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Convicted Women Drunk Drivers Are Victims.
posted by Adam on 01:46 PM April 17th, 2004
News Anonymous User writes "For many women drunken drivers, jail not a cure Prisons need to offer gender-based treatment options, officials say But some prison officials have concluded that the system has to improve the type of treatment it offers and come up with more gender-specific programs. Women often have a harder time than male alcoholics re-integrating themselves into the community after they have been punished, said Sandy DeYoung, a social worker who counsels female alcoholics at Taycheedah. "The stigma of going to prison for a woman is huge," DeYoung said. "It adds shame and guilt to the underlying reasons they have for drinking in the first place. "The issues for women are different than men. That's been a problem we didn't understand for a long time." "It's absolutely amazing how many of these women have been sexually abused. Eating disorders are huge in here. The issues just pile on and on." article here"

Sororities scrutinized-- in a manner of speaking | Domestic Violence  >

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poor darlings (Score:1)
by TLE on 02:11 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1376 Info)
So it looks like prison is more of a natural habitat for men. Guess we adjust to the stigma and getting raped just fine. Equality in this case is a tool of the patriarchy to further oppress women.
Re:poor darlings (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:29 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#2)
Do the feminists even TRY to hide behind "EQUALIYT" anymore...?
Oops. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:30 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#3)
That should have been "EQUALITY".
Re:Oops. (Score:1)
by Henry Vincent on 02:52 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1471 Info)
How can there be "eating disorders" in prison if all your meals are planned and prepared for you? It's not like they can go to the convenience store and pig out on crap. If they stop eating I'm sure guards are supposed to note such things and measures will be taken to give them medical attention. I always thought that the stigma of going to prison was just one more reason to not break the fucking law and get sent there. Maybe that is just too logical.
Re:Oops. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:28 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#5)
It's too logical!

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Oops. (Score:1)
by DeepThought on 05:23 PM April 18th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1487 Info)
You have to remember, with the feminist influence in women's prisions, most likely to reduce the 'mental trauma' of being 'locked up like animals', they probably have comfort food supplied. Otherwise the poor darlings would have to eat so-called "prision food". How can they live without Ben & Jerry?

As for the second part... couldn't have said it better myself.

"Prison for women? What? Oh, dear, but the stigma of being punished for doing something illegal and wrong would just be so... umm... errm... RAAAAAPE!"
Social Services = feminist hate (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:57 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#6)
As feminist influence continues to dominate social service programs, an individual who laws claim to 'sexual abuse' is granted many rights, and gets granted a lowered level of personal responsibility as a result.

I overheard two social workers claim that an persons IQ drops 20 points as a result of "sexual abuse" claims.

The social service inudrty is full of "sexual abuse" this is the new world order scapegoat for most socially challenged poeple. It looks like the whole world has been sexually abused...

In this article the social worker obviously is looking to place blame anywhere but upon the convicted female alcholic - is very common, because as we all know all women's troubles are because of men :-O

The Patriarchy drove me to drink (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 04:08 PM April 17th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1505 Info)
As soon as you see the word "gender-specific," you know that it''s a program to get women off the hook or for them to get more goodies. The poor dears are now not soused road hazards, they're not drug abusers, they're abused. Don't blame the hooch, blame the home life. Don't blame the boozing, blame the eating disorder. Blame anything except the woman. Notice also how once again they hide behind children to excuse their own bad behavior, as if drunk driving men don't have children. (The loss of their children may in fact have led to their drinking.) And, of course, women don't belong in jail: it ruins their lives -- as if prison was ever a career move for a man. Besides, women's prisons already have more and better rehab facilities than men's prisons.

The greater recidivism of the female DDs leads one to believe that there are many more out there, but that they get a break because of their sex. Only the really hardcore cases face the judge. I would be curious to hear was MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) have to say about this.
Hunchback (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 09:53 PM April 20th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1387 Info)
I wrote the editor a letter. I used what I had posted and also copied part of what you wrote. What you wrote was so good that I copied part of it. I hope you don't mind. I put my total response to the editor here:

Dear Editors and staff,

        I am writing this letter in response to David Doege's fluff piece of reporting he called: For many women drunken drivers, jail not a cure.

