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Suing the False Accuser
posted by Adam on 02:43 PM March 27th, 2004
False Accusations Ray Blumhorst writes ""How much money do you think it would be worth to you for every year spent in a maximum-security prison for a crime you didn't commit?" Soldier whose rape case was overturned files suit That's a tough question to ask, but that is exactly what the man in this story is doing. Another question one might want to ask is, "Did 'Rape Shield Laws' play any part in the false conviction and incarceration of this innocent man?" When one goes to the Innocence Project web site, Innocence Project and looks over the 143 people (all but one are male) who've been freed by DNA evidence, it boggles the mind to think how many other innocent men must be rotting in American jails today. Look over the reasons for false convictions on that web site if you get a chance. Are those 143 men who were falsely convicted just the tip of the iceberg in our misandric country that now has the highest rate of incarceration in the world (we passed Russia), 93% of whom are men? No wonder more and more men have no confidence in the integrity of our entire legal system."

Canada's Top Court Upholds Pre-Nups | Female teacher busted for sexual abuse  >

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Good website (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:24 PM March 27th, 2004 EST (#1)
I think it's the tip of the iceberg. These 143 men were able to prove their innocence. How many more were convicted without any evidence at all? A hell of a lot is my guess. Whether by mistaken identity or vengeance, I'm sure there are thousands more who have been wrongly convicted. But I guess that doesn't matter as long as someone is in jail, cause after all, we're all basically rapists, right?

And thanks to Al Franken and Michelle Branch for supporting the "innocence project." It's encouraging to see support from the left as well as the right.

Re:Good website (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:24 PM March 27th, 2004 EST (#3)
AL FRANKEN supports the innocence project?!?
That toataly blows my mind!
I mean I'm GLAD he does, but AL FRANKEN?!?
Well, alright, Al! Glad to have you aboard, in this case.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Good website (Score:1)
by MAUS on 06:14 PM March 31st, 2004 EST (#17)
(User #1582 Info)
I've heard tell that in one state, I believe it was Arkansas, there were a half dozen DNA exonerations that the State District Attorney's Office refused to investigate saying that they had secured conviction with other evidence??????so what did these guys do, rape them with somebody else's dick???

Betcha they just don't want to deal with the resitution and subsequent inquiry into procedural policies.
Re:Good website (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:42 PM March 31st, 2004 EST (#19)
I heard about a guy who was proven innocent by DNA evidence in Louisiana, but they were not letting him out for that crime. They did not mention any other crimes. They just said that he was tried fairly and found guilty. I kept thinking, "How can that be?"

We all exist in the same world (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:38 PM March 27th, 2004 EST (#2)
"And thanks to Al Franken and Michelle Branch for supporting the "innocence project." It's encouraging to see support from the left as well as the right.

It is encouraging to see people from the left support this, and one would like to see support from the right as well. The right doesn't exist in a vacuum apart from the left, and vice versa. Gender feminists have slyly played all sides, right, left, in-between, and even the extremes for everything they can to further bash men.

Likewise, the men who have been victims of gender feminists don't exist in a vacuum either. Those politicians (law makers) who continue to play ignorant about the oppressions that men face are going to learn. One female conservative wrote an article a while back in which she expressed her disgust over male activists and their "whining." Considering the havoc that has been wreaked in men's lives over the decades of radical feminism, I have only one statement to make to her, "Get used to it." For those who have contributed to, or acquiesced to, the "war on men," in any way, I say this, "Expect to see your part in that infamy get the detailed coverage it deserves.


(click) Judicial Chivalry

(click) Black Robes Disguise Feminist Prejudices

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)
Re:We all exist in the same world (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:28 PM March 27th, 2004 EST (#4)
Yeah, Isn't it interesting that when women speak out for their rights it's called "Protest" but when MEN do the EXACT same thing it's called "whining"...?
Oh, no. No double standards there. (sarcasm)

  "Hoka hey!"
Whining Is UNDERRATED (Score:2, Insightful)
by amperro on 11:06 PM March 27th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1280 Info)
So what if we are whining? The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Would you rather be accused of whining or continue to lose your rights? Whining is a constitutional right(First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances)! Whine loudly! Whine proudly! Whine constantly! Whine all the way to the ballot box! Sent reams of whiny mail to editorial columnists and to editors! What are they going to do? Send the whine police after us?

P.S. Ray, who is is this female conservative who hates men? I read a lot of conservative commentary.
Re:Whining Is UNDERRATED (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:46 AM March 28th, 2004 EST (#6)
"...who is is this female conservative..."

I can't remember her name, but I see her atricles on MND from time to time and her email address has "old right wing" in it.

