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UNH Take Back the Night Event Evokes Anti-Male Sentiment
posted by Scott on 04:20 PM April 30th, 2004
News Today's front page story in the University of New Hampshire's school newspaper demonstrates a rise in anti-male feminism on campus. This year's rape awareness march, Take Back the Night, which has traditionally welcomed the participation of campus fraternities, was this time an exhibit of anti-male hatred and fraternity bashing. Members of the Feminist Action League protested the participation of men with a large banner reading, "We Don't Negotiate With Terrorists," equating fraternities with terrorist organizations. Two members of the FAL were quoted extensively in the article but their names were anonymized due to concerns over their safety. Apparently there were no concerns about holding these individuals accountable for the sweeping statements they made about fraternity members such as "We need to stop coddling the perpetrators." There are a few additional photos of the event on the NH Independent Media Center: one, two, three, four.

Only men can stop domestic violence? | Forced labor for child support  >

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hopefully it's a Start (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:09 PM April 30th, 2004 EST (#1)
NCFM's Dallas/Forth Worth chapter does a "Mask Project" at the Clothesline Project every year where they set up a table with paper mache masks that represent male victims (themselves or men they know) who are unseen, unheard, and ignored. Their website tells about it. This is one way to get people, especially the middle ground, to see an alternative view. One can have SAFE literature, data, articles, stickers, t-shirts and other materials at the table, and one should notify the campus and local newspapers about it. There are certaily other ways too, like writing an op-ed in the campus newspaper, going to the organizational meetings and speaking out, speaking during "open mic," carrying signs, handing out materials, etc. Talking about this on the internet is good, and needed, but we also need street action if we want our side to be heard.

Take Back The Truth! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:11 AM May 1st, 2004 EST (#2)

"The two FAL members feel strongly about the night belonging to survivors of sexual violence, a population which they note is largely female (emphasis mine). Their argument against fraternities and males participating is that TBTN was originally part of the feminist movement and was designed for women and survivors to literally "take back the night."

"In their opinion, fraternities create an environment that fosters the kind of behavior leading to sexual violence."


Take Back The Night, it is clear from this article, has become just one more tool in the Feminist Victimology Tool chest used to lobby for more privileges for women. Of course they don't want the evil patriarchy at that event pointing out how they too are victims of violence (including sexual), and often in greater numbers. "This is our event, you go have your own," is a complaint I have heard repeatedly from feminist who want to create their skewed perspective of reality in this world, and thereby bash men all the more greatly. "Get used to it," is the phrase I most frequently toss back to them.

People who protest untruthfully should expect counter protests. We went to a feminist rape protest one time at a college where men were dressing up in high heels, and carrying signs that said, "Walk a mile in her shoes." We pointed out all the false accusations of rape that occur, and the rapes of men that happen in prison. They were quick to point out that men were raping men in prison. To that I replied, "so you're saying because those victims or rape are males, or where raped by males it's O.K., and we just forget about them?"

One lady screamed at me, "you should see the horrible way some of these women come in to us." I countered, "You should see the horrible way that many men rot in prison from false accusations of rape." "The real victims are cheated every time a lying, false accusing female is excused!" Those people never addressed the rape, battery, and abuse that men are victims of in their protest. For them, "It's all about women as victims." These people just sweep men's victimization under the rug, or pretend it doesn't exist. Where are the shelters and resources for abused men on a scale with all those that are available for women???????

Next time I got to one of those events I'll try harder to confront their hypocrisy and bigotry.


(click) The Battering Never Ends

(click) Men's Shelters

(click) False Accusers

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)

Re:The Truth ... Rape Hysteria is Fear-Mongering (Score:1)
by Roy on 02:49 PM May 1st, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1393 Info)
I recall a while back that Glenn Sacks on his radio program HisSide addressed some of the feminist distortions purveyed through the "Take Back the Night" rape hysteria.

Colleges and universities annually report their crime statistics, and a review of the most recent compilation reveals that there is actually LESS THAN ONE rape reported for each campus when the aggregate stats are examined.

So, what is the real purpose of feminist rape propaganda?

One might easily surmise that it is designed to foment gender animosity, to demonize men, and to scare gullible females witless.

Where feminism's social effects are concerned, its primary "success" has been to create victims of both women and men, and to make truth a casualty of ideology.

