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Domestic Violence
posted by Adam on 03:47 PM April 17th, 2004
News Ray writes "Dr. Stephen Baskerville writes of yet another atroctity committed by our government against men (and their families) in his article. Violence Against Women Panel Commits Violence Against Democracy. In this election year, it appears the Bush administration has no desire to offend any of the potential voters in that multi-billion taxpayer ripoff, (cesspool of corruption) known as the domestic violence industry. It likewise appears he has no care about offending every voting male in America, including this registered Republican."

Convicted Women Drunk Drivers Are Victims. | False Accusations and Justice - or lack thereof  >

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I didn't hear anything, you? (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 04:29 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1505 Info)
If only the public could be made aware of the degree of feminist censorship, they would be outraged. But then that would presuppose a lack of feminist censorship in the media. I recently reread an article on Angry Harry's website, dated 1970, where the writer decries the media's reluctance to air the opposition to women's lib. Silencing the opposition is the fems' most potent weapon.

As for the White House, Bush dislikes feminism only so far as it votes Democratic. Ideologically he is neutral on gender matters. Since the seventies both the Democrats and Republicans have been hoodwinked into believing that the radical feminists speak for women. (The radical feminists don't even speak for all feminists.)
Here's my email to Ashcroft & Thompson (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:49 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#2)
"The continuing systematic denial of heterosexual males as victims of domestic violence by the domestic violence industry revictimizes myself and all other male victims. We are further traumatized when we see abhorrent pseudo-scientific methodologies (used by domestic violence industry social scientists) to conjure up fallacious factoids and statistics that are then used to support inhuman domestic violence laws.
Law enforcement is trained by gender biased, gender feminist advocates to rationalize domestic violence incidents so they comply with the self-fulfilling prophecy that all men are batterers and all women are victims. Relevant evidence that women are batterers and men are victims is ignored. Thereby, numerous male victims and their children are cheated when violent females are excused and innocent men are arrested. Considering the inordinate amount of time the domestic violence industry has dedicated to addressing violent male partners, and the lack of time they have dedicated to confronting violent female partners, time at “National Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women” meetings should more constructively be spent concentrating on what violent women can do to end their violence against men.
Years from now, future generations will know the whole truth about domestic violence. They will know how the domestic violence industry politicized the dynamics of domestic violence, then used it as a weapon to demonize men and destroy their lives. Through the sharpened vision of 20/20 hind sight they will justly despise the domestic violence industry of today for the behavior of the misandrist hate mongers who comprised it.
The good men of California and America may suffer for a long time under the cruel batterings of the gender feminist’s pet programs such as “domestic violence,” but in the end the whole truth will be known, no matter how much you restrict input from the battered heterosexual male’s perspective. Please include these comments in your official record of proceedings for your April 15, 2004 meeting of the National Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women.

Sincerely, Ray"

The two items below were not included in my emails, but also reflect my opinion.

(click) Radical Feminist Domestic Violence Laws

(click) If You Shelter the Radical Feminist Domestic Violence Industry

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)

The women's parties (Score:1)
by campbellzim on 08:09 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1477 Info)
democrates = women's party

republican = women's party
Re:The women's parties - The women's vote (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:12 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#4)
"democrates = women's party"

"republican = women's party"

Democrats and Republicans are only concerned about getting the women's vote. They really don't have a reason to be concerned very much about the men's vote or the issues that are important to the men's movement. Men just aren't that organized today, and do not speak with a unified voice.

Women are organized, have clarified their issues and have established various agendas. The women's movement didn't get to where it is today without years of activism. It will take time for men to establish themselves so they are a force that politicians will listen too.

Issue #1 Men are the doormat of the gender feminist agenda and gender feminist laws.


(click) Vote Men's Rights

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)

Re:The women's parties - The women's vote (Score:1)
by Tom on 07:29 AM April 18th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Exactly Ray.

Stephen Baskerville has a great idea. Try to get our issues noticed in the Libertarian party. Being the "third" party they are more likely to be open to "new" issues. Once the Libertarians start pushing it the major parties will have to respond.

Mens Rights 2004 Congress
Re:The women's parties - The women's vote (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:45 AM April 18th, 2004 EST (#7)

Just a thought. I was on the web site of a local radio station the other day and noticed an announcement section for community events. A brief announcement with a phone # or email address might get a few more people to the Men's Congress.

Also, something one of our members in L.A. did was to have a picnic in a park last year. Although we protest mostly at government places, I found this to be far less stressful and much more enjoyable. I really think NCFM needs to involve more fun aspects in the hard work we do if that is possible. I've even joked to local members, asking them if they thought a "LADIES FREE B4 10:30" sign would help to draw females and subsequently men into our groups. I did get some funny looks on that one.

The gril friend of the member who had the picnic just sent me some pictures of past events, and in one photo she was playing baseball in the park wearing a MEN's COMMISSION NOW T-shirt. It was just an ordinary baseball game in the park. She commented about all the conversations the shirt generated, and said a lot of people thanked her for her (their/our) work.

I really hope the men's congress does well, although I can't get away from my job this year, and the 3000 miles is a real challenge. There's a huge park next to my house (1 short block away) so I'm going to look into setting up a tent with banners, T-shorts, etc. the weekend of the Men's Congress.

Re:The women's parties - The women's vote (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:59 PM April 19th, 2004 EST (#11)
Re:The women's parties - The women's vote (Score:1)
by Larry on 08:06 PM April 19th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #203 Info)

Fair is fair. If women can have g-strings, men can have T-shorts.

