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Domestic Violence Charges
posted by Adam on 01:07 PM May 17th, 2004
News Ray Blumhorst writes "The man in this domestic violence story Bethlehem woman found guilty of assaulting boyfriend was "Beaten so badly he lost 80 percent of his kidney function." Yet, the Prosecutor questions the veracity of the man, "who took his beatings like a man" without striking back at the woman. The Prosecutor asked, "What man would allow himself to be beaten like that?" and "Why didn't the boyfriend just leave?" If you want to see a glaring example of a domestic violence victim being battered, then battered again by the legal system, then look no further. ...and what would have happened to this battered man if he had tried to leave, or had put up his hands to ward off the blows, or simply tried to hold (restrain) his brutal attacker? How can a man get away from domestic violence, when every shelter he calls treats him like a batterer, or refuses him admittance, or tries to send him on a hundred mile drive?"

Sacks, Leving Fire Back at 'Vasectomy or Jail' Judge | NH Child Support Study Committee Holds Final Hearing  >

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Where's the "Battered Man Syndrome" Explanation? (Score:1)
by Roy on 03:27 PM May 17th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1393 Info)
Interesting that the judge questioned the man's veracity because he didn't flee his abusive female partner. (He said he feared futher retribution and her escalating the violence.)

If this were a female victim, her actions would automatically trigger the well-worn feminist Battered Woman Syndrome line of argument, asserting that the woman was afraid for her life and any/all acts of violence she might commit (including murder) would be explained as self-defense.

Because in this instance it's a guy who's been so brutalized that he's psychologically immobilized and unable to flee, his credibility is called into question!

There will never be "equal justice" until a man's claims in court are given the same consideration and respect as any given female's.

And a level legal playing field is the very LAST thing the feminazis want to see happen...

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:Where's the "Battered Man Syndrome" Explanation (Score:1)
by VIP SAFE NH on 06:13 PM May 18th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1546 Info) http://www.VIP-NH.org
Situations such as this are proof that our Court Advocates are a necessary part of what we do. Men need to have Domestic Violence Advocates for support when they confront their abuser in Court to help ensure that they are treated fairly and taken seriously.
It is also important that programs like ours continue to offer training to "professionals" from a new perspective that is not gender biased.
We hope that men will help us to help them by supporting our efforts.
We ARE making a difference in NH despite gender bias being present within other DV agencies, but equally important is that we are developing the model direct services program so that eventually every State will have a SAFE Chapter where male victims will be able to access services and support.
Please visit our website to keep up to date on our efforts and to offer your support.

For the first time male victims of Domestic Violence have a place to call in order to get support and services. With funding we WILL be able to have a shelter as well. Please visit our website or contact us to see how you can be part of this initiative!
Take care,
                Lee Newman
Founding Executive Director:
Violence Intervention Program/SAFE-NH
Lee Newman Founding Executive Director:VIP/SAFE-NH P O Box 523, Rochester,NH 03867 Phone:603-859-0859 Fax: 603-297
Re:Where's the "Battered Man Syndrome" Explanation (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:54 PM May 18th, 2004 EST (#5)
"Situations such as this are proof that our Court Advocates are a necessary part of what we do. Men need to have Domestic Violence Advocates..."

The training police and judges get needs to be completely revamped into a gender neutral model. The primary aggressor model is a feminist fabricated construct that excuses female violence, and creates violence where it doesn't exist (physical size as a reason to arrest the man). Those domestic violence advocates who ride along on police calls are also the biggest hate monger bigots since Goebels (sp?) ran propaganda for Adolph. They rationalize evidence, they fabricate evidence, and they destroy evidence.

Under their authority a battered man has about as much chance getting justice as a black man stumbling into a KKK rally.

Minor correction (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 05:20 PM May 17th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1161 Info)
It was the DEFENSE attorney who asked "what man would put up with that," not the prosecutor. That makes a little more sense.

Re:Minor correction (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:12 PM May 17th, 2004 EST (#3)
Thanks bg. I guess I'm just so conditioned to seeing men being prosecuted when I hear the term domestic violence, that I made a Freudian slip.

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