This is a terrible piece of reporting. I read this after it first got posted and even after like 2 days .... I'm STILL not sure how to respond to this gender biased reporting that enables alcoholics.

First off, let me state that I am a recovered alcoholic. So, I feel fully qualified to talk about the subject. I'm proud of my sobriety, but not of the actions I did when I was a (very functional) alcoholic. My mother has 25 years of sobriety. I've seen alcoholics of every color, gender, income level, and political stripe. So I think I have a bit of experience in speaking about this subject.

First off, alcoholics LOVE to have excuses made for them. "Co-Dependency" anyone?!?!? And when you have a bunch of experts, especially ones who WANT to diagnose someone as "special" (gender politics anyone!?!?), you have a reciepe for co-dependency.

First off let's see how many EXCUSES these women can come up with: sexual abuse, eating disorders, NOT being an alcoholic - while racking up 5 DWIs, Panic Attacks, and God knows what else.

I'll say it again. Alcoholics LOVE excuses. But the prime problem, the REAL underlying problem is their DRINKING. "This" made me drink, and "that" made me drink, or "you" made me drink, or "stress" .... the list will be as endless as the broken promises to end drinking. And if an alcoholic can find a receptive audience for their EXCUSES (again, I WAS an alcoholic - so I know) they will latch onto whatever excuse will get them over.

And realize what is REALLY going on here, besides excusing dangerous alcoholic drivers, these women are going to "treatment" instead of prison.

Now, folks, seriously, if someone offered to let you go to "treatment" instead of the slammer for 18 months which would YOU pick?

And how bad was the slammer for some of these women? Let's look at the article:

Gail Cloyd felt the bottom two years ago when she had to leave her four children each night and return to the Waukesha County Jail, where she was serving time for her fifth drunken driving conviction. [emphasis mine]

Excuse me?! She had to SLEEP in jail. That's not JAIL. That's an uncorfortable hotel. And this is after her .... HOW MANY DWIs?

How many addicts/alcoholics/ or just plain criminals would opt for "treatment" instead of jail? And if you can blame another group (men, blacks, Jews, whatever) ANYONE but YOURSELF ... guess what ... it FEEDS the alcoholics feelings of nonguilt and allows them to continue drinking and in general go back into their life with their screwed up beliefs that it was SOMEONE --- ANYONE --- BUT them who was to blame for all the wreckage they have strewn into other's paths.

Treatment is a good plan. But treatment SHOULD be about not letting the "victimology" get in the way of a simple fact: the alcoholic/addict is the only person who put the bottle to their lips and then did the horrible things they did in their lives.

Let's not forget the sympathetic spin Mr. Doege allowed this woman:

Anne Nelson still remembers what it was like hitting the bottom as an alcoholic four years ago when she went to prison seven months pregnant with her third child, a son.
"It got so bad that I had to give away my child," she recalled.
[empahsis mine]

What is Doege thinking!? This woman probably contributed to fetal alcohol syndrome. And he gives her press to express how "bad" she felt. But not ONE LINE to the damage she did to her child?! Sure, she has a plethora of excuses, alcoholics often do.

The poor dears are now not soused road hazards, they're not drug abusers, they're abused. Don't blame the hooch, blame the home life. Don't blame the boozing, blame the eating disorder. Blame anything except the woman. Notice also how once again they hide behind children to excuse their own bad behavior, as if drunk driving men don't have children. (The loss of their children may in fact have led to their drinking.) And, of course, women don't belong in jail: it ruins their lives -- as if prison was ever a career move for a man. Besides, women's prisons already have more and better rehab facilities than men's prisons.

As I grew in my recovery, I had to look back on my life. I made a few phone calls to people I had not seen in years to apologize for my behavior. Some people I can never call back. Guess who I blame?

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Alrighty Then (Score:1)
by buck25 on 01:06 AM April 18th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #1576 Info)
Did anyone ever hear of that fact that more people die from suicides than murders? How about that more than twice as many men commit suicide as women? How about how depression seems to be socially acceptable for women to have but not for men to have?

What is my point? My point is that people who have depression do not choose to have depression they just have it.

Once again society is more concerned about how women feel than they are about wether men live or die.