ADULT: What you are once you've run out of excuses.
Re:The women's parties (Score:2)
by frank h on 08:07 AM April 19th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #141 Info)
Unless the men's vote emerges as a measurable political force, then we will continue to be relegated to second-class citizenship. This requires political action and political action requires some level of organization and cooperation.

Until we get our sh*t together and begin to organize and cooperate a little bit, we're f&cked.
Not A Dimes Worth Of Difference..... (Score:2)
by Luek on 11:25 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #358 Info)
It likewise appears he has no care about offending every voting male in America, including this registered Republican

This election year is proving beyond any other election year the old adage that there isn't a dimes worth of difference between the Republicons or the Demorats. If you can't stand "Dubya" you will absolutely loathe "Scary Kerry!" I for one will be voting men's rights! I don't want to hear about that ever elusive tax break or some damn education bill...I WANT MENS RIGHTS AFFIRMED! Men's rights are for me anyway a basic civil rights and liberties issue and it has my first priority.

Picket them everywhere and often (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:34 AM April 18th, 2004 EST (#8)
We picketed a D.V. awards dinner one year and some of "them" were really, really upset. We had nice big protest signs, and walked a picket line in front of their event. They were even more shocked later, when we went in wearing suit and tie to attended their banquet (we left the big picket signs in our cars). You see we had paid for and reserved a table. We did wear little 4 X 6 clip on protest signs on our clothes, however.

One of us had written diferent sayings in Word documents, then just printed them out on 4 X 6 photo film on a cheapy Cannon printer. Then he just stuck them on conference badges with two sided tape. Did the whole thing quick and easy with stuff from Staples.

Here's the clincher. It got back to us just before a future event that they were really worried about being picketed again. It seems they get sponsor money for various souces, and people don't want to give to controversial things that the public is upset with.

If you really want to have an effect get a dozen or so people with signs and picket their public events. One man from the enemy group even showed up and tried to take pictures of all the protesters, and wouldn't tell us his name when asked so I took his picture and a picture of the license plate of his vehicle. That's just how Nazified that whole group is about free speech. Nothing ever happened to any of us, but if you're the shy type, just get one of those masks that covers the eyes, mine is red white and blue.

You can search the internet to find out about their events, and I highly do recommend picketing them with other people as witnesses. If you have one of those d.v. restraining orders check with legal resources (a lawyer) before doing any activism projects of any kind. If enough people picketed their public events you be surprised at how much of an effect it would have.

Re: Another Legal Recourse Against DV Fascists (Score:1)
by Roy on 04:26 PM April 19th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #1393 Info)
I really admire the group picketing strategy!

Here is another entirely legal way to cause feminazi DV "therapists" much grief -- i.e. the gender-fascist counselors that are profiting from running expensive and abusive men's group DV counseling.

Every state has something like a Department of Professional Regulation - usually housed under your State Attorney General's Office.

The DPR is the regulatory and oversight agency for all licensed professionals in your state - everything from cosmetologists to licensed professional counselors.

They are legally required to investigate (for free) any individual's complaint against malpractice, negligence, and professional misconduct.

Any man who has experienced the typical feminist Duluth Model male-bashing and brainwashing in a DV "treatment" program should call his state's DPR and initiate a complaint against the feminazi counselor-perpetrators!

Depending on the specifics of the complaint and the extent of misconduct, the DPR can take action against the "treatment" firm, including sanctions, suspension, and even revocation of licenses.

Many DPR's also have web sites that allow you to look up the status of a licensed DV counselor to determine if they have ever had any kind of penalties in their practice history.

Being investigated by the DPR is no laughing matter and at the very least will bring some degree of scrutiny of the vile conduct that is so pervasive among feminist DV counseling services.

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Gracious People Reflect the Light (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:07 AM April 18th, 2004 EST (#9)
"Violence Against Women Panel Commits Violence Against Democracy, April 16, 2004, by Dr. Stephen Baskerville"

"Members of the public were then told they would be given 3-4 minutes each to voice their concerns." "Jan Brown of the Domestic Violence Helpline for Men,"

I am certainly very grateful to Dr. Baskerville and all the other men who showed up at this meeting. Sometimes I forget that the Men's Movement is not just men. It's people, and that will always include women, women who are not puppets of men, but women who speak "the whole truth."

I really appreciate the integrity and courage of women like Jan Brown, Wendy McElroy, Trudy Shuett, Lisa Scott, Erin Pizzy, Raegan Phillips, and many others. I can't help but believe that somewhere in their lives they had a Father, Husband, Brother, Son, Grandfather, Uncle, etc. (or a combination of the above) who just didn't fit the radical feminist model of what men are.

It really makes a difference in my life, in my attitude towards all women, to see women like that honestly speaking out on Men's issues and gender issues.

It is out of respect and appreciation for people like that I did the T-shirt below. I'm sure the radical feminists will condemn it as sexist so I put it in the Women's studies section so they won't have far to go to find it.

“Gracious People Reflect the Light,” while those who lie maliciously are a dimming of the beauty and truth in the hearts and minds of all people.

You have my permission to forward this message, this link, to those gracious women above, and other gracious women, and tell them that you appreciate them. ...or just send your own thank you. If you haven’t already thanked those gracious men, certainly thank them too.

Sincerely, Ray

(click) Reflect the Light

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)

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