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:The Truth ... Rape Hysteria is Fear-Mongering (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:16 PM May 1st, 2004 EST (#6)
"Where feminism's social effects are concerned, its primary "success" has been to create victims of both women and men, and to make truth a casualty of ideology."

Women's studies is all about propaganda and indoctrination. Free speech is anathema to women's studies. Equal rights is anathema to women's studies. Women's studies condemns the evil male patriarchy as oppressive to women, but people who see through their evil lies could right encyclopedias on the oppression that women's study propaganda creates in peoples lives.


Re:Take Back The Truth! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:33 PM May 1st, 2004 EST (#7)
I redid the "Men's Shelter's" T-shirt, and lost the link. Here's the new one. I thought this shirt should look as good as possible since it has an important message to get out. America now has the highest rate of incarceration in the world (having now passed Russia), and 93% of all prison inmates are men. Men need more social programs, or at least an end to the overt social warfare that radical feminist and their toady politicians have been making on innocent men.
(click) Men's Shelters

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)
Re:Take Back The Night (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 01:19 AM May 13th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1714 Info)
Sadly, it seems the one thing lacking at the University, is a proper education !

Perhaps they need to burn their existing text books and replace them with:
"Who Stole Feminism" by Christina Hoff Sommers
"The War Against Boys" by Christina Hoff Sommers
"Abused Men" by Philip Cook

Of course, they could also go to source material such as the National Family Violence Survey, which all too clearly demonstrates women as being the greater perpertrators of violence.
...and look what happened..., (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:10 PM May 1st, 2004 EST (#3)
Socialism started out small, and look what happened.
Comunism started out small, and look what happened.
Marxism started out small, and look what happened.
The terrorists started out small, and look what happened.
The KKK started out small and look what happened.
The Nazis started out small, and look what happened.
The feminists started out small, and...

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:...and look what happened..., (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:46 PM May 1st, 2004 EST (#8)
Yes, those evils started out small and became large evils, veritable plagues not only on society, but the human race itself.

Thanks, TC your insights help to give a welcome perspective.

Re:...and look what happened..., (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:28 PM May 1st, 2004 EST (#9)
"and, supposedly, you started out small, and look what happened."

"An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument." - The Nizkor Project (on-line)

Yes, TC started out small like you and I, but unlike radical/gender feminists not everyone believes that a fetus is an evil oppression growing in a Mother's womb, keeping her from reaching her full potential. I pity a child born to such a mother. With that kind of propaganda being spread as truth in women's studies classes, it is no wonder that the majority of child abusers are children’s own mothers (DOJ).

It is true that some people become evil when they grow up, but it is also true that some people become great (in spite of anti-traditional family radical/gender feminism. Probably a lot more would become great if we did not have the evil plague of radical/gender feminism in our global society.

Your post is nothing more than an ad hominem comparison, between TC and all those evils that started out small. I'm not at all surprised. Since when have the minds of radical/gender feminists and their ilk known the difference between good and evil? How can they, when they look at all pregnancy as oppression of women, and all heterosexual relations as rape? Yes, radical/gender feminism started out small, while its evil effects on society have grown greatly. The only thing that has remained "small" about radical/gender feminism is the petty way its follower try to insult and belittle decent people.

Have a Nice Day, Ray

Re:...and look what happened..., (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:20 AM May 3rd, 2004 EST (#11)
I pity a child born to such a mother. With that kind of propaganda being spread as truth in women's studies classes, it is no wonder that the majority of child abusers are children’s own mothers (DOJ).

The good news is that as the evil feminist continue to slaughter their children good people continue to populate our nation. Eventually, the evil women will have no children with which to significantly affect our politics.

At some point the people that love, support, and adore children must win out against the evil that kill their own.


Re:...and look what happened..., (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:04 PM May 3rd, 2004 EST (#12)
"The good news is that as the evil feminist continue to slaughter their children good people continue to populate our nation. Eventually, the evil women will have no children with which to significantly affect our politics.

At some point the people that love, support, and adore children must win out against the evil that kill their own."


Good to hear from you. I fear the sad truth is that many of these insidious, intolerant bigots know that the only way they can keep their evil agenda fueled is by stealing the children of people who do not share their views. They have certainly been having a field day doing that, but let us hope more and more people continue to become aware of their heterophobic, misandric, anti-traditional family agenda.

just a hate rally (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:22 PM May 2nd, 2004 EST (#10)

Another anti-male hate rally. It's time to start calling these what they are.
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