Re:Whining Is UNDERRATED (Score:1)
by Adam H (adam@mensactivism.org) on 06:32 AM March 28th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #362 Info)
her email address has "old right wing" in it.

Sounds just like Karen De Coster.
Re:Whining Is UNDERRATED (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:33 PM March 28th, 2004 EST (#10)
"Sounds just like Karen De Coster."

Bingo, that's the name. I looked for the article on MND. I'll try again now that I know her name.


America Holds The World Record For Incarceration (Score:2)
by Luek on 08:05 AM March 28th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #358 Info)
tip of the iceberg in our misandric country that now has the highest rate of incarceration in the world (we passed Russia)

This country's anal obsession for locking up a significant percentage of its male population could be symbolically represented by my old grammar school, a stately three story red brick building that had a huge four white columned front portico. It was torn down and replaced by a sprawling ugly county jail complex. Now a days expansion of jail space is a budget priority in most communities. Gotta have a place to put all those "dead beat dads" and marital rapists you know! After all, it is in the best interests of the children.

Re: Where's the Violence Against Men Act? (Score:1)
by Roy on 01:23 PM March 28th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #1393 Info)
"One way we express men’s presumed behavioral/moral inferiority socially is by greater criminalization of men’s behavior, and then by further unfair treatment throughout the legal system.

In 1994, men were arrested 4.6 times as often as women were. Men were then convicted of crimes 5.8 times as often as women were. Men were sentenced to prison 12.2 times more frequently than women were, and a man was more than 21 times as likely to occupy a prison cell as was a woman.

A black man, experiencing both the unfair treatment of sexism and racism, was more than 140
times as likely to be in prison as was a white woman.

For identical crimes, a man will typically
receive a sentence 1.5 times as long as that of a woman.

And, although women are convicted
of 14 percent of murders, less than 0.7 percent of prisoners executed for murder are women."

(From – “Shame in Men’s Lives”, R. Schenk –
CH. 2 in Breaking the Shackles.)

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re: Where's the Violence Against Men Act? (Score:1)
by scudsucker on 02:52 PM March 28th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #700 Info)
For identical crimes, a man will typically
receive a sentence 1.5 times as long as that of a woman.

You have a source for that Roy? A (female) administrator at my school was telling me that because society expects more from girls, they are sentenced more harshly for the same crime. No joke, although I had a hard time not laughing. But I didn't have any convienient stats to refute her...
Re: Where's the Violence Against Men Act? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:10 PM March 28th, 2004 EST (#13)
"Where's the Violence Against Men Act?"


I have asked that question before too. In one of the DOJ reports I looked at for a certain year (I forget which one) it showed that men were the victims of over 13,000 homicides, and women were the victims of under 4,000 homicides.

VAWA looks at the number of homicides within that 4,000 number to see which are "intimate partner homicides" and those are the ones that show up in the domestic violence reports that are used to lobby for programs like VAWA.

The vast majority of all those homocides are committed by men, hence the femi-babble, "men are committing all the homicides and women are just defending themselves even when they kill men.

Are these femi-twits really saying that those 13,000 male victims don't matter, simply because it is men that committ the majority of violent crimes. It's as if they are saying those 13,000 men are all guilty of some capitol offence and all deserved to die. What gives gender feminists the power to say such hatefully biggoted things agianst men? Where are the voices condemning such horrible prejudiced hate crimes that cheapen the lives of all good and decent men, and even those not so good and decent?

It's shocking to think that if you are a male and you are murdered, because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time we don't need a VAMA, because most homicides are committed by males. No wonder most gender feminists hate logic. It just gets in the way of their "War on All Men" agenda.

Re: Where's the Violence Against Men Act? (Score:1)
by Roy on 05:05 PM March 28th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #1393 Info)
I believe the simple answer as to why there's no Violence Against Men Act is that men are seen as disposable commodities in this culture.

Also, men are socialized to be "heroic," the root Greek word of which is -- "slave."

No society spends much time or energy worrying about the longevity or health or safety of its slaves.

And, because as a society we are still hypnotized by the feminists' screed about female moral superiority and their supposed victimization at the hands of the evil Patriarchy, we focus more on the violence done against women (by the way, a small percentage of overall societal violence) than that against men.

Bottom line --- it's all about "victim power."

Define yourself as a victim, and thou shalt prevail...

And because men are loathe to take on that self-defeating label ("victim") -- we have what we have today... pervasive misandry and a struggle to find the language to describe it.

