to have children are long past, marriage was the male consent to it, and unmarried women having children were repudited and marginalized by society.
To have sex both men and women must agree, otherwise is called rape, and we know what awaits to rapists. Biologicall reasons makes easy for men to force women to have undesired sexual relationships, (men are stronger), thatīs why the law protects their sexual rights.
To have children exaclty the same, both must agree to it, in this case biologicall reasons makes easy for women to force men to have unwanted children, and the law should protect this right not equally but more than the violation of sexual rights of women.
It is time to required written consent from males to any women wanting to bring a child into the world, rapists should be equally punished and prosecuted male, or female.
PD: In the contract to procreate men and women would say how are they going to rise this child, rigths and responsabilities concerning the child, not a judge.
Women wanting to have a child by her own should first:
1)Find a men willing to consent having a child with her.
2)Ask the men to resignate all his custody rights regarding his child.
3)Work to support her child or go to jail for failing to do it.
Reallity however is completly different,
1) women can make men have undesired children with total impunity.
2) Steal those children from their fathers
3)And then force them to performe slave labor for 20 years or more.
So they do not have to work to support those children, can improve their living standars and if possible become a social parasite that lives without working, at the expense other people work, a parasite that does not pays taxes and does not contibutes to the social security pool, but consumes all kind of services from the State.
Men are cattle that women can use to have children and steal from them.
Men are slave labor wich fruits are used for western goverments to finance the cost of the children women decide to have, and pay women to have them, economic incentives to procreate based on the slave labor of others.
But this is comming to and end, this will only go on as most men voluntarely accept this as their destiny, and only a minority that rebels must be forced to comply.
As long as men keep on buying into what Nietze called the nation slave moral, (in this particular case of slaves: provide and protect women).
But the fact is that men are not slaves, never have been, if they provided and protected women was becouse women served and obeyed them, furthermore they were their properties, this over, so women must work and share the burden to protect society, women that treat men as equals should be respected, women that considre men their minions, should be treated as scum, period.
As in 1984...
feminist double-think today gives men no credence as fathers, merely as inseminators for the female's desired offspring.
Legally, it's only HER child.
The guy, following ejaculation, returns to his former status as a mere wallet.
"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Yep! The first thing to end this discrimination is stop paying for it, if rape would be no be punished, much more women would get raped, but what if in addition to that, women pay men to raped them?, being forced to give men 30% of their salaries during 20 years ot more?, in that case rapes would sky rocket, the rich women should be stay at home all time or else ....
So the firts think is to remove economic incentive:
This will happen when society will demand women the same financial responsabilities that men regarding children, attaching rights and responsabilities, a woman want a child she should support him, she does not agree to support him/her, well the alternative: just die childless, or have a child and place him into adoption, to the father or any other interested people.
Once the economic incentive is removed, MAGICALLY!! there will be much less unwanted fatherhoods.
The second thing to do is to remove another incentive, that is keeping the child, it would be amazing that in a country where abortion does not exist rapists would be giving custody of the children they had from women they raped, absurd isnīt it?, thus they should have absolutly no rights at all.
When society will give men same custody rights, that would happen, men and women not only will have to support the children under their custody, but women and men will have the same right to have custody of them.
But in case women unilaterally decided to have a child, no custody rights at all.
So two incentives to make men have unwanted children removed, no economic incentive, no custody rigths, under this circumstances no women would want endure 9 month pregnancy, what for?. (1)
Third women should serve jail time for violating the rigth of men to decide if they want to have children and with whom.
But just removing the economic incentive to rape men and custody will be enough, in my country a man must recognized the child on a family court or he will have no responsabilities, and ofcourse no rights, regarding that child, and there are very few cases of unwanted fatherhood.
It is a shame that some western goverments force men to pay women to rape them, but i think this is not enough , (removing the economic incentive), those women should lose any right concerning the children obtained this way, the children given to the father or placed into adoption, and should be at least fined.(2)
(1)we could add 20 years of child support to the father, AND THEN LET SEE HOW MANY UNWANTED FATHERHOOD WE WILL HAVE, ZERO OR MINUS ZERO!!!.
In that case we would be doing nothing terrible at all, just making women suffering exaclty the same treatment men are recieving nowadays, the that is being done to men systematically with no options at all, quite different for women, ABORTION!!.
So allowing only women to chose abortion or not, lets see what happens if in that case the table is turned, sole custody to the father and child support from the mother or jail time. No new laws, no punishment, nothing just the same treatment but reversed and tchan!! tchan!! magic , no more unwanted fatherhoods, no more "accidents"!!.
(2) Rape here is not such a big deal 4 years maximum, usually 6 month and out, so may be some jail time should be in order too.
(3) In my opinion losing any rights regarding the child, and a huge fine like two years of her salary would be more than enough to protect men reproductve rights.
But as you said right now women has almost all rights men almost all responsabilities, but each time men are getting more rights and women more responsabilities.
When women will have the same financial responsabilities to support their children and men the same rights regarding custody, abortion and sinlge parethood will be a right to all citizens not just the priviledge of women.
A matter of time!!
Whoa! DO you have anything against Canada? We as Canadian men are trying to to have a voice, that man
who wanted an abortion, this is insane, I am anti-abortion, except for those serious cases. THis kind of news is very stupid, than man should not go in prison, he should go to a boot camp for two years and then go to the guillentine. Anyway this is my say on this. The feminists should like this.
Take care my Brothers.
"that man should not go in prison, he should go to a boot camp for two years and then go to the guillentine."
Sure, sure but nor before all the Canadian women that has done exactly the same, how many women in Canada are going to abort unwanted preganacies this year? how many million have done it in the past 30 years.
About one third may be half of the female population of Canada ?, ladies first, no to the guillontine? just men?, give me a break!!, abortion should be a right or nothing at all, not a priviledge of women.
At least islamic countries are coherent no one can abort period, women that do it, get lapidated, (stoned to death, the islamic version of your guillontine).
But rethinking it, Canada is very coherent, first class citizens have reproductive rights, second class donīt, so how a simple men dares to abort and wanted child?, this things can not be tolerated, he should be guillotined.
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