People who drink choose to drink, People who have depression do not choose to have depression.
How stupid (Score:1)
by Hunsvotti on 03:17 PM April 18th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #573 Info)
do you have to be to get five DUIs?

*SOB* ohhhhhh I can't be with my CHIIILLLLLLL-DREEENNNNNNNN!!!!!!!

Fuck that shit.
Re:How stupid (Score:2)
by jenk on 08:47 PM April 19th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1176 Info)
If she is convicted of five DUIs, maybe she shouldn't HAVE her children. Oh, but she only drinks occasionally, and only because of panic attacks, and wouldn't have gotten caught if it weren't for her car....Jeez, can she even wipe her ass without blaming something? I cannot believe that the writer sympathizes with such a whining freeloader.
The Biscuit Queen
Re:How stupid (Score:1)
by buck25 on 12:33 AM April 20th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #1576 Info)
I can believe that the writer sympathizes with the whining freeloader. After all the whining freeloader is female. And you know how cranky women can get when you try to hold them to standards.
Not even sure how to responde (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 09:13 PM April 20th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1387 Info)
Ya know folks,

I read this after it first got posted and even after like 2 days .... I'm STILL not sure how to respond to this crap.

First off, let me state that I am a recovered alcoholic. So, I feel fully qualified to talk about the subject. I'm proud of my sobriety, but of the actions I did when I was a (very functional) alcoholic.

First off, alcoholics LOVE to have excuses made for them. "Co-Dependency" anyone?!?!? And when you have a bunch of experts, especially ones who WANT to diagnose someone as "special" (gender politics anyone!?!?), you have a reciepe for co-dependency.

First off let's see how many EXCUSES these women can come up with: sexual abuse, eating disorders, NOT being an alcoholic - while racking up 5 DWIs, Panic Attacks, and God knows what else.

I'll say it again. Alcoholics LOVE excuses. But the prime problem, the REAL underlying problem is their DRINKING. "This" made me drink, and "that" made me drink, or "you" made me drink, or "stress" .... the list will be as endless as the broken promises to end drinking. And if an alcoholic can find a receptive audience for their BULLSHIT (again, I WAS an alcoholic - so I know) they will latch onto whatever excuse will get them over.

And realize what is REALLY going on here, besides excusing dangerous alcoholic drivers, these women are going to "treatment" instead of prison.

Now, folks, seriously, if someone offered to let you go to "treatment" instead of the slammer for 18 months which would YOU pick?

And how bad was the slammer for some of these women? Let's look at the article:

Gail Cloyd felt the bottom two years ago when she had to leave her four children each night and return to the Waukesha County Jail, where she was serving time for her fifth drunken driving conviction.

Excuse me?! She had to SLEEP in jail. That's not JAIL. That's a shitty hotel. And this is after her .... HOW MANY DWIs?

How many addicts/alcoholics/ or just plain criminals would opt for "treatment" instead of jail? And if you can blame another group (men, blacks, Jews, whatever) ANYONE but YOURSELF ... guess what ... it FEEDS the alcoholics feelings of nonguilt and allows them to continue drinking and in general go back into their life with their screwed up beliefs that it was SOMEONE --- ANYONE --- BUT them who was to blame for all the wreckage they have strewn into other's paths.

Treatment is a good plan. But treatment SHOULD be about not letting the "victimology" get in the way of a simple fact: the alcoholic/addict is the only person who put the bottle to their lips and then did the horrible things they did in their lives.

As I grew in my recovery, I had to look back on my life. I made a few phone calls to people I had not seen in years to apologize for my behavior. Some people I can never call back. Guess who I blame?

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Letter I wrote - I make it easy to write them (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 09:55 PM April 20th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #1387 Info)
I include two things:
1) my letter
2) the E-mail addresses I sent it to

Letter to the editors:
I wrote the editor a letter. I used what I had posted and also copied part of what you wrote. What you wrote was so good that I copied part of it. I hope you don't mind. I put my total response to the editor here:

Dear Editors and staff,

        I am writing this letter in response to David Doege's fluff piece of reporting he called: For many women drunken drivers, jail not a cure.

This is a terrible piece of reporting. I read this after it first got posted and even after like 2 days .... I'm STILL not sure how to respond to this gender biased reporting that enables alcoholics.