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re: Where's the Violence Against Men Act? (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 06:01 PM March 28th, 2004 EST (#16)
(User #1505 Info)
One of the biggest obstacles to any kind of support for men in this country is that men are not seen as a group. Men are put into economic, racial, political, and social groups; but in no case are we viewed just as MEN. Take for instance the "gender gap." This is viewed as a political gap between two politicians vying for the female vote. What of the male vote? We are invisible: one may as well consider the vote of left-handers or people with flat feet.
The War on Men (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:53 PM March 28th, 2004 EST (#12)
"This country's anal obsession for locking up a significant percentage of its male population could be symbolically represented by my old grammar school, a stately three story red brick building that had a huge four white columned front portico. It was torn down and replaced by a sprawling ugly county jail complex."

Considering all the facts, it is clear that there is rampant systematic prejudice that has been instituted, and is being carried out, against men by our government. The facts in support of that contention are overwhelming.

### Men are 80-85% of the homeless (homeless men die 20 years ahead of their time & many of them are veterans),

### Men have a 70% greater chance of dying of heart disease than women,

### Men, (in the age group 15-65) lead in all 10 categories, that are the leading causes of death in humans. I have seen similar findings for the 15 leading causes of death by disease, but couldn’t find the link.

### Men (as we said) comprise 93% of the prison population (in California there is a Commission on Education for women in prison, but none for men). Likewise programs to help imprisoned Mothers be better Moms, but nothing to help men be better Fathers. There is an epidemic of prison rape against men in prison, but hey why should the government care if men rape men? The fact the victim is male anytime is O.K. just as long as the perpetrator is a man. Go figure?

Additionally, there are over 700 women's studies programs using our tax dollars to indoctrinate young minds (mostly female) in “man-hating.” Women studies agendas actively, politically advocating for more rights and privileges for females. Men are sliding in education as a result of Title IX bigotry, glass ceiling propaganda, and men being unable to get student loans if they don't register for the draft. Under the 700 women's studies programs on college campuses there are thousands of courses vilifying "The Privileged Patriarchy."

In America there are over 270 women's commissions, and under there gender agenda they advocate in government for increased rights and privileges for women to the exclusion of men. Under those 270 women's commission there are many sub committees, etc. vying for more tax dollars for females. One example of there bigoted success is in Los Angeles, where there has existed for years an Office of Women's Health with millions in funding, but no Office of Men's Health has ever existed.

Then there is the domestic violence industry, Male citizens can't get into the majority of domestic violence shelters in America, but very likely, it will soon be possible for non citizen females from other countries to get into those shelters if they claim they are victims of domestic violence.

In the workplace men die very disproportionately as they earn their marginally higher salaries in their glass cellar jobs. While men are dying for a break from their tortuous professions, women just "opt out," when they want to have a baby, or get tired of working, then complain about male privilege when there years less of experience don’t get them that promotion instead of a long travailing male.

Yet, when men speak up about these and many other disparities they are called whiners. After all the reality is, according to gender feminists, only females are entitled to the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that is guaranteed by our government under the constitution. Under gender feminism, equal justice and equal protection are in reality just nice sounding b.s. terms our founding fathers threw in to trick people into believing America was a great and free country for all. As we all know now, thanks to the enlightenment “shed” on us by women’s studies, the Founding Fathers were really just Privileged Patriarchs, incapable of doing anything right or good. How ironic that the tables should be now turned on these “Privileged, Patriarchal, Founding Fathers,” and all Privileged Patriarchs (men) everywhere. Under gender feminism and women’s studies “the despicable facts” about “American Patriarchal Privilege” are becoming more and more evident every day, just as America’s “War on Men” takes more and more lives every day. The hypocrisy contained in the vilification and abuse of good American men by that gender feminist, man hating agenda stinks to high heaven.

(click) Best Interest of Men

(click) Gov'ts That Don't Consider

I normaly try to do no more than a couple of these links per post, but here's a bonus (click) Stop Gov't's War on Men!

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)

Re:The War on Men (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:59 PM March 28th, 2004 EST (#14)
All that you write is true. But it's not just in the US; it's worldwide.
one of the most infamous cases in Canada (Score:1)
by MAUS on 06:32 PM March 31st, 2004 EST (#18)
(User #1582 Info)
Check out this site http://www.truthinjustice.org/canadian_tragedy.htm l

I think the settlement worked out to about $10,000 a year after legal fees (the lawyers got rich). But here is an anecdote that touches my heart. When David got out he went to see the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" when he left the theatre it was pouring rain. He stripped to the waist and reached up to embrace the sky just like the guy in the movie...overjoyed to be where the sky could rain on him. Some onlookers thought the behaviour was bizzare and the guy must be on drugs so they called the cops. When the cops saw that it was Milgaard they just kept driving.
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