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But ya gotta love this:
"If she did make it up, she had a reason. Something's wrong," said babysitter Dora Carter, picking up a first-grade girl.
Sure, her parents never told her that lying was wrong. THAT is what is "wrong" with her.
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
... and already she has learned what she can do to a man on a whim.
Even if she were old enough to be prosecuted, I guarantee she wouldn't be. Such is the power of the female's word over the male's. Such is our subordination to women in the law and in common perception.
We got work to do. Hey, anyone else going to the Men's Right's Congress in June? See for the details.
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by Anonymous User on 11:57 PM May 16th, 2004 EST (#10)
Where is it being held?
"Hoka hey!"
I have experienced this behavior(a females word is always more equal than a Mans) all my life starting from early childhood. My parents put me a private catholic school run entirely by nuns. No male teachers. Us boys learned early on that the girls were all tattle-tales. If a boy did something a girl did not approve of or otherwise thought was wrong, she went to "sister" and reported the boy. The boy was always wrong, no excuses and no questions asked and then punished in some fashion. Furthermore us boys were taught from the very beginning, Ladies First and always. If you were a boy you did not step in front of a girl, you were taught to step back and out of her path, when she passed you proceed. About at 5th grade I attended public school for a short time. All the female teachers were basically the same. I returned to the catholic school. All through high school the same pretty much. A females word was always superior over a boys but not as much tattle-tailing going on in high school. Boys and girls were more interested in dating now. However it was be a gentlemen and ladies first in high school. To this day I hold doors for women and never pass through an open door first if a female is headed towards it from the opposite direction unless she is at least 20 feet away. Pretty much like an instict.
To this day I hold doors for women and never pass through an open door first if a female is headed towards it from the opposite direction unless she is at least 20 feet away. Pretty much like an instinct.
That has to stop. I hope you're making an effort to de-condition yourself.
by Anonymous User on 09:35 AM May 16th, 2004 EST (#5)
Well she go in a sex offender data base for the rest of her life as the falsely accused male would have if she had been a better liar? There is only a very thin line between a woman getting caught in her false accusations and a man getting the rest of his life ruined, yet the law does not treat false accusations with the seriousness that they deserve. Will this girl be prosecuted for a felony or a misdemeanor, or will she just get a slap on the wrist, and some therapy? Prison and punishment for male offenders, while social services and help for female offenders makes "equal justice" one of the biggest lies in existence for males living in feminazi america.
(click) An Eye for an Eye
(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)
Even though she tried to ruin a man's life and cost tax payer's, in my opinion, she will get off with probation and some "counseling"...along with some pats on the back b/c many will continue to see this 11 yr old criminal as the victim. Sad.
Jeff "All human laws which contradict God's laws, we are bound in conscience to disobey." George Mason
So we can do something about 11-year-olds but the hordes of fully adult women who pull these stunts we're powerless over?
I rather doubt anything other than some counseling is going happen to this girl. And probably from some idiot with the same "she wouldn't say it unless there was SOMETHING going" mentality.
Maybe it is because adult women can concoct better stories that we only manage to catch children. ??
Luna said:
Maybe it is because adult women can concoct better stories that we only manage to catch children. ??
Totally true. But lets not forget something simple. Folks, people who lie, about whatever, tell their story, and are then "stuck" with that story.
A child's lie is more easily figured out. But an adults will be more convicing.
And don't forget, they get tons of practice from the "advocates" who "help" "polish" their story so it has all the buzz words that make it sound "better".
(funny, I didn't think the truth needed "help")
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
I wrote this out on iFeminists while debating a male feminist. I think I finally articulated what I have been thinking. Tell me what you all think:
I've been struggling with how to articulate an idea that I think will initially be controversial, but if you think it through to "the end game scenario" will hold promise to helping rape and life-rape victims/survivors.
There has long been held a premise by rape advocates that prosecuting false accusers would lead to a "chilling effect" on real victims of rape. I disagree. I think in the long run it is the BEST solution to the problem of:
a) false allegations
b) restoring faith in allegations of rape
Now, before anyone's "auto gender response" kicks in, let me add a few thoughts. Then, hear me out, and smoke it over your cerebral bar-b-que.
For a few years now prosecutors have had more rapes reported, BUT thje conviction rates have been falling. Gender feminists and MRAs have offered differing views on this, but that's unimportant.
See, this is what I am good at, coming up with end-game-scenarios. Hear me out and let's walk through it.
Yes, initially some women may fear going through the legal process because now (in our scenario) a woman can be siginificantly prosecuted for false allegations. Some legitimate rapes will go unreported. But then the system starts to work BETTER. (Hold on - I'm getting to it) See, right now juries know that some false allegations exists. Chances are that some jurors know someone who has either been raped or know someonw who has been falsely accused. Prosecutors have had a harder time getting conviction rates for rapes.
After the false accusers see that signifigant penalties are handed out they are detered. Less false allegations are reported. More women who have been raped who go to trial secure convictions against the predators that rape. Conviction rates for rape RISE. It's a separation of the wheat and the chaff.
Right now there is no deterrent to false allegations. Everyone who can read knows this. In fact, women in Britain are offered a CASH reward (compensation) for being rape victims.
But when women who are securing their rapists convictions rise, and the number of false allegations falls, the systems starts to balance out. Men can no longer claim that justice is one sided, and women's advocates can rightly show that conviction rates for rape have risen and that false allegations, which were once shown to be higher, have significantly dropped.
It's an idea who's time has come. Both men who are falsely accused and women who are raped win.
Give it some thought and I hope this sparks some discussion.
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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