First off, let me state that I am a recovered alcoholic. So, I feel fully qualified to talk about the subject. I'm proud of my sobriety, but not of the actions I did when I was a (very functional) alcoholic. My mother has 25 years of sobriety. I've seen alcoholics of every color, gender, income level, and political stripe. So I think I have a bit of experience in speaking about this subject.

First off, alcoholics LOVE to have excuses made for them. "Co-Dependency" anyone?!?!? And when you have a bunch of experts, especially ones who WANT to diagnose someone as "special" (gender politics anyone!?!?), you have a reciepe for co-dependency.

First off let's see how many EXCUSES these women can come up with: sexual abuse, eating disorders, NOT being an alcoholic - while racking up 5 DWIs, Panic Attacks, and God knows what else.

I'll say it again. Alcoholics LOVE excuses. But the prime problem, the REAL underlying problem is their DRINKING. "This" made me drink, and "that" made me drink, or "you" made me drink, or "stress" .... the list will be as endless as the broken promises to end drinking. And if an alcoholic can find a receptive audience for their EXCUSES (again, I WAS an alcoholic - so I know) they will latch onto whatever excuse will get them over.

And realize what is REALLY going on here, besides excusing dangerous alcoholic drivers, these women are going to "treatment" instead of prison.

Now, folks, seriously, if someone offered to let you go to "treatment" instead of the slammer for 18 months which would YOU pick?

And how bad was the slammer for some of these women? Let's look at the article:

Gail Cloyd felt the bottom two years ago when she had to leave her four children each night and return to the Waukesha County Jail, where she was serving time for her fifth drunken driving conviction. [emphasis mine]

Excuse me?! She had to SLEEP in jail. That's not JAIL. That's an uncorfortable hotel. And this is after her .... HOW MANY DWIs?

How many addicts/alcoholics/ or just plain criminals would opt for "treatment" instead of jail? And if you can blame another group (men, blacks, Jews, whatever) ANYONE but YOURSELF ... guess what ... it FEEDS the alcoholics feelings of nonguilt and allows them to continue drinking and in general go back into their life with their screwed up beliefs that it was SOMEONE --- ANYONE --- BUT them who was to blame for all the wreckage they have strewn into other's paths.

Treatment is a good plan. But treatment SHOULD be about not letting the "victimology" get in the way of a simple fact: the alcoholic/addict is the only person who put the bottle to their lips and then did the horrible things they did in their lives.

Let's not forget the sympathetic spin Mr. Doege allowed this woman:

Anne Nelson still remembers what it was like hitting the bottom as an alcoholic four years ago when she went to prison seven months pregnant with her third child, a son.
"It got so bad that I had to give away my child," she recalled.
[empahsis mine]

What is Doege thinking!? This woman probably contributed to fetal alcohol syndrome. And he gives her press to express how "bad" she felt. But not ONE LINE to the damage she did to her child?! Sure, she has a plethora of excuses, alcoholics often do.

The poor dears are now not soused road hazards, they're not drug abusers, they're abused. Don't blame the hooch, blame the home life. Don't blame the boozing, blame the eating disorder. Blame anything except the woman. Notice also how once again they hide behind children to excuse their own bad behavior, as if drunk driving men don't have children. (The loss of their children may in fact have led to their drinking.) And, of course, women don't belong in jail: it ruins their lives -- as if prison was ever a career move for a man. Besides, women's prisons already have more and better rehab facilities than men's prisons.

As I grew in my recovery, I had to look back on my life. I made a few phone calls to people I had not seen in years to apologize for my behavior. Some people I can never call back. Guess who I blame?


Here is the people I sent it to. You can copy them straight from here and paste it to your E-mail if you choose to send one:

davis@journalinteractive.com;ddoege@journalsentine l.com;palmer@journalinteractive.com;mkaiser@journa lsentinel.com;gstanley@journalsentinel.com;ghinkle y@journalsentinel.com;cmcneal@journalsentinel.com; dbacha@journalsentinel.com;mkrause@journalsentinel .com;gmiller@journalsentinel.com;jnelson@journalse ntinel.com;bchase@journalsentinel.com;jcleaver@jou rnalsentinel.com;smiller@journalsentinel.com;jsedi t@journalsentinel.com ;bvielmetti@journalsentinel.com
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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